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Sept 21st 2003 - the staton/doc metal benifit.

the Met Cafe (Providence, RI) - [arch_demon_choir][bane_of_existence][candy_striper_death_orgy][disengaged][kevorkians_angels][norseth][randomshots]
[Sep 21,2003 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm heading down to it now.
should be a good time.
BoE CSDO... I hope CSDO plays better than last night.
[Sep 22,2003 7:55am - the_reverend ""]
I just got back from it.
I'm going to have pictures up soon.
[Sep 22,2003 8:23am - the_reverend ""]

pictures are up.
[Sep 22,2003 11:40am - succubus ""]
it was sad that not a lot of people were there...

it was a great show though
[Sep 22,2003 11:49am - joe/notcommon ""]
i had a great time
i think it was strange that nobody came, considering HJY promoted the show on air for the past 2 weeks.
i guess nobody likes metal in RI
[Sep 22,2003 11:53am - RustedAngel ""]
there are plenty of people in RI that like metal.

could be that it wasn't promoted enough? or maybe they just don't like you. :spineyes:
[Sep 22,2003 11:57am - baneofexistence ""]
i agree on both comments i had a great time playing and seeing 2 bands i never saw before

norseth were pretty cool in a shadows fallish kinda way they had the big draw cause they are still in school and work the youth crew gettin all their friends to go they did a great job

arch demon choir were very impressive in a judas priest painkiller sounding way musicly with different vocals i have yet to try and figure out who the singer sounded like but he was very good for that style

csdo were cool as always in a 80's thrash way i wish more folks stayed to see them

disengaged was as entertaining as usual beakey is the balls that trash can things was interesting especially since everyone was spitting in it earlier and the rest of the night

kevorkians angels are an unrelenting force to be reckoned with and proved it

i heard bane of existence were there did anyone see em

succubus said:it was sad that not a lot of people were there...

it was a great show though

[Sep 22,2003 11:57am - joe/notcommon ""]
it was promoted pretty well.
shit happens i guess
[Sep 22,2003 11:58am - RustedAngel ""]
shitty that you guys can't play tonight. tell your bass player to quit work for one night.
[Sep 22,2003 11:58am - baneofexistence ""]
thats it if i see you be forwarned to be punched in the face

this show got mad amounts of press from 94WHJY especially on the metalzone which dr metal used to do it was the longest running commercial metal radio show in the usa

RustedAngel said:there are plenty of people in RI that like metal.

could be that it wasn't promoted enough? or maybe they just don't like you. :spineyes:

[Sep 22,2003 12:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
baneofexistence said:thats it if i see you be forwarned to be punched in the face

fighting threats are so gay. i've never been in a real fight and never plan on it, but i'll be sure and not fight back and just sue to get your trailer reposessed.

[Sep 22,2003 12:15pm - RustedAngel ""]

that kid has skinnier arms than me! christ!
[Sep 22,2003 12:20pm - RustedAngel ""]

that guitar is pretty rad.

anyone know the make?
[Sep 22,2003 12:23pm - baneofexistence ""]
i wanna get a coupla things accross

1. if it wasn't for dr metal on whjy i may have not been a metal head i was listening to his program when it first started way back in the day i was like 14 or 15 (thats before most of you were a stain on a bed sheet in a cheap motel) i am now 37 and still metal all the way

2. my wife an i almost went to the great white(i am a fan deal with it i saw em open for priest in 84) show at the station and we could have been a victims just like the 100 that died and the others who are permenantly injured some who are beyond repair psyicly and emotionally.

so this show ment a lot to me in many ways shapes and forms it's sad that it didn't draw so well cause it was a good cause

[Sep 22,2003 12:24pm - baneofexistence ""]
he made it

RustedAngel said:[img]

that guitar is pretty rad.

anyone know the make?

[Sep 22,2003 12:27pm - baneofexistence ""]
no threat

you won't fight back cause you a pussy who talks shit on the net!! back up your words or don't speak caus ei have the musle to back up what i say

trailer obviously you really have no idea who i am or anything about me do you

RustedAngel said:baneofexistence said:thats it if i see you be forwarned to be punched in the face

fighting threats are so gay. i've never been in a real fight and never plan on it, but i'll be sure and not fight back and just sue to get your trailer reposessed.

[Sep 22,2003 12:28pm - baneofexistence ""]
and he's cooler than you too

RustedAngel said:[img]

that kid has skinnier arms than me! christ!

