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Hey.Miss Carina, you sexy bitch...........

[Jun 6,2006 8:03pm - ram_girl ""]
How the hell are you?
[Jun 6,2006 8:08pm - hoser ""]
So Ram girl....weren't we supposed to pork at one time or another? Lemme know what's going on....
[Jun 6,2006 8:09pm - ram_girl ""]
hoser said:So Ram girl....weren't we supposed to pork at one time or another? Lemme know what's going on....

Holy shit............we were????

Sorry, totally forgot.......

[Jun 12,2006 7:25pm - succubus ""]
sorry..i only saw this now!
[Jun 14,2006 8:24pm - succubus ""]
hey yer online now!
hey there!!
[Jun 14,2006 8:27pm - ram_girl ""]
Hey chickie..whats up?

did you get the pictures I sent to your email?
[Jun 14,2006 8:27pm - succubus ""]
i only got 1 pic..and i just emailed you back =)
[Jun 14,2006 8:29pm - ram_girl ""]
oops..........I thought I sent 3.
[Jun 14,2006 8:33pm - ram_girl ""]
OK. just sent the other 2. Let me know if you get them......
[Jun 14,2006 9:20pm - hoser ""]
Pork time!!!!
[Jun 14,2006 9:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
republicans dont have sex.
[Jun 14,2006 9:24pm - ram_girl ""]
hoser said:Pork time!!!!

Horny sucker............ain't ya?
[Jun 14,2006 9:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
carina should go to OBs on the 28th

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