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Friday August 11th in Cambridge, MA - Pillory, Intestinal Strangulation (CA), Porphyria, Proteus

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Jun 27,2006 2:18pm - blue ""]

check out all the bands:
[Jun 27,2006 2:24pm - brian_dc ""]
so far, so there
[Jun 27,2006 2:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
boo you should have done this before the CT show, so i could have seen them again.
[Jun 27,2006 2:34pm - blue ""]
friday show = more people coming out. hopefully.
[Jun 27,2006 3:03pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:friday show = more people coming out. hopefully.

blue c'mon this is about me not other people.
[Jun 27,2006 7:15pm - Anthony ""]
this show looks really good.
[Jun 27,2006 7:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
friday show=sac's booked in oxford and can't make it...BOOOO! BS!
[Jun 28,2006 1:28am - blue ""]
[Jun 29,2006 4:12pm - blue nli  ""]
[Jul 3,2006 6:46pm - blue ""]
you thought you guys could forget? nope.
[Jul 6,2006 6:18pm - blue ""]
[Jul 6,2006 8:47pm - MadOakDevin ""]
this is the same night as Indian. this is a bummout!
[Jul 6,2006 8:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
MadOakDevin said:this is the same night as Indian. this is a bummout!

nope cause it'll start by the time indian is over so go support all age venues in boston !!!!!
[Jul 6,2006 9:55pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I would assume Indian is headling the show at O'brien's. If not, that's just plain fucked.
[Jul 6,2006 10:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this show doesn't start till 10pm GO SUPPORT GREAT LOCAL AND TOURING BANDS !
[Jul 6,2006 10:10pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I'm not understanding this logic.

Indian @ Obrien's. starts at 9
this show starts at 10.

how can i catch both?
[Jul 6,2006 10:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh it's not directed solely at you, it's just a general statement.
[Jul 8,2006 11:46pm - blue ""]
[Jul 9,2006 12:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:this show doesn't start till 10pm GO SUPPORT GREAT LOCAL AND TOURING BANDS !

and the only ALL AGES VENUE IN THE CITY !!!!!!!
[Jul 9,2006 2:04pm - blue ""]
[Jul 9,2006 3:56pm - Craig ""]
This looks sweet. DIY all ages Death Metal show. I just might go.
[Jul 17,2006 8:16pm - blue ""]
[Jul 19,2006 12:39am - blue ""]
[Jul 19,2006 11:17am - soloman ""]
[Jul 19,2006 11:31am - Anthony nli  ""]
i'm sure all currently booked shows are still on, but according to Andrew at the Lily Pad they are no longer booking metal there. I'm gonna give him a call and see what's up/why. I wonder who fucked this one up...
[Jul 19,2006 11:41am - VoidExpression ""]
Anthony nli said:i'm sure all currently booked shows are still on, but according to Andrew at the Lily Pad they are no longer booking metal there. I'm gonna give him a call and see what's up/why. I wonder who fucked this one up...

Damn it! That better just be a temporary thing. Hopefully it wasn't due to noise or anything like that.
[Jul 19,2006 12:43pm - Anthony nli  ""]
VoidExpression said:Anthony nli said:i'm sure all currently booked shows are still on, but according to Andrew at the Lily Pad they are no longer booking metal there. I'm gonna give him a call and see what's up/why. I wonder who fucked this one up...

Damn it! That better just be a temporary thing. Hopefully it wasn't due to noise or anything like that.

it's not a temporary thing necessarily and it's not black and white.

I just spoke to Andrew and he was this close to calling off all upcoming metal performances. This upcoming Monday's Revocation/Despotic Robot show will be kind of a last chance for metal there. If it gets fucked up, then no more metal will be booked and all booked shows (including the one in this thread) will likely be called off. As it is, he will only be booking at this point with people he knows and trusts; it will not be as open as it has been even if metal does continue there.

if you have an interest in seeing this venue remain open to metal booking, come to the Monday July 24 show, enjoy yourself, and help make sure no one acts like a fucking retard.

