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9/11 cover up?

[Apr 24,2006 3:02pm - sever ""]

Probably a load of shit but it's still interesting.
[Apr 24,2006 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I clicked on it and now I'm sure the FBI is tracing me. thanks.
[Apr 24,2006 3:19pm - thedeparted ""]
well its on myspace so it must be real
[Apr 24,2006 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
haha yeah this is based off of the credibility of myspace. i do believe there is a massive coverup, but i am not going to believe anything on myspace. read about it in the book "Everything You Know is Wrong". i am not saying it is true, but the evidence is presented and its a much more credible source.
[Apr 24,2006 3:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
somebody made up a myspace account to present the case, blame the person, not myspace. i think it's retarded to disregard cause it's on myspace, after all it's the largest network in world right now.
[Apr 24,2006 3:33pm - thedeparted ""]
the thing is, is that they arent presenting anything new, they are just posting all the same shit that has been spammed all over the internet, now it is just on the largest network in the world. myspace. which is in fact a worthless news source.
[Apr 24,2006 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
not for long!
skyNet 2029!
[Apr 24,2006 3:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
thedeparted said:the thing is, is that they arent presenting anything new, they are just posting all the same shit that has been spammed all over the internet, now it is just on the largest network in the world. myspace. which is in fact a worthless news source.

right, i don't see what the problem is, basically they summed up the arguement and present it on myspace in order to help promote the idea. of course there's nothing new, it's a summary. discrediting it because it's on myspace is retarded, you might as well dismiss the entire arguement then if you hate looking at it. i don't understand why people let myspace ruin their day. soo evil dude!
[Apr 24,2006 3:44pm - SteveOTB ""]
I believe there's a massive cover up. Even with all the evidence in the world the government will just say "nope that's not true" and the investigation is pretty much over. I wish the whole lid could be blown on this whole thing to set people's minds at ease but of course if anyone finds out that the government was behind the whole thing people would riot, overturn the government, and it would just be mass chaos.
[Apr 24,2006 3:48pm - DomesticTerror ""]
the_reverend said:I clicked on it and now I'm sure the FBI is tracing me. thanks.

speaking of which...Wednesday I did some "i wish George W. was dead" comedy, and a day and a half later I was hit by a drunk driver. Coincidence? I think not...
[Apr 24,2006 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
they are tricky bastards... I didn't know they tapped the intoxicated arts yet. once they get that midget gun working, you will be done.
[Apr 24,2006 4:05pm - thedeparted ""]
i dont care one way or another. the whole idea as a summary is being promoted to 15 year old kids who think its cool to go to school and say
911 was a hoax, because it is such a controversial topic.

i just think it is funny that something as huge as the 911 attacks and conspiracy is now home on myspace.com the same place teens are commiting suicide and posting pictures of their asses in girl jeans.
[Apr 24,2006 6:07pm - george loves you  ""]
are there any other videos similar to "spare change" and "911 eyewitness" that are worth watching?
[Apr 24,2006 6:10pm - brian_dc ""]
the movie Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State by Alex Jones is semi interesting. He jumps to all sorts of conclusions though. And as far as I know you have to buy it.

but you can check it out at http://www.prisonplanet.com

I think "Loose Change" is the most interesting one I've seen
[Apr 24,2006 6:11pm - brian_dc ""]
but now i'm watching this 9/11 eyewitness thing
[Apr 24,2006 6:26pm - brian_dc ""]
this video so far is not that good
[Apr 24,2006 6:31pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
DomesticTerror said:the_reverend said:I clicked on it and now I'm sure the FBI is tracing me. thanks.

speaking of which...Wednesday I did some "i wish George W. was dead" comedy, and a day and a half later I was hit by a drunk driver. Coincidence? I think not...

Was Bush the driver? Heard he started drinking again...
[Apr 24,2006 6:31pm - brian_dc ""]
all of the things the guy highlights on this "Eyewitness 911" are either irrelevant or just ridiculous...I'm only 15 minutes in though.

