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Percocet/Painkiller Appreciation Thread

[May 24,2006 8:55pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
After having surgery on my lower tailbone area, im left with a wound comparable to what would happen if i decided to sit on a broadsword. No stitches, just a big open wound about 3 inches deep. and 4 inches long. Thank you big name pharmecutical companies!
[May 24,2006 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
percs were ok. isn't there something about the tailbone area that they can't stitch? they have to let the wounds weep?

vicodin was better cause I would end up doing sit ups and clean a lot.
[May 24,2006 9:08pm - blue ""]
[May 24,2006 9:29pm - rotivore ""]
percs own, ask my stomach
[May 24,2006 9:39pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Yeah, they cant stitch it shut, because if it heals from the outside in, it can make a huge infection, which is why i had the surgery. I had to get an abcess removed after a cyst developed. So yeah, its just this big wound with gauze packed inside it.
[May 24,2006 9:41pm - thedeparted ""]
wow man that sucks, hope you feel better
[May 24,2006 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]
percs make my stomach feel punched and bleeding.
[May 24,2006 10:04pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
thedeparted said:wow man that sucks, hope you feel better

Thanks, man.

It seems like percs fuck with peoples stomachs? Ive taken 4-5 so far and i havent had any problems.
[May 24,2006 10:07pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I been on a script for percs, 60 /Month for like 2 years now, No problems here yet, All I can say is don't take them on an empty stomache. but back to the thread....yeah they are mucho appreciated haha, And I hope that shit heals man
[May 24,2006 10:21pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Thank you, dude.

If anyones interested as to what this wound actually looks like, check out the link below. Mines about an inch shorter than this one, but looks the same.

[May 24,2006 10:45pm - dertoxia ""]
ok wow first of all i just ate tacos, second of all....i understand how some people love showing off their battlescars and all but thats not the sort of wound that you should be showing around to people. Can you wear pants or do you have to walk around naked?
[May 24,2006 10:47pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
thats not me in those pics. Just an example of the same shit i have. i can wear pants. That guy unpacked it when he took the pictures, its normally filled with gauze, then a gauze pad is put over it, so if you do see anything, its just a flat, square gauze pad.
[May 24,2006 10:54pm - Mary ""]
It's all about the vodka and painkillers. A friend of mine hooked me up recently with a bunch of 10mg Vics. Good times are on the way this weekend. \m/
[May 24,2006 11:35pm - sacreligion ""]
i know exactly what this dude is talking about...a kid i know had the same thing happen to him, same exact surgery and everything

[May 25,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
they cant stitch it because if you sit down, the stitches can rip and cause way more problems. i have a cyst on my tailbone that i have to have removed, but i dont for that reason.
[May 25,2006 10:39am - RichHorror ""]
Vicodin and Xanax rule. Especially when taken with about 6-7 beers.
[May 25,2006 12:48pm - dwellingsickness ""]
RichHorror said:Vicodin and Xanax rule. Especially when taken with about 6-7 beers.

I like to enjoy myself...Not try to kill myself
[May 25,2006 12:58pm - pam nli  ""]
I love painkillers. Percs > Life.
[May 25,2006 1:35pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Yeti said:they cant stitch it because if you sit down, the stitches can rip and cause way more problems. i have a cyst on my tailbone that i have to have removed, but i dont for that reason.

You might want to get that taken care of, man. The surgery hurts way less then when your cyst gets infected, and causes you blinding pain.
[May 25,2006 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm so glad I looked at those pictures
8-months of healing?
there goes the summer of george.
[May 25,2006 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
yeah i have been avoiding it. like if i sit down too fast it cause lightning to shoot up my spine.
[May 25,2006 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

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