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circumsized or not?

[Oct 2,2003 3:34pm - succubus ""]

[Oct 2,2003 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]
down with the elephant's trunk!
[Oct 2,2003 3:40pm - RustedAngel ""]


have some respect for the ladies who are gonna suck on it.
[Oct 2,2003 4:40pm - xboobiesx @ work  ""]
i say who fuckin cares?

i know personally i wouldnt want something cut off of me... so i dont plan on doing that to my children.

[Oct 2,2003 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
says the one person replying WITHOUT ONE!
leaving it on = child abuse
[Oct 2,2003 4:58pm - RustedAngel ""]
xboobiesx @ work said:i say who fuckin cares?

i know personally i wouldnt want something cut off of me... so i dont plan on doing that to my children.

girls don't need anything cut off.

that shit is dirty if you leave it on. it is gross. unless you want your kid to have to wash his dick in the sink every 5 minutes.

plus it gets sliced when you're a baby you dont' even remember it ever happening. I can't even remember anything before age 3.

CUT YOUR BABIES! or they will hate you when they get older! plus, now they can grow it back if they really want too. heh.
[Oct 2,2003 5:00pm - succubus ""]
i don't know...i've had my boobies cut off...and it wasn't that bad..really...

and if it's better...then...do it...right?
[Oct 2,2003 5:01pm - xboobiesx@work  ""]
i dont think its gross as long as youre not a crusty punk..

then it should be fine.

dont be dirty
[Oct 2,2003 6:19pm - retzam ""]
One word: Shmegma
[Oct 2,2003 6:23pm - Terence ""]
circumsized is the way to go.
[Oct 2,2003 6:24pm - retzam ""]
“I am covered and have overhang.” R. Wayne Griffiths, 70 and a grandfather, is speaking frankly about his foreskin — which really is the only way one can speak on that topic. More to the point, he is gleefully describing the sensation of having his foreskin back after decades of living with a circumcised penis. “It’s delightful,” he says.

Easily the best thing I have ever read.
[Oct 2,2003 6:35pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
retzam said:One word: Shmegma

And that's a technical term.
As is douche.

Douche away the shmegma. \/\/0r|).
[Oct 2,2003 6:41pm - xboobiesx ""]


smegma is what youre covered with when youre born.. and thats fucking gross
[Oct 2,2003 6:47pm - Hoser ""]

Jake (Guitars / Vocals) = No elephant trunk
Darris (Guitars) = ELEPHANT TRUNK
Dustin (Bass) = No elephant trunk
Andy (Drums) = No elephant trunk

Resinate does not condone the use of circumcision for fun. We simply hate the Elephant trunk cocks....except for Darris who just had lazy, poor parents. He now has problems keeping it clean, but continues to retort at our taunts with comments like, "At least I don't have Jew dick."

He wishes his shit was clipped. He got owned.

[Oct 2,2003 7:04pm - retzam ""]
xboobiesx said:


smegma is what youre covered with when youre born.. and thats fucking gross

Actually, schmegma is a slang word that can mean one of two things:

1: Old, dried, crusty semen stuck in the foreskin of an uncircumcised
2: A white, cottage cheese like substance found on the inner flap of the

I, of course was refering to the former.
[Oct 2,2003 7:08pm - xboobiesx ""]
Hoser said:RESINATE:

Jake (Guitars / Vocals) = No elephant trunk
Darris (Guitars) = ELEPHANT TRUNK
Dustin (Bass) = No elephant trunk
Andy (Drums) = No elephant trunk

Resinate does not condone the use of circumcision for fun. We simply hate the Elephant trunk cocks....except for Darris who just had lazy, poor parents. He now has problems keeping it clean, but continues to retort at our taunts with comments like, "At least I don't have Jew dick."

He wishes his shit was clipped. He got owned.


tell him he should try showering.

how did i get the defense lawyer position here... diizamn. nuckah.

