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Spiderman 3 trailer bitches

[Jun 27,2006 4:11pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]

hope it's not a repost . . . not that I really care.
[Jun 27,2006 5:14pm - niccolai ""]
I can't believe they are releasing the trailer a full fucking year before the movie is played in theatres.

[Jun 27,2006 6:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow holy fucking shit
[Jun 27,2006 6:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I posted earlier, but my connection died.
[Jun 27,2006 6:51pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 27,2006 7:06pm - Animal_magnetism ""]
eric foreman as venom....GAY
[Jun 27,2006 7:36pm - mOe ""]
niccolai said:I can't believe they are releasing the trailer a full fucking year before the movie is played in theatres.


directors usually do that to give them a little more incite as to how they want the movie to be edited and such

i remember seeing a Clerks II trailer like 10 months ago
[Jun 27,2006 8:54pm - mOe NLI  ""]
Get off of my fucking board and quit using my name faggot! There can only be one.[img]
[Jun 27,2006 10:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
who cares about spiderman, im going to see the 11:59 showing of SUPERMEN RETURNS in Salisbury fuck yeah bitches
[Jun 27,2006 10:41pm - niccolai ""]
mOe said:niccolai said:I can't believe they are releasing the trailer a full fucking year before the movie is played in theatres.


directors usually do that to give them a little more incite as to how they want the movie to be edited and such

i remember seeing a Clerks II trailer like 10 months ago

I think they do that to hype it up early so it builds more momentum because they know they can't afford to loose any money with such a huge budget. I'm pretty sure they are doing the same thing with the upcoming transformers movie. The trailer for that is available next week and doesn't come out for MORE then a year.

It just ends up teasing. I have no idea why they want to keep fans on edge for an entire year. Pisses the fans off, it does :yoda:
[Jun 27,2006 10:53pm - Abbath ""]
Animal_magnetism said:eric foreman as venom....GAY

so very true my friend
[Jun 28,2006 12:42am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I can't wait to see this, the teaser was awesome. That Sandman scene was amazing, and Thomas Hayden Church looks exactly like Sandman.
[Jun 28,2006 12:47am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Fuck that, I want motherfucking Kraven to bury Tobey McGuire alive.
[Jun 28,2006 1:05am - niccolai ""]

What actor do you guys think would be good for the role of carnage in spiderman 4?
[Jun 28,2006 2:50am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Edward Norton
[Jun 28,2006 3:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
seeing the preview for it in the theatre tonight was awesowe i cant wait for this.
[Jun 28,2006 5:23am - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
ed norton is too big to be carnage is topher grace is venom, imo. you need someone smaller and/or more meek looking to play cassidy. maybe the kid from The New Guy? That's if carnage is planned for 4. I think 4 is going to be all venom since rumors have it that venom is only in the last reel of 3.
[Jun 28,2006 10:46am - Yeti ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:Edward Norton

agreed. he is the man.
[Jun 28,2006 11:16am - josh hates you  ""]
i'm fairly pissed that my computer won't let me watch this.

Topher grace is way too small to play Eddie Brock. He should be cletus cassidy or the kid from the new guy as cletus like d.u.g. mentioned.

Since I never saw the trailer I can only speculate how they are gonna re-write (screw up) the alien costume story.
[Jun 28,2006 11:33am - niccolai ""]
josh hates you said:i'm fairly pissed that my computer won't let me watch this.

Topher grace is way too small to play Eddie Brock. He should be cletus cassidy or the kid from the new guy as cletus like d.u.g. mentioned.

Since I never saw the trailer I can only speculate how they are gonna re-write (screw up) the alien costume story.

Flash Thomson Has the suit before eddie brock. Perhaps Grace is playing Flash.

