Saturday Sept 27th Exhumed[views:10676][posts:41]the Met Cafe (Providence, RI) - [exhumed][malignancy][nefarious][randomshots][wehrwolfe] ______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 9:59am - the_reverend ""] EXHUMED | KATAKLYSM | DIABOLIQUE | MALIGNANCY | NEFARIOUS who is going? someone I know went to this show in Chicago and Exhumed was a no-show... sad. |
______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 10:00am - RustedAngel ""] KATAKLYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :satancross: |
_______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 11:04am - the_reverend ""] *in shadows & dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!* |
______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 11:14am - RustedAngel ""] HAHAHAH! "IIIIII MANIPULATE YOUR SOULS, DEEP INSIDE THE CORE, RAPING YOUR EXISTENCE, IN DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!" :satancross: |
___________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 11:18am - succubus ""] i'm going! i'm going!:ralphie: |
___________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 11:18am - succubus ""] i'm going! i'm going!:ralphie: |
________________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 12:37pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] There's a slight chance I might accidently show up. I mean hell yeah, I'm there. |
___________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 12:48pm - Lynneaus ""] *sniff* *Sniff* i have to work the friggin skate fest friday and saturday... maybe i can uhmm work really hard and get out early saturday and make it to the show... if not someone say hi to maurizio for me and ask where the hell my jacket is!! |
_______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 5:17pm - armageddonday ""] I will advise everybody who's coming to try to make it for Nefarious, they're opening, those guys are really good, like a mix of early Emperor, early Darkthrone, some Bathory, Venom, technical and super melodic. They practice tons, and really need some support. I think they really have a huge potential to get bigger. |
_______________________________________ [Sep 25,2003 11:42pm - the_reverend ""] I second that. they were awesome. very old school |
_______________________________________ [Sep 26,2003 2:55pm - armageddonday ""] yeah they really are, I'm super psyched about those guys. They also have a lot of will and they're amazing people. It's just very refreshing to see something new! |
___________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 1:55am - dyingmuse ""] armageddonday said:I will advise everybody who's coming to try to make it for Nefarious, they're opening, those guys are really good, like a mix of early Emperor, early Darkthrone, some Bathory, Venom, technical and super melodic. They practice tons, and really need some support. I think they really have a huge potential to get bigger. somehow venom and melodic really dont fit togrther...they rocked but i dont know...technical? i want to hear this band though...where? |
_______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 10:19am - the_reverend ""] tonight @ the met cafe |
_______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 12:43pm - the_reverend ""] tom.. bring a copy of S&D... I want to hear it on the way down. and if you aren't in the front yelling along to s&d... knee to your nuts. |
______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 12:50pm - RustedAngel ""] the_reverend said: someone I know went to this show in Chicago and Exhumed was a no-show... sad. who cares, it is all about KATAKLYSM |
______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 12:55pm - RustedAngel ""] the_reverend said:tom.. bring a copy of S&D... I want to hear it on the way down. and if you aren't in the front yelling along to s&d... knee to your nuts. weird, I just put s&d in like 20 minutes ago. |
___________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 1:33pm - Dissector ""] What time does it start? And this might seem like a stupid question but is Diabolique and Diabolic the same band, seems like every site I go to that promotes this show spells it differently... |
______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 1:59pm - the_reverend ""] oh shit... I hope it's diabolic.. I don't know diabolique. diabolic was amazing live. diabolic 2002: [img] diabolic 2001: [img] |
___________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 2:20pm - Dissector ""] Yeah, I hope its Diabolic too. Vengeance Ascending is one of my all time favorite cds. but start time, anybody know? |
_______________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 3:13pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] EXHUMED/KATAKLYSM/DIABOLIC/MALIGNANCY/NEFARIOUS - 8pm/$15 - (Events page is awesome, hehe) |
___________________________________ [Sep 27,2003 3:43pm - Dissector ""] hahaha, I guess I should of checked there first. |
______________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 2:48am - the_reverend ""] I'm back, working on the pictures now |
__________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:07am - succubus ""] wonder why Diabolic and kataklysm were no shows....wehrwolfe were great though |
_________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:20am - Terence ""] Kataklysm are so awesome. too bad they didnt play tonight :( |
______________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:23am - the_reverend ""] pictures are up. |
______________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:52am - the_reverend ""] yeah yeah, kataklysm+diabolic=noshows. though, it sort of seems like someone knew a while ago that they were not coming. they probably should have told ann. if someone else out there's got the in on why they didn't show, post please. nefarious: the sounded excellent.. on the last two tracks. the vocals in the first few sucked. They sounded so terrible... there was even feedback. then the sound guy had them "turn up the guitars" and the vocals magically sounded so much better. wehrwolfe: a plesent surprise. I got the new disc and I really wanted to check them out. Figuring I never would, I was wicked surprised to see them on the list. They sounded a bit different live then on the cd. they sounded a lot more blackmetal live (closed to a diabolic sound) where on cd they sound more deathmetal (like internecine). They let out waaaay toooo muuuuch gaaaaaay fooooooooog. It was kind of hard to deal with on that small stage. malignancy: well, I haven't seen them since the first metalshow that I shot (may 6th 2000). It's great to finally get some ok pictures of them. They were a little less perverted this time. last time, I remember a song going out to girls