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death in a forest moved yet again....no longer @ avalon

Club Speed (NYC, NY) - [randomshots][anal_cunt][calmsite][death_sick][engorge][immolation][nathaniel_white][quinta_essentia][semper_tyrannis][skinless][vital_remains][all_heavens_fall][blood_throne][deimos][dimentianon][distorted_mind][divinity_destroyed][expulsive_incision][fecal_corpse][impaled][zircon]
[May 20,2006 12:42pm - succubus ""]
Aaron and I met liz and then he just headed to the club...and called me....I guess he's there with a bunch of metalheads outside trying to figure out where it moved to. Liz and I are a few blocks away...she's also seeing if she can find anything out
[May 20,2006 12:44pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
wow dude, the promoters must be ready to kill themselves

Jew York is the gayest place on earth
[May 20,2006 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]
repost..ahahah 39st and 5th ave.
19 block walk/sprint
[May 20,2006 1:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 20,2006 1:24pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
so is it at the avalon
[May 20,2006 1:29pm - succubus ""]
[May 20,2006 2:16pm - the_reverend ""]
it's at club speed. I'm on the roof and using this as a recap thread.
AC is suppose to be next downstair.. like that is going to happen.
the rooms are 304 ans 240 capacity WITHOUT all the gear.
[May 20,2006 2:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
worst fest ever
[May 20,2006 2:21pm - succubus ""]
Aaron, liz and I just ate brunch...do u have a set list of what bands are still playing and at what times?
[May 20,2006 2:40pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
what a fuckin fuck fest
[May 20,2006 2:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Is anyone there? Who is supposed to still play?
[May 20,2006 3:23pm - succubus ""]
So far fest for me and liz has been walking around soho and chesea, shopping. Brunch, walking and now coffee stop at cosi. I grabbed a sofa and reserved a spot for us to sit while liz gets our drinks...here she is now
[May 20,2006 3:40pm - shatteredliz at Cosi  ""]
Yeah, I'm enjoying my Carina Fest! Probably head to the show soon. Soooo tired! Coffee is soooo good!
[May 20,2006 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I need coffee. I'm on the roof for a 5 minute breather... some kid just said it was $30 or $40 to get in. and carina if I just accepted your call, I would have lost what I was typing.

semper tyronis: (mainstage)
was in a rush... Didn't really pay attention.

explosive ineciscion: (secondstage) 16yo drummer.. And again rushing. I remember the singer having a good voice.

all heavens fall: (secondstage) young. drummer Death metal core
[May 20,2006 3:57pm - josh603 ""]
Wow this looks like the most disorganized fest since that Sin Fest (I think thats what it was called?) a few years ago
[May 20,2006 3:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Glad I blew it off, I will enjoy the Bullpen show tonight.

[May 20,2006 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
main stage, 6 more bands ending at 10pm (belphegor)
second stage: 5 more bands ending at 7pm (divinity destroyed).

zircon is about to go on
[May 20,2006 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
destored minds: (secondstage) the singer had a britney spears mic so he could play guitar as well. Um.. I guess they were deathmetal. There were a lot of black metal vocals and also groovey parts. It sort of reminded me of some old ATNFAC tracks. actually, they remind me a lot of atnfac.

nathaniel white: (mainstage)
technical difficulties galore which made them start late. Dual singers which made them already remind me of despised icon. There were a lot of brutal lows like DI on CD, but one of the guitarists did back ups so it would stray over to a aborted sound. One of the guitarists was non-existant in the mix until the sound guy turned him up way too loud.
[May 20,2006 4:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I thought BELPHEGOR dropped too?
[May 20,2006 4:04pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
They did.
[May 20,2006 4:14pm - succubus ""]
If they did drop, then why are they still on the bill? Aaron just posted that they are headlining, if it isn't true and aaron's being lied to..not cool
[May 20,2006 4:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I got a bulletin from Belphegor on MySpace this morning that said they couldn't get into the country. Maybe they did end up getting in?
[May 20,2006 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
motherfuckers. impaled just showed up. vital remains too. I saw that belphegor is no longer playing... couldn't get into the country.
if zircon wasn't ripping it up right now..
[May 20,2006 4:26pm - sacreligion ""]
zircon = \m/
[May 20,2006 4:27pm - sacreligion ""]
does anyone else think that belphegor on myspace is funny?
[May 20,2006 4:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I got a bulletin from Belphegor on MySpace this morning that said they couldn't get into the country. Maybe they did end up getting in?

if its on myspace its gotta be true :spineyes:
[May 20,2006 4:29pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:DrinkHardThrashHard said:I got a bulletin from Belphegor on MySpace this morning that said they couldn't get into the country. Maybe they did end up getting in?

if its on myspace its gotta be true :spineyes:

It was.