[Sep 22,2003 12:29pm - baneofexistence ""]
was i the only one who was a little nervious when the hells angels showed up
[Sep 22,2003 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
on the attendence.. well, this is ALWAYS AND ISSUE. people don't give a shit about going to shows, plan and painfully simple. there is always life shit that comes up and gets in the way. We all know this... it's so easy just not to go to a show. So what this show needed on top of promotion was
1) people to bring people
2) some bigger band to bring people
but that's just my 2 cents.

norseth: first time seening these guys... and they seemed to have the biggest crowd which for some reason left right after they got done. They sounded like they come from new bedford ma, that gottenburg sound. Sort of reminded me a in flames minus the keyboards.

disengaged: trash metal and its finest. they are a fun mix of hardcore, punk and metal that I ca't put my finger on. plus, they have creepy lyrics. The lead axe shredder looses his hat and aweful lot. It's like off on the first note of each song.

kevorkians angels: great set by them. I review them a lot so... um.. look at the other ones I've posted. vocals way way way tooooo low.

bane of existence: another band I review a lot. they sounded awesome on he met system. but again, vocals way way way way toooooooo low.

arch demon chior: eh, sounded a lot like judas priest. I'm not big fan of priest. the funiest part was them the singer said "what do you want, we're almost 40" and "wow, this is better than we thought"

candy striper death orgy: much better than the night before. the night before sucked. last night was pretty good (still no mike on the drums, but good enough). I agree with the statement Eric said at the end of his set. If you are reading this and don't know what he said.. then you weren't there.
[Sep 22,2003 12:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
baneofexistence said:no threat

you won't fight back cause you a pussy who talks shit on the net!! back up your words or don't speak caus ei have the musle to back up what i say

trailer obviously you really have no idea who i am or anything about me do you

I talk shit on the net, and don't make false threats. At no point have I ever said I was going to kick anyone's ass on here over message board drama. It's kind of weak that you succumb to wanting to punch someone over something stupid.

and dood, I hate to break it to you, but you're not a whole lot bigger than me, let alone muscular. my little brother is bigger than both of us, though I can still kick his ass I think... haha.

we got the shit end of the stick in the gene pool. 8^(

[Sep 22,2003 12:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
baneofexistence said:he made it

he did a sick job on the body, the headstock is kind of tame though.
[Sep 22,2003 12:42pm - Beakey ""]
Rusted, am I reading this wrong or are you starting shit with Jim from Bane of Existence now too?
[Sep 22,2003 12:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
trying not too, because I kind of like BOE.

but he said he was going to punch me, over something I said to joe?
[Sep 22,2003 12:47pm - Beakey ""]
Well, he's gonna have to stand in fucking line like everyone else that wants to punch your face in.
[Sep 22,2003 12:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
whatever dood.
[Sep 22,2003 12:52pm - baneofexistence ""]
1. i don't make false threats either

2. you can't say you'll kick anyones ass cause your built like a woman(i'm teasing you laugh i'm no arrrrrnold either i know)

3. if you can't say anthing nice don't say anything this is why b.o.e. took down our messageboard too much shit talk it was just plain stupid

4. i have skills man

i hate all this kindergarden drama but the only way to end it is (A) with a big brawl (B) by not commenting on shit when it dosent apply to you and(C) ignoring shit

i have done (C) for a while now but i was playing the show and it ment a lot to me so you not saying anyhting would have been best but you JUST GOTTA ZING joe every chance you get don't you you can't resist or look away

i was told once that my big mouth was gonna get me in trouble someday and it did a long time ago
it's advice you outta think about cause i can look the other way i'm old and mature enough to let things slide but there are folks out there that won't or just havent reached that age where they will let things slide like i can

RustedAngel said:baneofexistence said:no threat

you won't fight back cause you a pussy who talks shit on the net!! back up your words or don't speak caus ei have the musle to back up what i say

trailer obviously you really have no idea who i am or anything about me do you

1. I talk shit on the net, and don't make false threats.

2. At no point have I ever said I was going to kick anyone's ass on here over message board drama.

3. It's kind of weak that you succumb to wanting to punch someone over something stupid.

4. and dood, I hate to break it to you, but you're not a whole lot bigger than me, let alone muscular.

my little brother is bigger than both of us, though I can still kick his ass I think... haha.