[Jul 19,2006 12:48pm - VoidExpression ""]
What show misbehaved and brought this down upon everyone? I have a show soming up on September 12, so I guess I should get in touch to see if everything is still kosher.
[Jul 19,2006 12:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]
everything is still on as of now, but if any metal shows have any fuckups between now and then, id say your show would be in danger
[Jul 19,2006 12:52pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i dont know the bands that played but apparently a hole was put in the wall this past friday and on sunday kids were acting like tools outside and intimidating passersby.

apparently the promoters werent really keeping an eye on things. at this venue it is up to the person who booked the show to make sure the WHOLE night runs smoothly. it is not the responsibility of the Lily Pad people, they are just renting you a room/sound system.
[Jul 19,2006 1:45pm - blue ""]
this better not fucking happen, i have flyered an assload already.

[Jul 19,2006 1:45pm - swinesack ""]
that is so gay, i'd like to know what show that was.
[Jul 19,2006 3:42pm - animalrampage ""]
Lily Pad kicks ass
I want to go see Pillory BAAAD
But alas, we are opening for Indian and Sin of Angels
[Jul 19,2006 5:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 20,2006 2:04pm - blue nli  ""]
[Jul 20,2006 3:03pm - soloman ""]
man i really hope this show still happens. Let me just say, that it's been way too long since I've been on stage with my bandmates. I can't wait to play again, and I really really hope we get to do it at the lily pad. We have a couple other MA shows, but this is the only one in the greater boston area for now. God damn it, this show better happen.
[Jul 21,2006 12:41am - blue ""]
me too.
[Jul 21,2006 12:43am - swinesack ""]
blue said:


[Jul 23,2006 6:38pm - Blue ""]
[Jul 23,2006 7:42pm - Blue ""]
[Jul 30,2006 2:37am - Blue ""]
[Jul 30,2006 2:44am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
if you miss this show, youre fucking retarded.

i, on the other hand have a solid excuse. ill be in ohio the night of this show.

support your local bands, even when youre not playing the show

support your scene, become a part of it before its dead !
[Aug 1,2006 9:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]

[Aug 5,2006 1:37am - blue ""]
[Aug 5,2006 3:06am - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
does anyone know what train goes near here?
[Aug 5,2006 11:00am - blue nli  ""]
not sure. its in inman square. there should be a stop nearby though. its maybe a 10 minute walk from the central square stop.
[Aug 5,2006 11:45pm - blue ""]
[Aug 6,2006 12:16pm - blue ""]
up kiddies
[Aug 6,2006 12:22pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah it's really close to Central Square. Just get off the red line and walk down prospect st (the starbucks is on the corner of prospect and mass ave). Go down prospect St till you see the Hess Station on your left. Walk one block further to the next set of lights and take a left, and the Lilypad should be just down the ways on your right hand side.

[Aug 6,2006 12:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Just so you know, this is going to be one the last Lilypad "heavy shows"

yay people fucking things up
[Aug 6,2006 12:28pm - Anthony nli  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Just so you know, this is going to be one the last Lilypad "heavy shows"

yay people fucking things up

when did you talk about this with Andrew? After the Mon Jul 24th Despotic Robot/Revocation show there everything was cool. Did someone fuck it up since then?
[Aug 6,2006 12:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I talked to him about two weeks ago and he said that he was letting all the shows that were already booked run their course, but that he wasn't going to allow any more punk, hardcore, or metal shows anymore because of problems they'd been having. I mean I suppose it's possible he could have changeed his mind; he did seem pretty set on that, however, and he was coming up with a plan to do them at a new spot...
[Aug 6,2006 1:26pm - blue ""]
i think andrew changed his mind shortly after that.
[Aug 6,2006 1:40pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:yeah it's really close to Central Square. Just get off the red line and walk down prospect st (the starbucks is on the corner of prospect and mass ave). Go down prospect St till you see the Hess Station on your left. Walk one block further to the next set of lights and take a left, and the Lilypad should be just down the ways on your right hand side.

thanks dude!
[Aug 6,2006 1:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
blue said:i think andrew changed his mind shortly after that.

well, ask him about punk/hardcore/metal shows still going on there when you pla on friday and post what he says here. I'm curious what the deal is now!
[Aug 6,2006 4:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
woooooooooooooooo yeah peter
[Aug 7,2006 3:06pm - porphyria  ""]
[Aug 7,2006 4:28pm - blue nli  ""]
yer damn right.
[Aug 8,2006 9:10am - DeathAmongThieves ""]
PORPHYRIA.......thats all i have to say
[Aug 8,2006 1:28pm - blue nli  ""]
word muthafuckaaaaaaz
[Aug 8,2006 1:56pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
Proteus are pretty amazing, I've only seen them practice last summer.
only their singer sounds like screeching tires sometimes.
[Aug 8,2006 2:12pm - Anthony nli  ""]
It's a little known fact that Matt Tillman is actually made entirely out of used tires.
[Aug 8,2006 2:22pm - xmikex ""]
i might have to make it out to this one in support of Porphyria (who I still haven't seen yet) and Fury Of Paul (know to some of you posers as Proteus)
[Aug 8,2006 2:45pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
PryoryofSyn said:Proteus are pretty amazing, I've only seen them practice last summer.
only their singer sounds like screeching tires sometimes.