There were not 7 choppers there, the choppers just flew in and out of the guys camera frame...
[Apr 24,2006 6:34pm - thedeparted ""]
where is this eyewitness thing?
[Apr 24,2006 6:43pm - brian_dc ""]
ok, this is sorta interesting
[Apr 24,2006 6:48pm - thedeparted ""]
brian where are you watching this?
[Apr 24,2006 6:58pm - brian_dc ""]
you tube
[Apr 24,2006 6:58pm - brian_dc ""]
if you haven't seen the loose change thing...watch that first...it's more interesting
[Apr 24,2006 6:58pm - brian_dc ""]
oh, this isn't youtube
it's google video
[Apr 24,2006 7:06pm - DomesticTerror ""]
HailTheLeaf said:DomesticTerror said:the_reverend said:I clicked on it and now I'm sure the FBI is tracing me. thanks.

speaking of which...Wednesday I did some "i wish George W. was dead" comedy, and a day and a half later I was hit by a drunk driver. Coincidence? I think not...

Was Bush the driver? Heard he started drinking again...

no, it was Laura. she's already killed once before...

[Apr 24,2006 9:58pm - george loves you  ""]
911 Eyewitness eventually picks up, but watching it is grueling. The fact that they want you to watch EVERY SECOND of the guys footage (over and over) gets really old really fast. But he makes a few good points not covered in Loose Change: Newton's Law, 7 WTC, falling debri, etc. I still dont understand why they covered the helicopter flashes. What the hell was with that part?
[Apr 24,2006 10:14pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 24,2006 11:20pm - PatMeebles ""]
Every time, I have to post this...

[Apr 25,2006 12:56pm - ShadowSD  ""]
PatMeebles said:Every time, I have to post this...


A thorough article, but I'm surprised at how badly they devalued their own arguments with a clear bias in the introduction:

"As outlandish as these claims may sound, they are increasingly accepted abroad and among extremists here in the United States."

Words like 'outlandish' and 'extremist' marginalize the viewpoint, and before any evidence is even presented. Believing such a viewpoint is inherantly extreme relies on the assumption that the administration is obviously too trustworthy for any rational person to consider such a thing, but the problem is that that trust is itself based on the conspiracy viewpoint not being true in the first place. It's circular logic, and circular logic, used to marginalize opposing viewpoints, is one of the administration's favorite tools. Applying it here is not the way to suggest that this time the administration is telling the truth.

The above sentence also simultaneously accomplishes two other things that reactionary conservatives in the Bush administration love to do. First, it suggests that only extremists in the US agree with viewpoints abroad; this simultaneously puts all American critics in the same boat with foreign critics and puts them both in the same boat with enemies of the US, while at the same time suggesting the administration view is in the mainstream. Second, it invokes a climate of fear by suggesting that outlandish claims are "increasingly accepted abroad and among extremists here in the United States"; in otherwords, by the enemy, and the threat from them is mounting.

"Others are the byproducts of cynical imaginations that aim to inject suspicion and animosity into public debate. Only by confronting such poisonous claims..."

This implies that an American with a cynical imagination would be intentionally aimed towards injecting suspiction and animosity, which is just ludicrous. This discussion board has plenty of Americans who are cynics, and we will all tell you, we are cynical when we can't find legitimate reason to be more hopeful. We do not "aim" to do anything; there is no agenda inherent to a lesser degree of optimism. To suggest that being cynical implies a conscious intent to poison the debate with unnecessary suspicion and animosity is ridiculous; it implies that everyone who is not cheering the adminstration at all times is intentionally putting anti-American propaganda in the debate. Such a way of thinking allows no room for dissent, and is antithetical to democracy. It's just more of the same climate of fear stuff that the administration has used to stifle all criticism in the last five years.

One has to wonder, did the article have to use such politically loaded language for what is supposed to come off as an objective debunking, one with hopes of changing opposing viewpoints?
[Apr 25,2006 1:21pm - brian_dc ""]
I also want to know their codes...some of the so called "myths" are in italicized, red writing and others are not.
[Apr 25,2006 2:59pm - lord gold  ""]
PatMeebles said:Every time, I have to post this...


that site has soooo many holes, its not worthy of a response.
[Apr 25,2006 3:06pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
lord gold said:that site has soooo many holes, its not worthy of a response.

[Apr 25,2006 3:10pm - Sacreligion ""]
don't look for solid facts here chris...most people just make ludicrous claims and then won't back any of it up

i am the lord jesus christ
[Sep 11,2014 11:03am - 9/11 INSIDE JORB  ""]

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