[Sep 22,2003 1:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
1. most people do
2. good we're both built like girls. (the long hair does it)
3. my shit-talking to them is rooted from them shit talking to everyone in general.
4. i have a few skills, but i won't talk about those.

a big brawl wouldn't solve anything, it would make things worse, you know it would. as long as im not 'ZING'ing you then you should be able to look away. I have no problem with you or your band, I actually liked your shit the last couple of times I have seen you as a full band.


[Sep 22,2003 1:14pm - baneofexistence ""]
1. true
2. yea i have man tits but also am getting the old man gut too and i just don't look as sexy in a thong as i used to either :pukeface:
3. somtimes it best to let it go but what do i know i'm only 37
4. if your skills haveanything to do with that big dildo i saw in the pick please do not tell me

and i know a big brawl wouldn't make things better but man would it be entertaining

you need to understand that JOE was the FIRST person to gave b.o.e.a chance around here he's been behind us before we became bane of existence so when you slam him and his shows your sorta slamming us too and 2 thinks i will not deal with people fucking with my family and band

RustedAngel said:
1. most people do
2. good we're both built like girls. (the long hair does it)
3. my shit-talking to them is rooted from them shit talking to everyone in general.
4. i have a few skills, but i won't talk about those.

a big brawl wouldn't solve anything, it would make things worse, you know it would. as long as im not 'ZING'ing you then you should be able to look away. I have no problem with you or your band, I actually liked your shit the last couple of times I have seen you as a full band.


[Sep 22,2003 1:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
2. you have man tits? neither of us are fat, maybe i have them too.
7. i do let things go, sometimes, but i know what you mean, i was worse 3 years ago.
20. the dildo originally wasn't mine, though after slayer signed it i didn't want to give it back to the girl. she was afraid of it, unlike most loose vagina's.
101. big brawls are entertaining, as long as i am not in them and have grenades to toss.

[Sep 22,2003 1:30pm - Beakey ""]
Rusted, will you please go to the show tomorrow night and do a duet with me?
[Sep 22,2003 1:33pm - baneofexistence ""]
1. yea yea i have a little flab in the upper chest area hehe no need for a bra yet tho
7. keep trying to look the other way it save a lotta grief
20. did she run out screaming, i will have to post some nice fisting link s here :P
101. haha being in the brawl is the best part man

RustedAngel said:2. you have man tits? neither of us are fat, maybe i have them too.
7. i do let things go, sometimes, but i know what you mean, i was worse 3 years ago.
20. the dildo originally wasn't mine, though after slayer signed it i didn't want to give it back to the girl. she was afraid of it, unlike most loose vagina's.
101. big brawls are entertaining, as long as i am not in them and have grenades to toss.


[Sep 22,2003 2:24pm - xboobiesx@work  ""]
in all honesty.. i dont think your show drew many people purely because of joe. he just starts so much shit with people and no one wants to go to a show that is going to be filled with drama.

he should start acting nice to people and your shows would be better.

i know i would see you guys if i knew i wouldnt have to deal with his scene drama crapola.

metal elitism is ghey in the pants.... and it should stop
[Sep 22,2003 2:27pm - Beakey ""]
Boobies is probably right.
Joe Not Common is probably the biggest dickhead I've ever met.
[Sep 22,2003 3:16pm - succubus ""]
i still can't believe that guy who drank the tobasco sauce on stage (and the Rev didn't believe it was tobasco sauce...until he zoomed in on it)...a guy singing out of a trash can!!! heh that was crazy! :spineyes:

found out a lot of interesting facts about Providence, we sat in front of a brothel, we met an amazing artist, walked down an alley way stench of urine and saw a large pair of a girl's dirty pink panties...and this was all in between bands while we were getting "fresh" air

My pics will hopefully be up tonight and i will post a link once they are up!
[Sep 22,2003 3:22pm - the_reverend ""]
the panties where blue... and soiled.
[Sep 22,2003 3:25pm - succubus ""]
yes! large pair of soiled cotton sky blue panties!!!
thanx for the correction

ohh i forgot about the drunk guy asking to get his pic taken..hahaha
"am i really that black?" is what he said
[Sep 22,2003 3:27pm - joe/notcommon ""]
xboobiesx@work said:in all honesty.. i dont think your show drew many people purely because of joe. he just starts so much shit with people and no one wants to go to a show that is going to be filled with drama.

he should start acting nice to people and your shows would be better.

i know i would see you guys if i knew i wouldnt have to deal with his scene drama crapola.

