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Midget has a new song on myspace.

[Apr 26,2006 1:05pm - Midgetstealer ""]
Alright, so while we are waiting on our cd to get back to us, I uploaded two songs. A new version of number b, and also CanadaFace is up there now. They are the final mixes. Our album should be back from being mastered in texas no later than mid next week. Check the songs out let us know what ya'll think. Take care- All 5 of us. http://www.myspace.com/midgetstealer
[Apr 26,2006 1:29pm - serpentrainbow  ""]
Dont you know not to post on here, everyone on here is so closed-minded. All you hear in there cd player is some dude with bitch vocals talking about dragons and blood. Or some retard choking on a mic stuffed down his throat to get that "deathy sound". If it doenst sound like the only thing we listen to we wont like it or even give it a chance.
[Apr 26,2006 1:36pm - Midgetstealer ""]
You could've been nicer about it. Now anyone who reads that wont listen to the songs DICKHEAD.

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