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over the tops last show tonight fo' real

Stratford Rm - MUB (Durham, NH) - [birth_rites][citizen_toxie][double_dragons][feed_baxter][grrrls_out_of_hell][jannetty][proper_hooligans][randomshots][roid_rage][cant_stand_losing][harder_the_fight][on_dogs][over_the_top][shoot_your_wounded]
[Apr 15,2006 7:58pm - the_reverend ""]
on dogs just played.
kingston VFW
[Apr 15,2006 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
on dogs: I was walking up and heard the music, thinking to myself that it sounded an awful lot like on dogs. when I got in, I was right. their set was good. it started to get pretty sweaty in the joint at this point. people were dancing and there was no reentry since someone was caught drinking out side. tom (OTT/demo bitch) got up and sang along with them.
[Apr 15,2006 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
harder the fight: pretty good hardcore. I think the guitarist was in duskraven, I just forget his name right now. people really knew their songs and danced/sang along with all but a new one that is coming out on a 7" of theirs.
[Apr 15,2006 11:42pm - the_reverend ""]
back, working on pictures.
[Apr 15,2006 11:57pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Dave Witkum = guitar player for Dusk Rave/Harder the Fight.

HtF jams above us, not too into their music since it's all riffs I've already heard but it sounds fun.
[Apr 16,2006 12:01am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploadin
[Apr 16,2006 12:01am - anonymous  ""]
the world should have ended
[Apr 16,2006 12:03am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
When next we see Matt Lacasse rocking out, will it be with Swivel? I hear a rumor JR from Cave In/DoomRiders may be playing drums. We will see.
[Apr 16,2006 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
matt's not hitting retirement age?
I thought it was moving to a community in arizona.
[Apr 16,2006 12:20am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Swivel IS a retirement community, where washups go to die. I'm a card carrying member.
[Apr 16,2006 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
how much codiene does that card entitle you to?
[Apr 16,2006 12:32am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
How much do you need?
[Apr 16,2006 12:36am - the_reverend ""]
I don't know... what the yearly membership fee?
[Apr 16,2006 12:37am - the_reverend ""]
I mean on top of the video game costs
[Apr 16,2006 12:41am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hahah, man, speaking of that...a new GameStop just opened 2 streets from my house here in Methuen.

I am so fucked.

I have to take a pic of my current gen collection (just PS2/GameCube/XBox), must have well over 200 titles now.
[Apr 16,2006 12:49am - the_reverend ""]
I drive from 28 through the "nicer" project towards andover on friday (instead of just taking river rd)

there were all these 15 yo girls out in the warm spring day. all pushing babies around. and the 15yo boys? looking for 13yos so they can be 15yo girls with babies in 2 years.
[Apr 16,2006 1:09am - the_reverend ""]
someone needs to make an ani-gif of these two
[Apr 16,2006 1:54am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:I drive from 28 through the "nicer" project towards andover on friday (instead of just taking river rd)

there were all these 15 yo girls out in the warm spring day. all pushing babies around. and the 15yo boys? looking for 13yos so they can be 15yo girls with babies in 2 years.

I hear Rich Horror is actually selling those 13yo to the highest bidder. Horrible lays, don't know why anyone wants them.
[Apr 16,2006 2:30am - davey! ""]
YO REV! Thanx for doin what you do best!
Did ya cameras blow up haha?!?!
[Apr 16,2006 10:55am - anonymous  ""]
so what is mosh core?
[Apr 16,2006 10:56am - RichHorror ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:the_reverend said:I drive from 28 through the "nicer" project towards andover on friday (instead of just taking river rd)

there were all these 15 yo girls out in the warm spring day. all pushing babies around. and the 15yo boys? looking for 13yos so they can be 15yo girls with babies in 2 years.

I hear Rich Horror is actually selling those 13yo to the highest bidder. Horrible lays, don't know why anyone wants them.

