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New Satyricon Video - K.I.N.G.

[Jun 6,2006 1:11am - sacreligion ""]

wow...this is terrible
[Jun 6,2006 1:34am - arilliusBM ""]
Saw it on YouTube a few weeks ago.

It's horrible. I love how Frost is barely in it.
[Jun 6,2006 2:50am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
It's no "Mother North"
[Jun 6,2006 5:12am - sacreligion ""]
both the video and song are just awful...i almost vomited
[Jun 6,2006 9:46am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The video is awful, but I can count the number of metal videos which aren't awful on my fingers and toes. Satyricon posing again. Just what I needed.

I admit I liked the song when I got the record, but it has nothing to do with what is in this video, so now I like it less. Still like the little break at about 2:30 in the song. They were going for the minimalist thing with this record. I dig some of the tunes.
[Jun 6,2006 10:29am - Abbath ""]
alright so i got 2 questions
1. why is everyone molesting the table?
2. what's up with all the emo kids
[Jun 6,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
i'm just going to pretend that Satyricon stopped at Rebel Extravaganza. i am really iffy about the new cd coming out. Volcano was ok, it had its good points, but it had its bad. i havent even bought it since it came out. ill stick with The Shadowthrone and Dark Medieval Times
[Jun 6,2006 10:37am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
With emo bois come the hot chicks.
With hot chicks come the 14-year-old metalcore kids who have never heard Satyricon.
With 14-year-old metalcore kids come sales at Hot Topic.
With sales at Hot Topic comes the domination of mankind!
With domination of mankind comes SATAN!

SATAN is the K.I.N.G.

[Jun 6,2006 10:46am - Yeti ""]
wow that was a roundabout way of deriving that
[Jun 6,2006 2:26pm - sacreligion ""]
yes...that's quite a rant there
[Jun 6,2006 6:08pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]

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