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Word of caution

[Apr 14,2006 3:02pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
So yesterday I decided to go into Mines falls in nashua alone, around 2pm, sunny day, no clouds, about 80 degrees, tons of runners, and tons of people walking their dogs.

so I go take some pictures, chill out under a tree, do all kinds of heathen things. it starts to rain a little and it gets close to worktime, so I decide to head back. I get to the bridge that connects the park with the parking lot, it crosses over the Nashua river. I come onto the bridge and turn around and see a hooded figure with sunglasses, and a bandana over his mouth and nose so I say "what are you a ninja", laugh, and I keep walking. I hear someone run up behind me so I turn around and see two guys with hoods, sunglasses, and bandanas pull out handguns on me and demand my money, keeping my cool I smile and let out a laugh to show them I don't fear them, I turn around and keep walking over the bridge. My heart was racing like hell so I didn't stop walking, and never turned around again, I hear the gun cocked and the guys says "think we're joking", I say "yeah" and keep walking with my heart in my throat, I get out into the parking lot turn around, they are about twenty feet behind, I pull out my cell phone and they run back into the woods.

so there you have it, you can live in a state that has a 98% white population, and in a city voted best place to live in america twice and still get held up with guns in a city park in the middle of a sunny afternoon.

put a dampener on my afternoon....until night came :shocked::shocker::shocked::shocker:
[Apr 14,2006 3:11pm - ratt_mowe ""]
humans are despicable creatures.
[Apr 14,2006 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]
um... where in nashua is this? I'm not sure where maine falls is. I know that there are tons of places in nashua that I don't feel safe.
[Apr 14,2006 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
nice man. you handled that well. i hate hearing about people thrown into precarious situations and they buckle and grovel like bitches.
[Apr 14,2006 3:19pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Mines falls is pretty big, I was on the huge bridge that connects to a parking lot near lincoln park, which is on the same road as hannafords and the nashua mall, it is at the end of that road, but the park has entrances in three other places I think, one at the south school, and another I know of behind the clocktower apartments.....
[Apr 14,2006 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
is it towards amherst? I never go that way. not since the mongomerywards closed down.

my grandmother lives like 4 blocks from there.
[Apr 14,2006 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]

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