that... er... I'll refrain from saying it... but this time, they played a brutal set, showing a bit more of a technical side. I know they have move toward death metal, away from death grind. exhumed: looking up on stage, there were a lot of new faces. the bass player and drummer are gone. the bassplayer replaced by leon (ex-impaled) and danny walker (uphill battle). Honestly, the drummer was THE reason to check out this show.. he sort of stole it. He was like a machine for the first few songs... then (as the rest of the band drank water and tapped there feet) he went off on a ~5 minute drum solo. At the end, not letting up, just dropping right into the next song. It was incredible. to me, the gore fucking metal isn't the same with out buddy vomiting.. but it's still pretty sick. I saw the chainsaw on the side of the stage... but... no chainsaw, no puking, no fire, no blood, just pure gore fucking metal. |
_________________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 10:48am - todayistheday ""] the long haired dude in exhumed has the same guitar as me......... |
________________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 1:58pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""] I guess im glad I didnt go know that I know kataklysm didnt play, but I missed malignancy which sucks. Their new disc is so fucking good |
___________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 2:56pm - Dissector ""] The show over all was good. I was really bummed out in the beginning that Diabolic wasn't there, but when the show started I really didn't care, it was all good. Nefarious: They we're alright. I like black metal but they really didn't stand out that much. The only song that I really liked from them was their last one. Wehrwolfe: These guys were fucking awesome. I think they did a good job taking Diabolic's place. I was gonna get their cd but at the end of the night they ran out. Malignancy: These guys we're also great. I haven't heard their new album yet and wasn't really expecting much from them (judging them on their old stuff) but they did a great job. I really got into them. Exhumed: These guys have been one of my favorite bands for a long time. I was dissapointed that there was no fire, puke, blood, and chainsaws also but they we're still good. That drum solo was amazing. I didn't even Bud was out of the band, is Leon permanent? Highlight of the night, Matt Harvey commenting on my Texas Chainsaw Massacre shirt. |
___________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:07pm - Dissector ""] [img] [img] Anybody else see the resemblance? |
______________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:09pm - the_reverend ""] as far as I know leon is a quickly found temporary replacement. I think the phrase termed for the other guys that left exhumed where "false metal faggots". |
_____________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 3:58pm - RustedAngel ""] here are c00ters pictures... Kataklysm was a fuckin no show. The main band I went down for this was Kataklysm. Nefarious: The Vocals Sucked, don't get drunk before you play. The Drumming was pretty good even though it wasn't miced. Wearwolf: Pretty brutal band, glad someone filled in for the bands that cancelled. The Fog was kind of gay and ruined some pictures. Malignancy: Never really checked these guys out, they were okay, nothing too special. They fucked up twice at the end of their set and stopped playing the song each time. Kind of gay, is this their first show ever? Exhumed: Much Much better than the last time I saw them. Their new drummer is so much better, he played in Uphill Battle which is also another good band from CA. Easily they stole the show and were the most professional sounding band of the night. Pot Smokers: Smoke your gay pot outside, fags. I can't wait for you to die. 2 Hot Girls: Can I grab your boob's please? Dave/ Vital Remains: Can I cut your fingers off and sew them on my hands? :satancross: |
_______________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 5:05pm - armageddonday ""] I wanted to apologize for Kataklysm..I heard about it the very same day at 5pm too late to do anything. As far as Diabolic, I think I got heard of the new on Thursday when the booking agency faxed me the rider. At this point I let it go...fuck it. That was a good show. Now I need to get hired by The Met to book metal shows for them so I won't lost money on each of them... Anne |
________________________________________ [Sep 28,2003 8:20pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""] I guess im glad I didnt go know that I know kataklysm didnt play, but I missed malignancy which sucks. Their new disc is so fucking good |
_______________________________ [Sep 29,2003 5:57pm - PSHR ""] Dissector, where you the fag wearing the gay studded collar and the TCM shirt? Whats with Exhumed attracting total homos. There should be no big pants mall metal kids at an Exhumed show. The highlight of the show was when the stupid fag in the "punisher" shirt got attacked by the bassist from Wehrwolves (snoozefest) for being fucking annoying and moshing. That kid was the epitome of aids |
________________________________________ [Sep 29,2003 10:24pm - armageddonday ""] Who the fuck ended up in the ambulance? I didn't even know until I saw the picture on RTTP...Hope he's alright. |
_______________________________________ [Sep 29,2003 10:26pm - the_reverend ""] he crawled out of the door like a dog. Will was leading him. I think he broke his ankle. |
________________________________________ [Sep 29,2003 10:29pm - armageddonday ""] Alright as long as it's just that, he's probably fine. I was a bit worried cause I heard he fell on his head and there was glass around.. |
________________________________________ [Sep 29,2003 10:33pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] He's going to end up like me. [img] Pickles incinerate the polyrhythmic urine. Dun dhere fuck'd it all backwards and junk. Wazzle. |
_______________________________________ [Sep 29,2003 10:34pm - the_reverend ""] I heard the glass explode... that was dumb. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 2,2003 4:29pm - Leon del Muerte ""] Greets, Just to clear some stuff up: Diabolic dropped out just before the tour got underway and Wehrwolfe were cool enough to jump on and fill out their spot. Incredibly nice guys, they rule!! Kataklysm went home after Lorraine, OH because of money problems. The show at the Met Cafe was awesome, and Ann is the best promotor in that area, without a doubt. |
______________________________________ [Oct 2,2003 5:12pm - armageddonday ""] Thanx dude! :doublehorns: I guess you made it on time for Mike to get to work! Hope your lip is getting better. You guys rule! Anytime! :doublehorns: |