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13 years ago today......

[Jun 28,2006 2:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Jun 28,2006 2:39pm - the_reverend ""]
there isn't enough shit on that grave.
[Jun 28,2006 2:40pm - powerkok ""]
that headstone rules
[Jun 28,2006 2:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I never saw GG. One of those things where something else keeps coming up and you keep thinking "I'll see him next time" and you put it off and put it off and then its too late.

On 6/28/93 I had gone to see the Suffocation/Dismember/Vader tour at The Grand (formerly the Cat Club, where some of GGs most infamous antics took place). On my way back to my car I saw a flyer for a GG show. Thinking to myself THIS TIME I'll finally go see him. I looked at the flyer a little closer and noticed that the show had already happened the night before. Fuck, missed him again.

The next morning I found out he was dead.

[Jun 28,2006 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
It's like that i wanted to go see Mr. T at the mall. I kept telling myself "i'll go a little later, i'll go a little later" and when i got to the mall, the security guard told me he just left.
[Jun 28,2006 3:13pm - Animal_magnetism ""]
9 years ago today tyson bit off holyfields ear
[Jun 28,2006 3:22pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Someone left him a smoke.
[Jun 28,2006 3:46pm - xmikex ""]
anonymous said:It's like that i wanted to go see Mr. T at the mall. I kept telling myself "i'll go a little later, i'll go a little later" and when i got to the mall, the security guard told me he just left.

beat me to it.
[Jun 28,2006 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, awesome quote.
[Jun 28,2006 3:52pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Good thing I have the day off from work, I have a shitload of whiskey to drink in remeberance of his death.
[Jun 28,2006 4:25pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I'm going to freestyle shit somewhere today in his memory.
[Jun 28,2006 4:37pm - BobDead  ""]
I saw GG back in 84/86? at a place called the Rocket in providence. His band kinda sucked...but he was fucking outrageous. He bit the neck off a whiskey bottle and was bleeding all over the place..he was running around with the mic up his ass with just the cord hanging out...he punched some girl in the face and some dude started blowing him on stage. He looked like he was gonna start chucking his shit around at one point but the owner for the Rocket started screaming that he wouldn't get paid..so he didnt. Pure entertainment.....
[Jun 28,2006 4:41pm - anonymous  ""]
what a freak... but freaks are good?
[Jun 28,2006 4:42pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I was ten years old when he died. kinda sucks, I really wish I could have seen the dude.
[Jun 28,2006 6:08pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Fuck GG Allin
[Jun 28,2006 6:16pm - worms ate your anus  ""]
how did he die? honestly, i dont know and i dont wanna look it up. my guess is alcohol or his bowels exploded from horse semen.
[Jun 28,2006 6:52pm - GUY LOMBARDO  ""]
I'm going to watch his final show on dvd at ''the gas station'' in nyc tonight, that caused a riot and bits of it were featured on vh1 rocks most shocking moments
[Jun 28,2006 7:54pm - Dissector ""]
I tried to convince a few friends to visit his grave today but nothin' happened.
[Jun 28,2006 8:05pm - rotivore ""]
[img]"a great musician, family man and friend to us all...........GG we miss you
[Jun 28,2006 8:29pm - hoser ""]
He was a homo anyway....shitting on stage...how impressive.
[Jun 29,2006 7:01am - dwellingsickness ""]
he was kinda touched in the head, But you cannot deny the impact his music made in the punk scene , and still does to this day
[Jun 29,2006 8:37am - hungtableed  ""]
I have no sympathy for dead faggots who sodomized themselfs.
[Jun 29,2006 9:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
He died of a heroin overdose.

Why the fuck would anyone have sympathy for GG Allin. Why would that even occur to someone? Weird.
[Jun 29,2006 9:26am - Jugulator ""]
13 years ago I was a loser who smoked pot and dropped LSD every weekend.That seems like ages ago.Now Im almost 30 and a straight edge old school Metalhead
[Jun 29,2006 10:49am - Lamp ""]
This thread isn't about you, thankfully.
[Jun 29,2006 11:33am - Josh_Martin ""]
GUY LOMBARDO said:I'm going to watch his final show on dvd at ''the gas station'' in nyc tonight, that caused a riot and bits of it were featured on vh1 rocks most shocking moments

I've seen that video. "Riot" is a bit of an overstatement, but it was a pretty crazy night. The cops shut the show down. GG and all his fans went nuts in the street. Cop car windows got smashed. GG led the crowd in a freak parade up the street, wearing nothing but a hat and a jockstrap.
Later that night he stayed at his friend Johnny Puke's apartment. They spent the night partying, including snorting dope. I read an account of the night from someone who was there. He said that he woke up briefly around 6am. He saw GG wake up, snort a little more heroin, and fall back to sleep. A few hours later they all woke up and saw GG was dead.