metal elitism is ghey in the pants.... and it should stop

that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. in fact most people do like me, only morons do not. we never expected to see you or rusted angel there. i can't honestly speak for Bane of Existence, but for years they were playing shows, before I ever knew about this website or posted on any message boards, and nobody ever was seeing them except me. so you are full of shit and they probably do not need your support. besides ugly girls ruin shows so I am glad i never see you at shows I am at.

on another note, Aaron, I think Arch demon Choir drew the most people, all those hell's angels were there for them, they just didn't pile up front like the high school kids who were there for norseth. all in all I had a fun time, some people who told me they were coming didn't, but that always happens. the benefit made over 100 bucks after the club took their cut. it wasn't great but atleast Teresa made the effort. it's the thought that counts. see ya tuesday
[Sep 22,2003 3:52pm - baneofexistence ""]
i was near a brothel and no one told me YOU BASTARDS:shocked:!!

succubus said:i still can't believe that guy who drank the tobasco sauce on stage (and the Rev didn't believe it was tobasco sauce...until he zoomed in on it)...a guy singing out of a trash can!!! heh that was crazy! :spineyes:

found out a lot of interesting facts about Providence, we sat in front of a brothel, we met an amazing artist, walked down an alley way stench of urine and saw a large pair of a girl's dirty pink panties...and this was all in between bands while we were getting "fresh" air

My pics will hopefully be up tonight and i will post a link once they are up!

[Sep 22,2003 3:57pm - joe/notcommon ""]
haha, there was no guys for rent there you old fag.
there was only me

baneofexistence said:i was near a brothel and no one told me YOU BASTARDS:shocked:!!

succubus said:i still can't believe that guy who drank the tobasco sauce on stage (and the Rev didn't believe it was tobasco sauce...until he zoomed in on it)...a guy singing out of a trash can!!! heh that was crazy! :spineyes:

found out a lot of interesting facts about Providence, we sat in front of a brothel, we met an amazing artist, walked down an alley way stench of urine and saw a large pair of a girl's dirty pink panties...and this was all in between bands while we were getting "fresh" air

My pics will hopefully be up tonight and i will post a link once they are up!

[Sep 22,2003 3:58pm - baneofexistence ""]
i send out 600+ e mails for every show b.o.e. does plus spam message boards and e mail some press folks i have contacts to in the radio and printed media on top of this i make anywhere between 500 to 1000 1/4th sheet flyers and 100 full 8x11 ones

theres an old saying that goes
"you can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink"

i highly doubt joe had anything to do with the lack of draw it mostly that people are lazy nowadays and just won't go

xboobiesx@work said:in all honesty.. i dont think your show drew many people purely because of joe. he just starts so much shit with people and no one wants to go to a show that is going to be filled with drama.

he should start acting nice to people and your shows would be better.

i know i would see you guys if i knew i wouldnt have to deal with his scene drama crapola.

metal elitism is ghey in the pants.... and it should stop

[Sep 22,2003 4:06pm - succubus ""]
<<i was near a brothel and no one told me YOU BASTARDS!! >>

just a few feet away Jim...only a few feet...apparently the girls were beautiful too..but we didn't see any..ummm at least i didn't...

and you are welcome for us not telling you yesterday! :spineyes:..we did not want you to catch any diseases otherwise we would not have been able to catch your show!
[Sep 22,2003 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
succubus said:"am i really that black?" is what he said

actually it was "can you lighten a brother up?" looks at picture "damn, I'm really that dark?"

[Sep 22,2003 4:34pm - baneofexistence ""]
only a few feet DAMMIT!!!!!:shocked::spineyes::shocked::spineyes::shocked::spineyes::shocked::spineyes::shocked::spineyes::shocked::spineyes:

i woulda double bagged it just to be safe hehehe

succubus said:<<i was near a brothel and no one told me YOU BASTARDS!! >>

just a few feet away Jim...only a few feet...apparently the girls were beautiful too..but we didn't see any..ummm at least i didn't...

and you are welcome for us not telling you yesterday! :spineyes:..we did not want you to catch any diseases otherwise we would not have been able to catch your show!

[Sep 22,2003 4:38pm - moran ""]
baneofexistence said:was i the only one who was a little nervious when the hells angels showed up

Yes, especially because my drummer and myself were the only people outside when they all showed up. And I also noticed the panties.
[Sep 22,2003 4:47pm - Brad  ""]
succubus said:i still can't believe that guy who drank the tobasco sauce on stage (and the Rev didn't believe it was tobasco sauce...until he zoomed in on it

it was Frank's Red Hot, not tobasco. Me and our(KA) bass player were taking shots and getting vodka to mix with it, try it sometime, it's awesome

[Sep 22,2003 4:59pm - baneofexistence ""]
i missed it :(

moran said:baneofexistence said:was i the only one who was a little nervious when the hells angels showed up

Yes, especially because my drummer and myself were the only people outside when they all showed up. And I also noticed the panties.

