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SLAYER today: Rolecall!

[Jun 17,2006 10:03am - xmikex ""]
I've been hearing on other messageboards that Slayer has been playing obscenely long sets, practically everything in their catalogue. One kid actually complained about it. What a puss. This will be my first time actually hearing their new material, and I'm not looking forward to it, but oh well.

And Jugulator and I are going shot for shot with chocolate milk. :duffbeer:
[Jun 17,2006 11:34am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You can always take a pee when they play "Cult".
[Jun 17,2006 11:35am - pam ""]
myself, husband, brother in law and sister in law, AND george are all going.
why does it start so fucking early? I'm going to kill myself during the opening crap.
[Jun 17,2006 11:37am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I've heard Mastodon kicked ass on this bill, too bad you have to see those....other....bands in between.
[Jun 17,2006 11:39am - Jugulator ""]
pam said:myself, husband, brother in law and sister in law, AND george are all going.
why does it start so fucking early? I'm going to kill myself during the opening crap.

It starts so early because the Tsongas Arena has an 11pm curfew.So Slayer should be onstage around 9-9:30.I wont be there til around 8:30
[Jun 17,2006 11:41am - pam ""]
Mastodon sucks. Not only musically, but I've met them and they're a bunch of fucking assholes. I will be playing Tetris on my phone while they are on.
[Jun 17,2006 11:43am - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, that Brann Dailor guy sucks on drums.......yeah right, Mastodon rules!!
[Jun 17,2006 11:45am - pam ""]
you like mostly terrible music, your opinion doesn't matter. ;)
[Jun 17,2006 11:46am - BlackoutRick ""]
What's everyone's situation with weed? Should I put a couple of J's in my cig box? Or should I bring my bag and a bowl?
[Jun 17,2006 11:47am - brian_dc ""]
sucks that they're apparently dicks...I dig Mastodon though.
[Jun 17,2006 11:47am - BlackoutRick ""]
Smarten up and do a show with us and then form an opinion. Until then, it's all ignorance. Got that?
[Jun 17,2006 11:50am - RichHorror ""]
Yes, because there's no way for anyone to listen to your band's songs on the internet.
[Jun 17,2006 11:52am - BlackoutRick ""]
HAHAHAHA!! No shit. I'm sick of those tunes too. We need to record. IWEIPH want to do a show with us?
[Jun 17,2006 11:52am - Jugulator ""]
If your from the band Blackout Frenzy,I saw u guys open for Exodus.Not my style of metal
[Jun 17,2006 11:54am - BlackoutRick ""]
Was the show good regardless of your taste?
[Jun 17,2006 11:54am - RichHorror ""]
BlackoutRick said:HAHAHAHA!! No shit. I'm sick of those tunes too. We need to record. IWEIPH want to do a show with us?

Sure, I don't give a shit.
[Jun 17,2006 11:55am - BlackoutRick ""]
So Acid Bath and Fear Factory aren't your bag? You must be a tech snob.
[Jun 17,2006 11:55am - Jugulator ""]
BlackoutRick said:Was the show good regardless of your taste?

Ya Exodus was cool
[Jun 17,2006 11:57am - pam ""]
Rick, my opinion was based on the terrible bands you have claimed to like on various threads over the last year, so uh, next time read a litle more carefully before you call me ignorant. I said you LIKE terrible bands, not that you are IN one. Thanks for playing.
[Jun 17,2006 11:58am - pam ""]
BlackoutRick said:So Acid Bath and Fear Factory aren't your bag? You must be a tech snob.

Acid Bath are the greatest band that ever lived. I know you like them which is where the MOSTLY in mostly bad music came from.
[Jun 17,2006 11:58am - BlackoutRick ""]
RichHorror said:BlackoutRick said:HAHAHAHA!! No shit. I'm sick of those tunes too. We need to record. IWEIPH want to do a show with us?

Sure, I don't give a shit.

Cool. Anyway, this is a Slayer show thread. With the exception of IWEIPH, everyone on here is scared to play shows with Blackout Frenzy!! So how is everyone getting their weed into the show?

[Jun 17,2006 11:59am - pam ""]
The Tsongas arena are total fuckwads, so I'd crotch that shit if I were you.
[Jun 17,2006 12:00pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Cool. Good lookin out!!
[Jun 17,2006 12:03pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Can't believe I'm missing Mastodon...this show is retardedly early and too far away.
[Jun 17,2006 12:15pm - whoremastery ""]
im there
[Jun 17,2006 12:41pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
BlackoutRick said:everyone on here is scared to play shows with Blackout Frenzy!!

Not at all, with a name like "BlackoutRick" or "Blackout Frenzy" im sure people dont want to be on your lame metalcore shows.

[Jun 17,2006 12:41pm - anonymous  ""]
slayer sucks.
[Jun 17,2006 1:18pm - dreadkill ""]
i met mastodon before they were huge and they were really nice guys. i like their music.
[Jun 17,2006 1:26pm - BlackoutRick ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:BlackoutRick said:everyone on here is scared to play shows with Blackout Frenzy!!

