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Did anyone see Coheed earlier tonight?

[May 17,2006 12:47am - retzam ""]
I don't suppose there are many fans on here, but, damn, they kicked ass in Lowell tonight.
[May 17,2006 12:48am - davefromthegrave ""]
[May 17,2006 1:03am - retzam ""]
Yep, want a handjob?
[May 17,2006 1:05am - davefromthegrave ""]
just got one, thanks
[May 17,2006 1:05am - retzam ""]
damn it all to hell
[May 17,2006 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
I don't really like rush all that much so I don't really dig c&c, but I'm glad you had fun.
[May 17,2006 7:09am - watchmaker666 ""]
Oh rev just call him a fag, you will feel better
[May 17,2006 10:29am - Nice Shot  ""]
retzam said:I don't suppose there are many fans on here, but, damn, they kicked ass in Lowell tonight.

Was there a wall of college frat guys and repulsive depressed teen queens?
[May 17,2006 10:37am - mOe ""]
i dig Coheed's first two cd's but the third one was garbage in my opinion. nothing but rehashed melodies and songs from the second cd. And i'm not in too much of a rush to see them because of the amount of people i do not wish to see or rub shoulders with who would be there i.e. the frat boys and teen queens screaming for claudio's seminal fluids
[May 17,2006 10:57am - succubus ""]
i don't like that band...some rush is fine, great even...but this band annoys me...sorry!
[May 17,2006 11:04am - Nice Shot  ""]
does anyone else notice that they try too hard to not just sound/be like rush, but also praise Led Zepplin too much? just a thought...
[May 17,2006 3:45pm - retzam ""]
They don't try hard to be like Rush. And I like Led Zeppelin... hahaha, I think it's pretty cool that someone has brought back the violin bow.
[May 17,2006 3:45pm - retzam ""]
Oh, and yes, there were lots of frat guys and teen queens.
[May 17,2006 4:06pm - blue ""]
i like coheed. even the new stuff. im uber ghey.

by the way, rush has never played a large role in their influence. you may think it sounds like it, but in fact all youre listening to is the vocals.
[May 17,2006 9:39pm - retzam ""]
blue said:i like coheed. even the new stuff. im uber ghey.

by the way, rush has never played a large role in their influence. you may think it sounds like it, but in fact all youre listening to is the vocals.

Whew, I was worried I wouldn't have anyone to defend them with me. Haha. I think all their albums are great, and after last night especially, I don't care what anyone thinks. I had no one to go with and I was just as excited to just go alone, such a good performance. Were you there?
[May 17,2006 10:48pm - anonymous  ""]
you like this band? you're gay.
you like that band? you're gay.
you can only be cool if you start a thread about a band that falls in to my carefully concieved image of brutality i have bestowed upon my self.

.......every conversation on this site that talks about a band that is big.
[May 17,2006 10:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
anonymous said:you like this band? you're gay.
you like that band? you're gay.
you can only be cool if you start a thread about a band that falls in to my carefully concieved image of brutality i have bestowed upon my self.

.......every conversation on this site that talks about a band that is big.

not really, just the gay ones.
[May 17,2006 11:05pm - Murph ""]
eh, behind Iron Maiden and Death, Coheed would be up in my top 3 of all time...lots of people hate the vocals and the fact theyve become uber-popular, but for me the playback value and strength of their songs (and the fact I believe Claudio to be an amazing vocalist with a really good sense of pitch, rhythm, and dynamic for someone with that high of a range) is above most bands. I'm not much of a fan of their crowds either, but a Coheed and record or a Coheed show isnt about the fan base, its about the music.
[May 18,2006 6:37am - retzam ""]
Murph said:eh, behind Iron Maiden and Death, Coheed would be up in my top 3 of all time...lots of people hate the vocals and the fact theyve become uber-popular, but for me the playback value and strength of their songs (and the fact I believe Claudio to be an amazing vocalist with a really good sense of pitch, rhythm, and dynamic for someone with that high of a range) is above most bands. I'm not much of a fan of their crowds either, but a Coheed and record or a Coheed show isnt about the fan base, its about the music.

I'm pretty comfortable saying that right now they're my favorite band. I completely agree with everything here, especially the playback value and strength of songs bit.

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