Also, they will probably beef him up with the suit on.
[Jun 28,2006 11:43am - Beaver McD  ""]
I haven't seen the trailer yet, it wasn't on the copy of superman i saw last night. But I don't remember Flash Thompson ever having the black costume, not in the comic anyway, or at least i didn't think that after it went off of Peter when he went to the bell tower it went to anyone else but Eddie Brock or at least that was the story i remember reading in that Todd MacFarlane Amazing Spider-Man run from those early 300 issues. I'd imagine that while he is in the costume it will either be computer generated or maybe something like the did with Gollum for LOTR, that might work out good. Also i think that they are going with the Ultimate Venom storyline from the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, if that's the case then Topher Grace would be fine for the ultimate Eddie Brock. I know it sounds confusing and it is, but that's what it's like. I'm excited to see what they do with the Sandman, Thomas Hayden Church looks just like Flint Marko so i think that they will do awesome with that. I just think they are trying to bring in way too many villians and story lines just like they did with X3. In Spidey 3 there is supposed to be the Sandman, Venom, Gwen Stacy, and the 2nd Green Goblin, hopefully it won't ruin the movie and it will be a fairly long film, but it is a year away so we will see then.
[Jun 28,2006 12:01pm - josh hates you  ""]
I too do not remember flash thompson ever having the black suite.

I do remember him impersonating spiderman and being mistaken for him and then kidnapped.

I ran a few searches on Flash thompson and the black suite which confirm he never had it.

Also Flash thompson was potrayed in the first spidey movie by Joe Manganiello.

The drab clothes give toper off as eddie brock. according to what i read the director does not like the venom character and did not want to include him in the movie and this movie ends with peter getting rid of the black suite so I'm not too sure about venom in this movie. but it is said that you can see venom in the eyes on the black suite. plus venom and carnage both had cameo appearances 10 issues before their actual first appearances so a cameo in 3 before a full appearance in 4 would make sense.

Also the trailer showed a goblin but not up close. I wonder if Harry is green goblin or hobgoblin since he appeared as both at one point in time.
[Jun 28,2006 12:20pm - niccolai ""]
Yea, I'm wrong about the flash thomson thing ha.

Aparently Gravce is playing Brock though, according to wikipedia.

I think he will be big enough, considering how whimpy Spiderman's actor is.
[Jun 28,2006 12:24pm - Beaver McD  ""]
With the Goblin, it would be cool if it was the 2nd Green Goblin but they showed him in the better costume, i don't know about you all but i thought the costume in the first movie was really dumb when you compare it to the actual costume. I think they could make a sick Hobgoblin costume though if they go that way, that could also be really cool if they go on that angle. But that's just me.

I know that Venom made his first real appearance or storyline anyway in Amazing #300, in 298 it showed his hand and in 299 it showed his eyes in one panel, then the eyes with a smile in another and then a one shot of him on the last page. Eddie Brock was probably in the past issues because of the Sin-Eater storyline (man i know way too much of this stuff)

Venom would be cool to bring into the story, maybe for the next movie, just because of how much they are doing in this, to explain Sandman and Gwen Stacy alone I think would be a feat in itself, but bringing the Black Costume in it, the 2nd Goblin, and Venom as well its just way too much. I always thought that Carnage was like the quirky bastard child of Venom and wasn't nearly as cool. The CGI in the movies for those characters would be great but i would rather see some other Spidey villians in another movie rather than Carnage. Maybe put some characters like The Lizard, Electro, Scorpion, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio, Rhino, Vulture, Morbis, Black Cat, I don't know why but i think Hyrdo Man in a movie could be done real well, i didn't like his character too much but the special effects could be really cool, but Sandman is so much better and they are doing him in this one plus they are pretty much the same just trade sand with water.
[Jun 28,2006 12:32pm - josh hates you  ""]
even before they showed venoms hand peter was pushed from a moving train in some issue previous to that. the panel showed a plain clothed hand and peter wondered why his spider sense never went off.......or was that 298? i wish i never sold my comics.

i paused the trailer and it looks like harry is wearing just a green eye mask type thing and the rest of his face is visible.....lame
[Jun 28,2006 12:51pm - Beaver McD  ""]
From what I can remember, the scene in 298, which as far as i know is the first appearance of Brock and Venom, is a scene where it just shows a man in a dark room with a lightbulb hanging and behind him are all these news paper clippings about spider-man, and then the last panel it show him slam his fist down against his hand and his hand is covered in the suit, just black with the white design that the web comes out of.