[Oct 2,2003 7:11pm - xboobiesx ""]
retzam said:xboobiesx said:


smegma is what youre covered with when youre born.. and thats fucking gross

Actually, schmegma is a slang word that can mean one of two things:

1: Old, dried, crusty semen stuck in the foreskin of an uncircumcised
2: A white, cottage cheese like substance found on the inner flap of the

I, of course was refering to the former.


A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the prepuce or around the clitoris.

[Latin smgma, detergent, from Greek, from smkhein, to wash off.]


\Smeg"ma\, n.
The matter secreted by any of the sebaceous glands. Specifically: (a) The soapy substance covering the skin of newborn infants. (b) The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.


n : a white secretion of the sebaceous glands of the foreskin

yea, im SMRT
[Oct 2,2003 8:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
you know you prefer


rather than

[Oct 2,2003 8:46pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:you know you prefer


rather than


I know I would if I was a girl. And yes xboobiesx, you are very SMRT but keep in mind that my definition was 2/3 right! HAHA that is my record...
[Oct 2,2003 8:55pm - xboobiesx ""]
RustedAngel said:you know you prefer


rather than


i honestly dont care about it because i dont just fuck anyone..

i have to actually be able to stand them... and you know thats not too common tom. hahaha..

so covered wagon or not... i dont care
[Oct 2,2003 10:21pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
My penis is 100% religion fucking free.

Circumsision was used by the christians to help curb masturbation, but it didn't work so well. Basically, it's pointless. You get smaller dongs (really, because the early trama to the penis makes it grow less) and you loose sensivity. I don't care if you argue about cleanliness.
[Oct 2,2003 10:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
I didn't lose any sensitivity.. if anything I have too much sensitivity. hahaha.

they don't call me tommy 2 pump for nothing.

and im 100% religion free.

I was never baptized.

[Oct 2,2003 11:10pm - the_reverend ""]
xboobiesx is too busy collecting tyag members to care about dick
[Oct 3,2003 12:36am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the_reverend said:xboobiesx is too busy collecting tyag members to care about dick

hahahaha... well she cant have me... im the hardest to catch... im like the Mew (rarest pokemon ever) of tyag :spineyes:

oh... and circumcision rules... who the fuck wants to have an anteater hangin off their body? well... maybe the crocodile hunter would, that freaky animal fucking bastard.
[Oct 3,2003 1:31am - xboobiesx ""]
the_reverend said:xboobiesx is too busy collecting tyag members to care about dick

wow hey fuck you too

im keeping them in my closet for personal shows.

youde do the same.
[Oct 3,2003 2:34am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Schmegma is also the dirt that builds up between the heads of a 2" reel deck. And the process of cleaning it all out is called douching. Douche away the schmegma, they're technical terms.
[Oct 3,2003 8:05am - the_reverend ""]
xboobiesx said:youde do the same.

nope... cause I'm not home that much.
I'd forget to feed them or water them or something
Then I've have a bunch of shriveled up tyag-prunes.

[Oct 3,2003 4:39pm - retzam ""]
thegreatspaldino said:the_reverend said:xboobiesx is too busy collecting tyag members to care about dick

hahahaha... well she cant have me... im the hardest to catch... im like the Mew (rarest pokemon ever) of tyag :spineyes:

oh... and circumcision rules... who the fuck wants to have an anteater hangin off their body? well... maybe the crocodile hunter would, that freaky animal fucking bastard.

Dude, you made a Pokemon reference! That is awesome!:NEWHORNS:
[Oct 3,2003 8:43pm - BabysBreath ""]
if i had an anteater dick, i dont think all the sluts would still want to blow lines of smack off my hog... I'm 6 1/2 inches of jew-pole, and i love every inch
[Oct 4,2003 10:14am - thegreatspaldino ""]
retzam said:

Dude, you made a Pokemon reference! That is awesome!:NEWHORNS:

im a huge geek, thats what i do B-)
[Oct 4,2003 10:32am - Hoser ""]
BabysBreath said:if i had an anteater dick, i dont think all the sluts would still want to blow lines of smack off my hog... I'm 6 1/2 inches of jew-pole, and i love every inch


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