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A Timely Demise, Within Choking Range, Seed, Last Chance To Reason, and Shot Down Sun.

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Apr 21,2006 3:13pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
Yeah, kinda late to start a thread, but still I figured I'd post it anyway. Also, Hell Town Magazine will be at this show, most likely reviewing and/ or interviewing most of the bands. I know they'll be interviewing us anyway. Rev any shows you're already commited to tomorrow? No smoking inside
[Apr 22,2006 10:43am - Arthur_ATD ""]
rev, you gonna be able to make it to this?
[Apr 22,2006 10:52am - mcmahon ""]
can't make it, band practice.
[Apr 22,2006 11:34am - Arthur_ATD ""]
jim you bitch haha. i'll still give you a call and let you know when we go on.
[Apr 22,2006 1:09pm - mcmahon ""]
start scheduling shows around my schedule already
[Apr 22,2006 1:51pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
i thought your schedule was just drinking
[Apr 22,2006 4:44pm - mcmahon ""]
from time to time, it ends up like that.

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