Matt has some of the sickest vocals ever.
[Aug 8,2006 6:13pm - blue ""]
[Aug 9,2006 1:47am - blue ""]
[Aug 9,2006 11:26am - porphyria  ""]
[Aug 10,2006 12:29am - blue ""]
2 days away!
[Aug 10,2006 10:20am - blue nli  ""]
[Aug 10,2006 10:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
99% sure that I am going.
[Aug 10,2006 11:34am - blue nli  ""]
[Aug 10,2006 12:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
IS was so good lastnight, if you dont go support this show, plain and simple you suck at life.

all ages nucca, all motherfucker ages.

the motherfuckin' cradle of civilization
[Aug 10,2006 11:05pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
bump, for my last show with Pillory. Buy me beer.
[Aug 11,2006 12:31am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
this show is gonna fucking own everyone
[Aug 11,2006 10:14am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
seriously, own.
[Aug 11,2006 10:22am - xmikex ""]

[Aug 11,2006 10:23am - xmikex ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:IS was so good lastnight, if you dont go support this show, plain and simple you suck at life.

all ages nucca, all motherfucker ages.

the motherfuckin' cradle of civilization

you should sell me that ps2
[Aug 11,2006 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
the lilly pad is the same as the zeitgeist, so I've been told.
[Aug 11,2006 10:49am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]


theres some directions up on the top of the page from central square if that helps you at all
[Aug 11,2006 10:50am - xmikex ""]
where in central square is it?
[Aug 11,2006 10:55am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
if you get off there and walk down the street until you see a hess on your left, a block ahead of that take a left and it should be on the right.

those are the directions nickttos gave me.
[Aug 11,2006 12:08pm - blue ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:yeah it's really close to Central Square. Just get off the red line and walk down prospect st (the starbucks is on the corner of prospect and mass ave). Go down prospect St till you see the Hess Station on your left. Walk one block further to the next set of lights and take a left, and the Lilypad should be just down the ways on your right hand side.

its in inman square.
[Aug 11,2006 2:07pm - blue ""]
the countdown begins guy
[Aug 11,2006 2:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I think the street with hess on it is called prospect st, no?
[Aug 11,2006 2:11pm - RichHorror ""]
Yes it is. This place is about 7 minutes froim my apartment.
[Aug 11,2006 2:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 11,2006 2:59pm - blue ""]
a bulletin just posted from the lily pad myspace:

the lily pad - boston's beloved forum for original, creative music - has been forced to cancel all shows until further notice. due to noise complaints, the cambridge licensing board is obligated to follow the letter of the law in serving the lily pad with a 'cease and desist' order. the lily pad needs YOUR help urgently to survive. we need to show the city that the lily pad is a vital cultural center that serves a valuable function by providing a forum for creative musical expression. by showing our overwhelming support we can help overturn the order.

what you can do to help RIGHT NOW:

1. write a letter of support for the lily pad, stating that the venue is a vital asset that is necessary to the community, and that it does no harm. letters can be sent by mail to the following address:

Richard V. Scali, Chairman
Cambridge License Commission
831 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-3068

or via email:


2. make a secure donation to help offset our legal fees, either in person or by mail (internet donation opportunities coming soon):

the lily pad
PO Box 398096
cambridge, ma 02139

again, we cannot stress enough that YOUR SUPPORT IS INTEGRAL TO THE SURVIVAL OF THE LILY PAD. if you support original, creative live music in cambridge, now is the time to show it.

[Aug 11,2006 3:06pm - mcmahon ""]
that sucks!
[Aug 11,2006 3:10pm - SinisterMinister ""]
I was going to this show after my set.

That aside, Animal Rampage/ Anomalous/ Sin of Angels/ Indian tonight at O'Brien's in Allston.
[Aug 11,2006 4:30pm - porphyria  ""]
fucking gay, sorry everyone, especially the underage kids. fuck.

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