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[Jun 1,2006 2:18am - manicmark ""]
[Jun 1,2006 3:34am - sacreligion ""]
is portugal the man stealing horse the band's name or vice versa?

that song cutsmen by horse is pretty good...i'll give em that
[Jun 1,2006 9:04am - Egon ""]
Any band that sings about MegaMan are OK in my book.
[Jun 1,2006 10:21am - throw...it back  ""]
dont forget Birdo [img]
[Jun 1,2006 10:29am - Jugulator ""]
Ive been to Toad's Place 2x and both times the headlining bands cancelled :(
[Jun 1,2006 11:29am - sacreligion ""]
all i can hear in my head is birdo making that "mow" noise everytime he shoots an egg
[Jun 1,2006 12:06pm - manicmark ""]
Jugulator said:Ive been to Toad's Place 2x and both times the headlining bands cancelled :(

ive been there a lot more than 2 times and never had the headlining bands cancel. plus this is a show we are promoting anyways, not them

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