(this time)
[May 20,2006 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
the second stage sucks and all my pictures from it suck.
[May 20,2006 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
this whole place reeks of BO... so I don't know if it's actually just me.

deimos: (secondstage) all the kids in the band besides the drummer had sloppy corpse paint on, including the female singer. Yes, they were a black metal band and yes, I did say the female sang, but she mostly did super-deep lo's, the kid that take multiple breaths to complete a sentence. No lame CoF wanna be female singing, there was only one hi-pitched scream that I heard. What was lame was the satan's cheerleader outfit. I will be checking out mp3s when I can.

death sick: (mainstage) 3 piece black death band. The music was pretty damn sick (sick is my new york word). They covered a burzum song mad the singer had a mad "dukes of hazard meets iron maiden" tattoo.

calmsite: (mainstage) they were the most plainly dressed people I've seen thus far. When they started, this stage was almost empty. I was one of maybe 5. As they played, more people showed up. The first song was a death metal song, but they went into more of that nevermore-sounding stuff. Their set was extremely short.
[May 20,2006 4:36pm - dreadkill ""]
what a disaster that fest turned into. no belphegor or 1349. that sucks
[May 20,2006 4:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This sounds so lame Rev, I feel for you man. It could be worse, you could be watching my band tonight.
[May 20,2006 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
tell me about it. though your singer is eye candy.
[May 20,2006 4:56pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Man this sounds weak
[May 20,2006 4:58pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:tell me about it. though your singer is eye candy.

Right, who can resist that big Dutch mug?
[May 20,2006 5:10pm - i_am_not_me ""]
No 1349 or Belphegor? Damn, I'm almost glad I couldn't make it. Although the other bands sound cool.
[May 20,2006 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
dimentianon: (secondstage) this is their home area so they ripped it up. Granted the stage was better at the middle east, but here, the crowd was awesome for them. All head banging and horns.

quinta essentia: (mainstage) they may look like into eternity, but they were awesome. Blackish metal with some melodic parts where they played "sweeps". Just plan goodness.

zircon: (secondstage) I remember 2002 going to milwaukee and seeing a bunch of locals for the firsttime... Just like this. Somehow, they have 2 CDs and are from worcester and I've never seen them before. chris from BOE is with them (chris has the slowest headbang ever. His hair flows like molasses). they definitly ruled. The crowd was a notch more into it than the dimenianon crowd too. There was tons of screaming from the crowd and in the middle of the pit that formed? our very own mad russia, serge.
[May 20,2006 5:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
what about fecal corpse
[May 20,2006 6:38pm - succubus ""]
Liz and I left century 21...on our way to get coffee and then to the venue
[May 20,2006 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
there are 3 bands left. vital is setting up down stairs. impaled will be on in 2 minutes.
then immolation's headlining downstairs.
[May 20,2006 10:03pm - the_reverend ""]
engorge: (mainstage) took way too long to set up. Then a sample at the bning and 7 video cameras pointed on them! that was a little much. The singer was a big black-ish dude and came out covered in fake blood with a fake knife in his belt made of duct tape. To be honest, I confused them with engorged. They sounded a lot like vital remains with an over driven low-end. The singer came out after a sample played and almost said "let the killing beginning!" I must say, they were actually really good, but I was still expecting engorged the etreme dm band.

fecal corpse: (secondstage) I've been wanting to see them for a while now. Ever since the singer was the costomer rep when I called a battery place. They were the first deathgrind band, really close to sounding like old skinless. even the song titles were very skinless/goratory (some song about shitting so good you cum). This is their hometown and as such, they called out a lot of names, threw thanks, etc... People got pretty violent during their set. The barricade kept getting rammed inwards. sure am glad I didn't go over in front of it.

anal cunt: (mainstage) wow, seth doesn't need the walker when he's not plastered. He actually looked totally sober. Spurting words of wisdom into the mic. Also, he was pounding sprites. On of the video camera guys came up to the side of the stage and seth had a plesent little akward convo with him. The crowd was full of kids... Young kids.. Mostly who look like they aren't driving age yet, let alone anal cunt age. "welcome to the wicked tough forest we're playing" for you who don't know, this is jon gilis and josh redgreen's last show with the band. what they played was an abreviated set from what they did at SS V. At the end of their set, seth, like always, has his covert bag of shirts. "we only have 10 minutes left so come by a shirt $15"
[May 20,2006 10:07pm - the_reverend ""]
blood throne: (secondstage) no, not blood red throne like I iniitially thought.. This was a black metal band. The first band that I saw with sooouper thick corpse paint on. they reminded me of dark funeral. That is all.

