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[Apr 25,2006 12:42pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
this is my list of genres for the bands on day three mainstage, now the genres I listed are only those which I got from various sites, they are not my own opinons, I haven't even heard of most of these bands, so if you know more about them post it.

I killed the prom Queen- Looks like gay hardcore
Sanctity- "Classic metal" "Thrash" "melodic heavy metal", on dragonforce's tour
Hypersolid- "shred metal"
Withered- "Black metal, grindcore, swedish influenced death metal"
Mercury Switch - something core
Xdeathcorex- christian, straight edge hardcore
Inked in blood- core
A love end suicide- core
Light This City - female fronted melodic death metal
Protest this hero- "metal, punk , thrash".........."not like the comback kid"
Burn in silence- "hardcore vocals with melodic death metal" music sounds awesome to me
Cannae- metalcore, they were there last year.
Trouble- "proto doom"
Byzantine- metal...
Into eternity- power death metal
Wolf- couldn't figure out which one, I am assuming it is the Nwobhm one.
The Bronx Casket co- gothic rock/metal

and if you don't know dragonforce and gamma ray dont go to metalfest.
[Apr 25,2006 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I know 98% of the words in this thread, but I've never seen them together in this order.
[Apr 25,2006 2:45pm - mOe @ work  ""]
i dont know much about those bands but i DO know that Hypersolid is Grade-A NU METAL
RK played with them at the Lucky Dog a little over a year ago and they asked if anyone liked Metal...we just sat and stared, then the singer goes "i know these guys do!"...So they proceeded to play a Soilwork song from one of the past two albums
to say the least, I was quite suprised to see that they were on this fest although i guess i shouldnt have been
[Apr 25,2006 3:49pm - the_reverend ""]
hypersolid are more like nevermore than numetal.
[Apr 25,2006 3:53pm - Sacreligion ""]
im gonna pistol whip the next person who uses the word nu-metal

no bands around here sound like korn, limp bizkit, or linkin park anymore
[Apr 25,2006 4:07pm - ShadowSD  ""]
We've played with them a few times over the years, nice guys, although their style of music is very different than ours. However, I will say that despite the fact they have some newer influences, it would take a very purist definition to call Hypersolid out and out nu-metal, as they added lot of prog elements and guitar harmonies to their music with time. But they are definitely in no way "shred metal" as the original description suggests; shred implies guitar solos, and there aren't any. I don't know why on earth they would be on this fest before we would be (especially with headliners like Lacuna Coil), but whatever...
[Apr 25,2006 4:09pm - Sacreligion ""]
they were asked to do it out of the blue i guess

i'm still hoping that christina from lacuna coil goes to ralph's for a burger before their set on friday while we're playing and then i get to have sex with her
[Apr 25,2006 4:21pm - anonymous  ""]
hypersolid in no way, shape or form shreds. unless it is shredding another mans anus with their needle dicks.
[Apr 25,2006 4:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
way to go anonymous
[Apr 25,2006 5:05pm - i_am_not_me ""]
So it IS the good Trouble?
[Apr 25,2006 6:04pm - mOe @ work  ""]
Hypersolid sound ABSOLUTELY nothing like Nevermore, they sound a whole lot like numetal CRAP
[Apr 25,2006 6:11pm - Sacreligion ""]
gah! *pistol whip*
[Apr 25,2006 6:12pm - brian_dc ""]
there are a lot of people who call the worship of new Soilwork albums Nu-Metal. If that is where they come from, they are right.

I'm listening to them now, and it could be a Soilwork demo with a less hardcore sounding vocalist.
[Apr 25,2006 6:13pm - brian_dc ""]
oh, didn't see that high note coming
[Apr 25,2006 6:14pm - Sacreligion ""]
this is gonna be the never ending thread of *pistol whips*
[Apr 25,2006 6:16pm - brian_dc ""]
whatever dude...I do remember the old Hypersolid material...which was pretty standard nu.
[Apr 25,2006 8:45pm - kessaris ""]

What they sound EXACTLY like is new Soilwork parts mixed together with Iron Maiden parts....

Rev, if you think Hypersolid sounds like Nevermore, then I dunno man...

btw, where was the hypersolid shred? Do you think Bruce Dickenson impersonations are shredding guitars? I think you are confused.

I've said my piece....

PS - never buy canned refried beans...
[Apr 25,2006 8:49pm - kessaris ""]
I didn't mean to sound like an asshole there Rev, but I guess with me it's unavoidable
[Apr 25,2006 8:51pm - Sacreligion ""]
brian_dc said:whatever dude...I do remember the old Hypersolid material...which was pretty standard nu.

you get half a pistol whip
[Apr 25,2006 8:53pm - brian_dc ""]

What they sound EXACTLY like is new Soilwork parts mixed together with Iron Maiden parts....

Rev, if you think Hypersolid sounds like Nevermore, then I dunno man...

btw, where was the hypersolid shred? Do you think Bruce Dickenson impersonations are shredding guitars? I think you are confused.

I've said my piece....

PS - never buy canned refried beans...

dude, it doesn't even seem mixed together. The first song on there is like 2:30 of Soilwork followed by 2:30 of Maiden.

*anti-pistol whip forcefield* (24243 sided die style)

[Apr 25,2006 8:54pm - Sacreligion ""]
my pistol whip roll is a d30 with a +999999999999999999999 to all melee attacks
[Apr 25,2006 9:07pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Don't they have a forum for D&D geeks?
[Apr 25,2006 9:08pm - brian_dc ""]
dude, we obviously don't know what we're talking about
[Apr 25,2006 10:15pm - kessaris ""]
last night I tried to kill myself again...

...anyways here's a Brasky story
[Apr 25,2006 10:21pm - brian_dc ""]
[Apr 25,2006 10:31pm - blue nli  ""]
bill brasky is a son of a bitch.
[Apr 26,2006 2:21am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I just found the word shred on one of their sites, I pretty much looked at one or two sites for each band and came up with the genre most labelled.

I have only hear like three or four of the bands going hahaha

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