[Sep 22,2003 6:47pm - shockthousand ""]
hey, its aj from norseth...im glad you guys enjoyed our set, that was our first show at a real venue. all the people that were with us left because we all had school the next day and we live around an hour away. i really wanted to check out arch demon choir, never heard anything from them
[Sep 22,2003 7:00pm - baneofexistence ""]
whats up man you guys kicked ass i dug it

so what was wrong with that amp head? does it work now

i'm woking on getting you another show

[Sep 22,2003 7:19pm - shockthousand ""]
we think the head only works with his own cab for some reason...luckily the guy that brought the cab let us use his head, so if hes reading this, thanks a ton.

another show with you guys sounds awesome.. thanks jim.
[Sep 22,2003 7:32pm - baneofexistence ""]
i have never heard of such a thing a amp head should work on any amp cab as long as the ohmage is right

yea i'm still trying i will let you know if it pans out
[Sep 22,2003 7:51pm - Brad Kevorkian  ""]
shockthousand said:we think the head only works with his own cab for some reason...luckily the guy that brought the cab let us use his head, so if hes reading this, thanks a ton.

another show with you guys sounds awesome.. thanks jim.

you're welcome

[Sep 23,2003 3:16am - xboobiesx ""]
joe/notcommon said:xboobiesx@work said:in all honesty.. i dont think your show drew many people purely because of joe. he just starts so much shit with people and no one wants to go to a show that is going to be filled with drama.

he should start acting nice to people and your shows would be better.

i know i would see you guys if i knew i wouldnt have to deal with his scene drama crapola.

metal elitism is ghey in the pants.... and it should stop

that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. in fact most people do like me, only morons do not. we never expected to see you or rusted angel there. i can't honestly speak for Bane of Existence, but for years they were playing shows, before I ever knew about this website or posted on any message boards, and nobody ever was seeing them except me. so you are full of shit and they probably do not need your support. besides ugly girls ruin shows so I am glad i never see you at shows I am at.

is it possible for you to reply to an intelligent argument without sounding like a complete jackass?

i was stating a fact.. that i have heard from alot of people.

you DO start problems, and no one wants to deal with it. its fucking "scene drama" or whatever the fuck you want to call it... and its retarded.

i go to a show for the music.. not to impress anyone.

and how would you know what i look like if i am never at any shows youre at? i am confident enough in myself that i dont need to argue about my looks... quit stalking me already.
[Sep 23,2003 3:32am - thegreatspaldino ""]
cricket is the toughest contact sport ever
[Sep 23,2003 3:34am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Water polo owns cricket, bitch! Thanks for sticking around tonight for... the entire set?! Mr. I Have to Leave Early my ass. Keep on truckin' sucka.
[Sep 23,2003 3:34am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Sep 23,2003 3:39am - thegreatspaldino ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Water polo owns cricket, bitch! Thanks for sticking around tonight for... the entire set?! Mr. I Have to Leave Early my ass. Keep on truckin' sucka.

well its not like i didnt want to stay... i did though, i made the other kids suffer! MUAHAHAHAHA!! hooray for wireless thingies that allow you to go out into the middle of main street and rock out in a ghetto town. that old guy that runs the place fucking RULES!:doublehorns:

[Sep 25,2003 5:01pm - armageddonday ""]
I couldn't make it. Too much work ahead.
I'm not sure if it has been promoted well enough to drag people from RI out to a show.
Radio and web promotion don't do shit for RI.
Flyers are the only way, I've been going flyering 2 times a week for a month for the Exhumed show. I usually go once a week for a smaller show. Minimum of 500 flyers for big shows, 200 for small one. Plus I send some in record stores in MA and CT. Plus we hit the stores in RI.
I didn't get any flyers at the shop, and I actually never do when there's a show in MA.
Promoters should consider sending some flyers or stopping by. I'll put them up if I have some. Here's the address:
Armageddon Shop
436 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909

I get a lot of phone calls with people asking "Any shows tonight?"
If I don't see a flyer I'll most likely not think about it, even if I know.

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