skinless: (mainstage) ok, I was laughing for the entire start of their set. For some reason, they had a girl, tied up in the middle of the floor with a gas mask on... And they were kicking it! Er.. I mean her(chaonjsaw gutsfuck). ahahaha. once that was over, the set was awesome. Totally worth being tucked down in that sweaty room. Oh, and for some reason, the floor was soaked so jason was sliding all over it. The crowd was moshing a bit, but kicked it into high gear here jay flipped over into the crowd. He definitely gets a lot of use out of that wireless mic.

divinity destroyed: (secondstage) their keyboardist quit on them. I think the keyboards were right there. Their music just sounds weird without the keys.
[May 20,2006 10:11pm - shatteredliz at Cosi  ""]
With Aaron, Carina, Aniter, and Danny, on our way to Duff's!!! Duff's!!! I'm working on getting the Bostonians drizzunk. Wish me luck!!!
[May 21,2006 4:24am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Duff's is still open at this time, usually. The metal door might be down though.
[May 21,2006 6:58am - the_reverend ""]
carina and I got home safely... I'm working on pictures now.
give me a while.
[May 21,2006 8:02am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading
[May 21,2006 8:23am - the_reverend ""]
impaled: (secondstage) so you know the sample at the beginning? some how, it cut out and 1/2 played. They were awesome. So much fun live even though the sound in there was terrible. You couldn't hear ross's vocals at all. the guy that made the custom guitar (with the hands) was there tuning the guitars for them. ( http://www.jonezguitarz.com he also made the ).
[May 21,2006 8:26am - the_reverend ""]
Vital Remains: (mainstage) geez.. I don't think I was ready for that. Possibly their best set ever. Anthony is so good with this band. During the second song, he trashed a bible over the crowd. This reppeared later on the set and was totally shredder. Also, Anthony spent most of the tim on/in/climbing out of the crowd. On his second of third time, the barrier caved in under the weight of people pushing on it. I had the unfortunate luck of having it collaspe on my leg. That sucked. Good thing they pushed back so it didn't pin me there and break my leg. Dave started to play some Nile during on of the pauses. their set ended in a sweaty mess. the temp and humidity went through the roof. I really wish that anthony would get to do some tracks on the new CD.
[May 21,2006 9:14am - shatteredliz at home  ""]
Very fun day! So good to see Aaron and Carina. I didn't see a lot of the show, but I liked what I did! Glad you guys found your pizza, and you got home safe!
[May 21,2006 11:20am - i_am_not_me ""]
Oh, good, Anthony was doing vocals.
[May 21,2006 7:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Anthony > Glen
[May 21,2006 7:27pm - succubus ""]
It was awesome seeing you liz...last night through this morning was a blast! So many funny stories...

it was my first time seeing vital with anthony ... After their set ended aaron told me to go on stage and say hi..haven't seen him in so long...I was greeted with a smile and a "holy fuckin shit!" since it had been sooo long

[May 21,2006 7:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Anthony > Glen

Anyone > Glen
[May 21,2006 8:59pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Glen = "please pay attention to us and buy our records"

I honestly haven't enjoyed this band since Forever Underground. Godless Rising is INFINITELY superior to Vital Remains. This is truth.
[May 21,2006 8:59pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
PS - SO FUCKING GLAD I didn't waste my time or money on this turdfest.
[May 21,2006 9:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
GoatOfCatalyst said:Godless Rising is INFINITELY superior to Vital Remains.

You aren't the first to say that.
[May 21,2006 9:15pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I love the Vital Remains music, but I've just never thought Glen's vocals were anything special, even in Deicide.
[May 21,2006 9:16pm - RichHorror ""]
GoatOfCatalyst said:Godless Rising is INFINITELY superior to Vital Remains. This is truth.

[May 21,2006 9:39pm - BogusRendition ""]
what did VR play for songs anyways? All Dechristianize?
[May 21,2006 10:32pm - vitalrepulse666  ""]
vital remains setlist was in order

Let The Killing Begin
Devoured Elysium
Cold Wars (Vader Cover)
Savior To None...Failure To All

Thats it
And Skinless's Setlist Was
Tampon Lollipops
Foreshadowing Our Demise
From Sacrifice To Survival
Overload(New Song)
Extermination Of My Filthy Species
The Optimist

Fecal Corpse Setlist was
Cannibalistic Tendencies
Vomiting Feces
Insidious Disembowelment
Orgasmic Excretion
Raping The Retarted
Dragged On Jagged Asphalt
Ascent From Muddy Waters
Festering Flesh Infection From The Slices I Got From Your Peanut Riddled Fecal Matter
[May 22,2006 9:26am - SacredCyn ""]
The hype is what fucked the fest up. If 1349 / Bephlagor hadn't been promised, it would have been a great show. The dissapointment was a big fuckin' blow to the face. Glad that Anthony did Vital's vocals, he owns Glen anyday. Last thoughts, well.. I'm glad I went, but am pissed at how we were all dicked around. Much respect to the bands that did show up after this whole fiasco.
[May 22,2006 9:46am - i_am_not_me ""]
the_reverend said:destored minds: (secondstage) the singer had a britney spears mic so he could play guitar as well. Um.. I guess they were deathmetal. There were a lot of black metal vocals and also groovey parts. It sort of reminded me of some old ATNFAC tracks. actually, they remind me a lot of atnfac.

