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IMMORTAL really are immortal....great news.

[Jun 4,2006 11:09am - Kinslayer  ""]

In an interview with German magazine RockHard vocalist Abbath says the following:

“‘I’ and Immortal are two different stories, to make that clear, once and for all’, it [Abbath’s voice] croaks out of the phone. “At present I’m rehearsing nearly daily with Armagedda, and Demonaz has already written lyrics for seven songs. We will most probably begin with the recording for the ‘I’ debut this year.”

The fire seems to be burning anew.

“More than that. I am composing hard and intensive, as I didn’t in the later years. The time out has done me good, my head is clear, my liver is working perfectly again; I’m feeling totally recovered and ready for attack.”

Then that’s the end of the premature retirement?

“I think of it like Ozzy. His tour in 1995 was called ‘Retirement Sucks’. A good motto, I think.”

So then an Immortal reunion is no longer out of the question?[/B}



“I didn’t really want to say it, but I don’t give a shit. We will come back, stronger than ever. I’ve met with Horgh for the first time in over a year. He’s built his new house here, right around the corner. In the next few days we will begin to rehearse our old ‘Blizzard Beasts’ classics. I’m already really hot on the idea.”

And you’re certain we should print that? Then there’s no way back…

“I’m a little out of practice, this being my first interview in two years. But somehow feeling good, that it’s out now. I’m mostly glad for our fans.”

The petty cash rattling should be good again also.

“Don’t say that! To clear that up: we’re not coming back for the money. If we had been going for the cash, we wouldn’t have allowed Immortal to split”

Then only the date is missing.

“Immortal are timeless frost. One year more or less doesn’t make a difference. We have all the time in the world.”
[Jun 4,2006 11:37am - Animal_Magnetism ""]
wow this is very awesome
[Jun 4,2006 12:07pm - sever ""]
[Jun 4,2006 12:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
Blizzard Beasts = Most under-rated Immortal album. Awesome news!
[Jun 4,2006 1:52pm - CNV  ""]

[Jun 4,2006 1:58pm - Abbath ""]
simply awesome
[Jun 4,2006 2:07pm - pam nli  ""]
I just squeeled like a little girl.
[Jun 4,2006 2:21pm - Aegathis ""]
so did i
[Jun 4,2006 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I bet you both let out a little pee too.
it's a cape thing, you wouldn't understand.
[Jun 4,2006 2:38pm - Scoracrasia ""]
[Jun 4,2006 2:47pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
This is the greatest news I've ever heard ever. Immortal is one of my top 5 favorite bands.
[Jun 4,2006 4:10pm - retzam ""]
Am I the only one who likes Sons Of Northern Darkness? I don't care if it's not black metal.

I need more Immortal. I only have SoND and Battles In The North, and Battles is pretty much shit. There's good stuff on there, but it is 90% bad production and tremelo picked fuzz guitar. Other stuff I've heard off some of the other albums kicks ass though.
[Jun 4,2006 4:16pm - Kevord ""]
I love Sons of Northern Darkness. You have to get AT The Heart Of Winter. That's my favorite Immortal album.
[Jun 4,2006 5:02pm - Kinslayer  ""]
You need:
Pure Holocaust
Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
At The Heart of Winter

Blizzard Beasts, Damned in Black and Sons of Northern Darnkess are all good but the other 3 blow them away...I feel like I'm forgetting an album?
[Jun 4,2006 5:02pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Battles in the North....
[Jun 4,2006 5:19pm - Anthony nli  ""]
im pretty ignorant about black metal, but I love Immortal. PURE HOLOCAUST!!!
[Jun 4,2006 6:05pm - sacreligion ""]
Pure Holocaust by far.
[Jun 4,2006 7:12pm - dyingmuse ""]
battles in the north was the best bm album ever!
[Jun 4,2006 7:29pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I just popped a boner.
[Jun 4,2006 9:16pm - pam nli  ""]
I love Sons of Northern Darkness. I pretty much like all the black metal albums that kvlt kids don't like. If it sounds like it was recorded in a swamp with an answering machine, I am not interested.
[Jun 4,2006 9:20pm - dreadkill ""]
this is awesome news. i was listening to damned in black yesterday.
[Jun 4,2006 9:36pm - retzam ""]
pam nli said:I love Sons of Northern Darkness. I pretty much like all the black metal albums that kvlt kids don't like. If it sounds like it was recorded in a swamp with an answering machine, I am not interested.

I know what you mean, it's like if the production is good, it isn't black metal. I mean, SoND has a lot of death metal elements to it, but a good deal of it still sounds black metal to me anyway. It's a great METAL album, however you classify it.
[Jun 4,2006 9:36pm - retzam ""]
Kevord said:I love Sons of Northern Darkness. You have to get AT The Heart Of Winter. That's my favorite Immortal album.

Is this the one with Solar Fall on it? That song kicks ass.

Kinslayer, when I get a job again I'll be sure to get those three.
[Jun 5,2006 1:47am - Geogoroth  ""]
that rules

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