Not at all, with a name like "BlackoutRick" or "Blackout Frenzy" im sure people dont want to be on your lame metalcore shows.

You go easy there, Gunpowder. You're still a little wet behind the ears, son. Smarten up, join a band, and wait a couple of years before you come talkin to me, KID!!! I'm not about to argue with an 18 year old asshole. Go home and get ya fuckin shinebox.

[Jun 17,2006 1:28pm - dreadkill ""]
that dude's name is gunpowder?
[Jun 17,2006 1:30pm - BlackoutRick ""]
No. Just a word for snotty-nosed youngsters who think they know it all.
[Jun 17,2006 1:32pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I thought my car would be fixed today, but I guess my brother has more important shit to do, so I may not be able to make it.
[Jun 17,2006 1:32pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jun 17,2006 1:32pm - pam ""]
or have an opinion that you don't like...
[Jun 17,2006 1:34pm - dreadkill ""]
whenever someone has an opinion i don't like, i shut off the computer and wish for that person to die.
[Jun 17,2006 1:35pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Opinion? He's stating something as fact and being a fuckin dick about it!! It's obvious that he's trying to piss me off. There's a lot of this going on here.
[Jun 17,2006 1:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]
dreadkill said:whenever someone has an opinion i don't like, i shut off the computer and wish for that person to die.

[Jun 17,2006 1:37pm - pam ""]
I think it's funny when old people think whatever shitty band they're in is awesome because they're old.
[Jun 17,2006 1:39pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm old and shitty looking.
[Jun 17,2006 1:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Me and George are fat and shitty looking.
[Jun 17,2006 1:40pm - dreadkill ""]
i was waiting for that, and i didn't have to wait long.
[Jun 17,2006 1:40pm - BlackoutRick ""]
pam said:I think it's funny when old people think whatever shitty band they're in is awesome because they're old.[/QUO

Good one. That hurt. Yeah right.

[Jun 17,2006 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]
the first time you said that, george's reaction made it the greatest thing you ever said.
[Jun 17,2006 1:42pm - BlackoutRick ""]
This is a fuckin Slayer thread!! Who's going?!?!?!?
[Jun 17,2006 1:43pm - pam ""]
It's not meant to hurt. I just think you're ridiculous. If that "snotty nosed youngster" was into your band, suddenly there'd be nothing wrong with him.
[Jun 17,2006 1:45pm - dreadkill ""]
when snotty nosed youngsters start liking my band, we purposely play songs they hate to drive them away.
[Jun 17,2006 1:46pm - BlackoutRick ""]
pam said:It's not meant to hurt. I just think you're ridiculous. If that "snotty nosed youngster" was into your band, suddenly there'd be nothing wrong with him.

This is true. I'm just defending what I hold extremely dear.
[Jun 17,2006 1:47pm - RichHorror ""]
I hold rape extremely dear, and would defend it with my dying breath.
[Jun 17,2006 1:47pm - BlackoutRick ""]
dreadkill said:when snotty nosed youngsters start liking my band, we purposely play songs they hate to drive them away.

HAHAHAHAHA!! Wicked funny!! I think we're going to do that!!

[Jun 17,2006 1:49pm - BlackoutRick ""]
RichHorror said:I hold rape extremely dear, and would defend it with my dying breath.

HAHAHAHA!! Holy shit. That is fucked.
[Jun 17,2006 2:00pm - RichHorror ""]

No, she is.
[Jun 17,2006 2:09pm - pam ""]
I can't imagine fucking that with consent, let alone forgoing consent to hit that slab of roast beef.
[Jun 17,2006 2:11pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll hit your slab with roast beef. With consent.
[Jun 17,2006 3:08pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, this thread got awesome
[Jun 17,2006 3:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
i'm going, this thread is hillarious by the way!
[Jun 17,2006 4:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
anyone need a ride? we have some room
[Jun 17,2006 4:17pm - anonymous  ""]
wow..... no one to go with this sucksssss
[Jun 17,2006 5:22pm - Jugulator ""]
I have no one to go with too.Who fucking cares? GO ALONE!!!! Thats what Im doing.

Silent Scream
Crucify bastard sons
[Jun 17,2006 7:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pam said:Mastodon sucks. Not only musically, but I've met them and they're a bunch of fucking assholes. I will be playing Tetris on my phone while they are on.

thats because YOU have horrible taste in music and ive not only met them smoked weed with them but never in my life would i call them assholes. whats the matter Pam they didnt give you head right there when you made your presence known. troy, brann, and brent are good doods you're just jealous cause brann can moonwalk better then you. i cant say ive said two words to bill so i dont know maybe he is an asshole but hey dont you live in new bedford. :bartmoon:
[Jun 17,2006 7:36pm - RichHorror ""]
I live in New Bedford and am an asshole.
[Jun 17,2006 7:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the people rest.

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