Other than that, I don't remember the book when he was pushed in front of the train, I've read so many comics they all kind of mesh together.
[Jun 28,2006 12:56pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Upon further research

Venom's existence was first indicated in Web of Spider-Man #18 (September 1986), when he shoved Peter Parker in front of a subway train without his spider-sense warning him, disturbing Peter a great deal, though only Eddie's hand was on-panel. Another hint was given in Web of Spider-Man #24 (March 1987), when Peter Parker had climbed out of a high story window to change and go into action but found a black arm coming through the window and grabbing him, despite his spider-sense not warning him. He then made a partial appearance on the final page of The Amazing Spider-Man #298, in which he was obscured by shadow, before making his first full appearance on the final page of #299 (May 1988).
[Jun 28,2006 1:24pm - mOe NLI  ""]
Excellent background information. Anyone down for a game of Magic?
[Jun 28,2006 2:00pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Not even a little
[Jun 28,2006 6:22pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
This movie looks really promising. I'm glad they are following at least a bit of the comic strip saga. Having Venom in the movie certainly changes the atmosphere of the series. I'm pretty excited for this.
[Jun 29,2006 1:09pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Wait....the black suit is different than Venom? Also, in the trailer spider-man has the suit on (same as the regular suit but black) so is he Venom?
[Jun 29,2006 1:30pm - SteveOTB ""]
Why the fuck can't I see this trailer? Is anyone else getting a broken quicktime image?
[Jun 29,2006 1:35pm - the_reverend ""]
spidey had the black suit first. I'm not 100% on my details, but from what I remember, the suit had an alien virus and as spidey wore it, the suit started to take control of him. he got rid of the suit and brock found it... or did it find brock. it's hard to remember since I really didn't read spiderman. the suit takes over brock and venom is spawned.

around this time is when spiderman got 6-arms too. I thought that was tied to the black suit cause it could change forms, but maybe not.
[Jun 29,2006 1:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
from the scene in the clock tower it seems like theyre following the cartoon, and it doesnt find brock after spiderman rips the suit off in the clock tower fights the goblin he leaves brock hanging in the bell chamber on a web. well the suit goes back to the virus form and slides down the bell pouring onto brock.

which spawns VENOM
[Jun 29,2006 1:43pm - the_reverend ""]
close enough for something I didn't see.
[Jun 29,2006 1:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
you never watched the cartoon growing up, it was on when id get home from school. i watched that shit everyday.
[Jun 29,2006 2:08pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
the cartoon was not 100% accurate. From what i read the movie ends with spiderman on the clock tower getting rid of the suite. Which means Venom cannot be in this movie but with a year till the release anything goes I guess.

The black suite was an alien parasite. It gave Spiderman tremendous abilities like super strengh and the webs came straight out of the siute, no need for web shooters and cartridges. After he got rid of the suite he did wear a black suite for a while that was not the alien symboite.

as far as the six arms things goes that had nothing to do with the black suit. It was because Peter's DNA became unstable years after the radioactive spider bite. He got help from Dr. Connors (lizard) to stablize his DNA (since Dr. Connors was doing DNA research to try and grow his arm back thus resulting in his transformation into the lizard)
[Jun 29,2006 2:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh shit you just gave away the next movie kid and part III hasnt even been put out yet.
[Jun 29,2006 2:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am so glad that kid from that 70s show is playing Venom, he is perfect for a comic book movie
[Jul 22,2006 4:11am - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 22,2006 4:12am - anonymous  ""]

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