They're collectibles.
[Apr 16,2006 12:20pm - danny p nli  ""]
anonymous said:so what is mosh core?

lyk omgz shut up
[Apr 16,2006 1:32pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
anonymous said:so what is mosh core?

What it sounds like?
[Apr 16,2006 2:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll review the rest of the show later.
I'm at my dad's for easter.
[Apr 16,2006 4:12pm - Mikey Hardcore  ""]
harder the fight played an amazing set last night. they have a more rock and roll influence than alot of the stuff out there. i think they are playing Nashua next sunday too.
[Apr 16,2006 5:57pm - Kevord ""]
Matt Lacasse wins the greatest shirt ever contest with his "Moshcore is wicked gay" shirt.
[Apr 17,2006 5:43pm - anonymous  ""]
i really wanna see the rest of the reviews. it was such a good show.
[Apr 17,2006 10:39pm - Joshua Au Pair  ""]
i love matt lacasse...me and him should be in a band again together.
[Apr 18,2006 9:56am - anonymous  ""]
rev review the show already!
[Apr 18,2006 10:27am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 18,2006 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
thank you nick.
[Apr 18,2006 10:29am - RichHorror ""]
That's pretty fucking excellent.
[Apr 18,2006 9:45pm - anonymous  ""]
wheres the review at rev?
[Apr 19,2006 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
Can’t Stand Losing: the was much better than that set in nashua. they sounded better too. the crowd was pretty good for them. I know that I need to go a listen to them more so I know some of their songs. this was deckers first set of the night. the bassplay from in remembrance was one of the craziest people dancing for them.

shoot ya wounded: another band that got nothing at the last nashua show I went to, but they got a really good response here. the singer even admitted that he was bitchy from the last weeks terrible show. this show should have warmed up his heart. kids went crazy and there was a lot of singing along. there is some demo that they have that I dont have.. since I don't know their music at all, I can't really comment on the songs. I do know that
1) I put the word I in my reviews too much... I guess I just like talking about myself.
2) they have transformed themselves into a much different band from the moshmoshmoshmosh band that they started as.
[Apr 19,2006 6:25pm - josh603 ""]
were people that pissed off about the nashua show a couple weeks ago?
[Apr 19,2006 6:29pm - the_reverend ""]
a lot of people have been talking about it
[Apr 19,2006 8:51pm - josh603 ""]
damn that sucks.

i usually dance and whatnot, but I was so fucking sick that day. I only made it through 3 bands and left before OBW.

But everybody has their off days. Bands and the kids. ah well.
[Apr 20,2006 2:30pm - unitedstrong ""]
true...everyone does have their off days. we've had DB4D and OBW up in Nashua in the past...same venue and all and the kids were killing each other. just an off day I'm guessing too. We got some great shows lined up too. Shipwreck, Harder The Fight, In Our Blood (Brophy) and others are this Sunday and Death Threat with COA will be on May 7th. Hopefully these 2 shows and many more upcoming will get your feet moving. -lates
[Apr 20,2006 10:23pm - the_reverend ""]
over the top: awe.. you burnt out too quickly. this band's members have since moved on to other things so OTT needed one last horah to end it all. their last one.. ones.. whatever didn't get to go down. their set was awesome. from beginning to the end it was almost all a party. a bunch of people brought glitter and cans of silly string. at one point during their set, a ball of glitter hit me in the back of the head. it didn't get stuck in my hair though. they played their sort of normal set with one or two new songs. it was funny that they were a bit less active on the new song they played at towards the end of the set. they played their cover of system overload and even paused in the middle of their set for the tear-jerking talk about thier feelings, the band, and how sad they were that this magic carpet ride was coming to an end.
[Apr 21,2006 9:01pm - josh603 ""]
oh yeah i know. i goto the shows in nashua all the time. pretty much every show i've been to there, kids have gone crazy. espically for DB4D, STF and Guns Up.

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