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WATCHMAKER and ABHORRED Thursday June 15 Lowell MA

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Jun 10,2006 10:09am - pessimist NLI  ""]

go to http://www.rustygsplace.com for directions
[Jun 10,2006 10:10am - pessimist NLI  ""]
yeah so the flyers huge.

fuck me
[Jun 10,2006 11:01am - kadooganizeratertron  ""]
i think it's official that we suck at making threads for shows.

at least you put the right date in the title...
[Jun 11,2006 4:08pm - kadooganizeratertron  ""]
[Jun 11,2006 10:07pm - abhorred666  ""]
pudcunt bump
[Jun 12,2006 9:50am - Morbid_Mike ""]
Fuck 21+ this is literally around the corner from my hou8se I should just sit outside and have a listen!
[Jun 14,2006 4:34pm - pessimist NLI  ""]
you can actually see from outside too.

giant windows
[Jun 14,2006 4:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
My friend live right down the street from there.
I'll probably go. I'll also probably lie at the door and say I'm in one of the bands so back me up 'kay?
[Jun 14,2006 6:01pm - pessimist NLI  ""]
thanks to whoever shrunk the flyer

[Jun 15,2006 8:18am - ichabod ""]
See all you fruitloops tonight...
[Jun 15,2006 8:21am - anonymous  ""]
Sweet, Dave I in the house!
[Jun 15,2006 9:48am - Dave at work  ""]
anonymous said:Sweet, Dave I in the house!

Yep, I'll be there after stopping by 'JUL to say hello to Rich and the old "Rotten to the 'Core" fans...maybe I'll even bring a few old demos with me if Rich doesn't have 'em. What are the set times tonight?
If Rich gives me even a moment of former glory on the air, I'll drop props for this show eh?
[Jun 15,2006 9:54am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
Sweet, Im sure the black metal ghetto blaster will be rocking the house so bring those tapes on by the show
[Jun 15,2006 10:36am - SuperFly ""]
Mr. Saturday Night!!!
Busting out tonight!!!
[Jun 15,2006 10:51am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
[Jun 15,2006 12:10pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Dave at work said:anonymous said:Sweet, Dave I in the house!

Yep, I'll be there after stopping by 'JUL to say hello to Rich and the old "Rotten to the 'Core" fans...maybe I'll even bring a few old demos with me if Rich doesn't have 'em. What are the set times tonight?
If Rich gives me even a moment of former glory on the air, I'll drop props for this show eh?

Damnitall, drop by the Thrash Metal Thursday and bring us some tapes too!
[Jun 16,2006 10:03am - Dave at work  ""]
This show was awesome! Some dude at the club who's been trying to have Ichabod play there 'cause we usually do pretty well in Lowell was buying the wifey and I beers all evening, so I have a swelled cranium today, and my neck is sore from headbanging to these two amazing bands...death to nu-thrash, only bands with integrity like these two will outlive the retro/backpatch/denim vest over leather fucking fashion show! Hailz for a great night fellas!

I was psyched cause wifey wore her vintage 1988 Motorhead baseball jersey, which she only breaks out for special occasions, and this was one of 'em....awesome...
[Jun 16,2006 11:24am - RichHorror ""]
Dave at work said:death to nu-thrash, only bands with integrity like these two will outlive the retro/backpatch/denim vest over leather fucking fashion show!

Dave, you should've seen some of the people last night. And we thought we had a laugh at some of the kids at your show... holy shit.
[Jun 16,2006 1:51pm - anonymous  ""]
RichHorror said:Dave at work said:death to nu-thrash, only bands with integrity like these two will outlive the retro/backpatch/denim vest over leather fucking fashion show!

Dave, you should've seen some of the people last night. And we thought we had a laugh at some of the kids at your show... holy shit.

Sid Barret was reincarnated and was at the Abhorred show shouting for them to play "punk songs"....I heard him yell "Black Flag", "Meatmen", etc. Somebody should have poured beer on his spiky 'do and ruined his look for the night, maybe then he'd have just shut the fuck up. I was just embarrassed for him is all. Even though Tesco Vee and the meatmen DO rule, and Black Flag I don't even need to mention how great they are.
[Jun 16,2006 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
I wish stupid trendy retro clothes all came coated in the ebola virus.
[Jun 16,2006 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]
RichHorror said:I wish stupid trendy retro clothes all came coated in the ebola virus.

YES! Rich, when is hot topic going to be stocking the hypodermic needle is my buddy IWEIPH t's? Let's mail every one of those stores an envelope full of anthrax spores...

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