Too bad he didn't get to kill himself on stage like he always said he would. A typical rocker death for a very non-typical rocker.

At least he went out at his peak. That last album was one of his best. Everyone should check out Brutality and Bloodshed For All by GG Allin and the Murder Junkies.
That album is great and the Murder Junkies were the best band he ever played with.
I did finally see the Murder Junkies a year later with Jeff Clayton from Antiseen filling in for GG. Clayton didn't do any of GGs antics but sound-wise, if you closed your eyes it was GG up there.

[Jun 29,2006 12:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Jugulator said:13 years ago I was a loser who smoked pot and dropped LSD every weekend.That seems like ages ago.Now Im almost 30 and a straight edge old school Metalhead

you're a fucking idiot
[Jun 29,2006 12:20pm - mcmahon ""]
that headstone is right down the road from my fathers house.
[Jun 29,2006 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
Jugulator said:13 years ago I was a loser who smoked pot and dropped LSD every weekend.That seems like ages ago.Now Im almost 30 and a straight edge old school Metalhead

now you are just a loser
[Jun 29,2006 2:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
When I die put that bottle in my hand
All these years on earth, and was my only friend
When you dig a hole and gonna bury me
Put that bottle of Jim Beam to rest beside me

All my life I've been living on the run
Hanging out in bars and hotel rooms annoying everyone
Living on the road running from coast to coast
Spending many nights in jail, like a gunman at his post

When I die, you don't have to cry
You don't have to feel no feelings inside

Never cared or had no feelings for no one
The only one I cared for was the one who made me cum
Live my life like a loner on the trail
Some of the nights in jail, I couldn't afford no bail

No one to call, no one to see me through
So I bought a gun one day and I came running after you
Living on the road, playing scumfuc rock 'n' roll
I'm on the road and I haven't got no home

Never lived nowhere long enough to call home
I'm just an outlaw scumfuc, playing my rock 'n' roll

Never had nothing that could keep me satisfied
'Cept my booze and my drugs and that woman by my side
She was no woman, but she's good enough for me
She's got that cunt between her legs and that's all I need

So when I die put that bottle by my side
Bury me with ol' Jim Beam and I'll be on my hell ride
When I die, when I die
Down to Hell is my final destination

When I die put that bottle by my side
It's the only friend I had in life and it kept me satisfied
Living on the run you'll never take me out alive
I bought a gun, I'm leaving now

Bye-bye, bye-bye
[Jun 29,2006 3:32pm - anonymous  ""]
BobDead said:I saw GG back in 84/86? at a place called the Rocket in providence. His band kinda sucked...but he was fucking outrageous. He bit the neck off a whiskey bottle and was bleeding all over the place..he was running around with the mic up his ass with just the cord hanging out...he punched some girl in the face and some dude started blowing him on stage. He looked like he was gonna start chucking his shit around at one point but the owner for the Rocket started screaming that he wouldn't get paid..so he didnt. Pure entertainment.....
sounds pretty gay
[Jun 29,2006 9:12pm - kevord ""]
My greatest regret is I never got to see GG Allin. Hopefully this summer I'll make a trip up to his grave. Tonight I get whiskey drunk in his honor. Rest in Peace you sick mother fucker.
[Jul 5,2006 8:03pm - mcmahon ""]
I just drove by his grave this afternoon and someone spraypainted 'Fag' on it.

I'll try to snag a photo tomorrow.
[Jul 5,2006 9:55pm - harh  ""]
please do
[Jul 12,2006 4:10am - stuts  ""]

"""I read an account of the night from someone who was there. He said that he woke up briefly around 6am. He saw GG wake up, snort a little more heroin, and fall back to sleep. A few hours later they all woke up and saw GG was dead."""

Yeah, that was mike bowling, an ex-knoxville punker who now lives in Prague, Czech Republic. His article was on the old 'gg allin archives'.

He plays in punk band 'Freak Parade' (www.freakparade.org). I actually met the guy once in a bar in Berlin, and had to drag it out of him that he was the mike bowling who was with GG when he died. He didn't much want to talk about it.

But he was a cool guy, and FP is a great band, one of my favorites.
[Jul 12,2006 6:29am - nickyhelliot ""]
I remember watching a GG video when I was like five. He was naked except for his boots and he dragged some chick by the hair and her boyfriend hit him, then he just shit everywhere, rubbed it on his face and jerked off in it. The cops shut the place down.

I didn't find it as much repulsive as I did retarded.
[Jul 12,2006 11:45am - xCocAinEx  ""]
mcmahon said:I just drove by his grave this afternoon and someone spraypainted 'Fag' on it.

I'll try to snag a photo tomorrow.

LIAR! :bartmoon:

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