Britney Spears mic...ripping off Macabre much?

[May 22,2006 9:51am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm curious, why is it that we generally find out these bands can't make it into the country the day of? Is it because they only apply for their visas the day of traveling to the US to play? Because when they hit the airport they can't get through the metal detectors with all those spikes and studs? Or because the promoters are being shady, knew the bands wouldn't get over here all along, and delayed the truth to the last minute to trap people into still showings?

Or a combination of the three?
[May 22,2006 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
DHTH: I wondered the same thing. do they apply for getting in to the US when they hit the border? I know when coming from canada, bands get stopped all the time. but that's just them driving up to the border. you woud think if they were flying over that they would know ahead of time.

SacredCyn: that's pretty much my feelings too... this show was awesome (and so was my night). I had a great time in NYC and want to go back and shoot again at some shows there. with all the issues, this show went awesome. Vital played amazing, and I got to check out some new bands. but neither of those reasons were why I went to the show. I went for two reasons: an outdoor festival (before it got moved) and belphegor. I did have a great time, but if doesn't feel like I went to the same show as I was originally going to.
[May 22,2006 11:50am - Will from Distorted Mind  ""]
"ripping off Macabre much?"

No. I've never even heard of them using a headset mic haha. I just use whatever helps me headbang and move around more freely.
[May 22,2006 12:43pm - cav ""]
is Anthony playing the show in RI next weekend?? that would be brutal. i hate glen benton and ive been dying to see vital for a while. itd be nice to see that dude even though i doubt he remembers who i am.
[May 22,2006 12:45pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Yes Anthony will be in PVD
[May 22,2006 1:18pm - whatweaponsbringwar NLI  ""]
Thats pretty sick that divinity destroyed played, wish I got to see it. Didnt even know they were still around
[May 22,2006 4:09pm - SadisticMetalHead  ""]
This show did not apeal to me at all. I wanted to see 1349 and Belph...
[May 23,2006 12:54am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:DHTH: I wondered the same thing. do they apply for getting in to the US when they hit the border? I know when coming from canada, bands get stopped all the time. but that's just them driving up to the border. you woud think if they were flying over that they would know ahead of time.

SacredCyn: that's pretty much my feelings too... this show was awesome (and so was my night). I had a great time in NYC and want to go back and shoot again at some shows there. with all the issues, this show went awesome. Vital played amazing, and I got to check out some new bands. but neither of those reasons were why I went to the show. I went for two reasons: an outdoor festival (before it got moved) and belphegor. I did have a great time, but if doesn't feel like I went to the same show as I was originally going to.

your night was awesome why?
you probably should expand and also thank liz

[May 23,2006 7:44am - INFECT ""]
SadisticMetalHead said:This show did not apeal to me at all. I wanted to see 1349 and Belph...

i heard tell theyre gonna play a few shows around here cuz they couldnt do DITF can anyone verify this??
[May 23,2006 8:00am - i_am_not_me ""]
Will from Distorted Mind said:"ripping off Macabre much?"

No. I've never even heard of them using a headset mic haha. I just use whatever helps me headbang and move around more freely.

'twas in jest. I thought you got the idea from them. It's a cool idea, though, I honestly don't know why more people don't do it.
[May 23,2006 10:31am - anonymous  ""]
TJ, who promoted DITF posted a myspace bulletin about booking 1349 and Belphegor for a couple shows in the NY area
[May 23,2006 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
well, post it.
[May 26,2006 8:43am - Scott  ""]
I would say this show went better than I expected after all the bull shit
[May 26,2006 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
agreed * 10
[May 26,2006 8:50am - Scott from Zircon  ""]
This was our first out of state show. This was the second best show we've ever played. The best was our first palladium show in 2000 opening for Mayhem. After all the venue changes for this show I was thinking why the hell did we cancel the show in New Bedford for this Bull shit. I wanted to see Belphegor and 1349. After we played and I knew what was going on I would say that the whole thing was worth it. Immolation and Vital Remains played fucking sick sets

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