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Club Drifter's (Nashua, NH) - [if_i_had_eyes][randomshots][shoot_your_wounded][ten-33][xlooking_forwardx][cant_stand_losing][cut_throat][hammer_bros][harder_the_fight][have_heart]
[Jun 24,2006 5:44pm - josh603 ""]


[Jun 24,2006 5:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I will be here.
I might miss the first band or two.
need to make an appearance at a family thing.

I didn't even think about running to drifters afterwards. great idea. I'm going to email christian to let me in.
[Jun 24,2006 6:50pm - josh603 ""]
yeah i plan on going to both. xlookingforwardx is great band, but i dont think to many kids around here are into them. should get an alright turn out though, since shoot ya wounded are on the bill. but a lot of the merrimack valley kids are banned from drifters.

good day for core though.
[Jun 24,2006 6:51pm - xanonymoshhxcdancerx  ""]
oh my god wihxc all the way at this one
[Jun 25,2006 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm here now.
started late.
[Jun 25,2006 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
flesh and blood: I missed them. As I said before,l

Can’t Stand Losing: they sat around for a long time waiting for the new guitar player. I think there were also band(s) that missed their slots. This still set the show back. Compared to the other times I've seem them, this time was "meh". The problem was that the PA was all blown out so the vocals weren't there. There was also sooo much feedback. people still got into it, but that was a damper on their set.
[Jun 25,2006 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
harder the fight: there were a bunch of people who sung along with them for the entire set. That ruled. Like an unending sing along. Good music too. A lot of the equipment that was used through out the night was theirs. These guys seem like good guys. I hope the luck and audience they have in their merrimack valley crowd follows them out of state.

hammer bros: when I listen to radiobeat, I listen specifically for bands like this. Great oldschool hardcore that punks and hardcore kids can get into. The singer's getting more and more preachy on the mic. I thought at one point bane was going to start playing. Heh. this band has been rotating drummers. The newest drummer will probably be the one that stays. He's got another band already (homefront). With the addition of that dude and giesel, my pictures are more diverse that NH's population.
[Jun 25,2006 9:56pm - the_reverend ""]
cut throat: in NH, these dudes get no respect. It sucks cause they are such a good band. The PA was completely crapped out by this point. Even with that, their set seemed so so so short. That's totally too bad. basically, all the kids with a brian stayed and a lot of them danced atleast. Last time or two, no one danced for them. I guess the NH kids just don't get it.

have heart: this once simple posi-band has turned into a friggin powerhouse. This band is more epic than verse. All the kids that left for CT came back for HH. Was this the band that b-roll was in? talk about constant sing along. The PA now had that megaphone sound to it. Did that matter? Not in the least, the crowd sang so loud that they were all you could hear. Somehow all the kids here knew all of HH's music. They had the singer if HTF come up for 1/2 a song.
[Jun 25,2006 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
sooooooooooooooooooo I'm putting the reviews for the drifter's show in the same thread.

the drifter's show

if i had eyes: basically, "deathcore". It reminded me of JFAC, but this band was able to pull it off live. some of their songs had slower parts that sounded sort of the end-ish (but not stoner). people didn't move up for them at all. There was maybe 8 people at the front of the stage and a couple people dancing sporadically. I'm not sure how old they were, but their audience was pretty young. The lighting during them was super awesone! The red light stage right wasn't so good, but it's nice to have the room to shoot.
[Jun 25,2006 10:22pm - josh603 ""]
the orginal speakers they had got blown, someone got different ones and i think those ones got blown to. and im fucking pissed about cutthroat. such a great band but they got no love at all. samething happened when they played there a few months ago. resist was supposed to play but they cancelled. harder the fight showed up mad late and missed their time slot so that got all fucked up. show was kinda of a mess but still a good time
[Jun 25,2006 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
shoot ya wounded: jessey's last show. And another jessie did something. Then there was this other jesse that.. Um.. You don't want to even know about. Confused? Me too. I'm 99% sure that every person in and around this band is named jessy. Let's see. After the legion show, people would come over to here just for SYW. 1/2 the crowd kept storming the stage, removing more and more of their clothing as the set went on. It wasn't the "pants off dance off" that was called for. But this. Was a very hot set. a different guy played bass for the first song. his name is also probably jes-C. One of their old songs had their first singer and over the top's singer extrodiare joined up at the mic. Tom was also up there for the song on the demo that he did. word on the street and from what I witnessed, all banned peoples were allowed in on this day, sunday on the day of our lord 2006. (most of syw's fans wouldn't have gotten in otherwise).
[Jun 25,2006 10:57pm - josh603 ""]
haha actually there were a couple people that were standing outside that werent aloud in
[Jun 26,2006 12:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading from the first show
[Jun 26,2006 12:29am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
That's pretty bizarre, but I still can't believe there is a band called Shoot Ya Wounded.
[Jun 26,2006 12:31am - RichHorror ""]
There's also a band called 'Spit Ya Teeth'. This is a sad and scary world we live in.
[Jun 26,2006 10:16am - anonymous  ""]
Yeah, I was bummed out that there was no one there for Cut Throat. I'm not sure if it's they don't get respect, as much as they play in Nashua so much that people get spoiled.
[Jun 26,2006 12:40pm - boo  ""]
oh yeah Extinction Agenda is a sweet band name hahahaha
[Jun 26,2006 7:14pm - anonymous  ""]
she looks thrilled
[Jun 26,2006 7:58pm - the_reverend ""]
anonymous said:Yeah, I was bummed out that there was no one there for Cut Throat. I'm not sure if it's they don't get respect, as much as they play in Nashua so much that people get spoiled.

they have played in nashua like 3 times.
[Jun 26,2006 8:06pm - anonymous  ""]
looks like the wihxc were there in full force
[Jun 26,2006 8:13pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 26,2006 8:14pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 26,2006 9:34pm - Johnny Hardcore  ""]
Thank you to everyone that came out to the Legion! It's the kids that make it happen...that was proven on Sunday with the blown out amp! Thank God most everyone knew the words for all the bands...unreal singalongs! Much Love!!

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