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ATTN: Joey Mac

[Sep 18,2003 3:06pm - Beakey ""]
Do you want me to pick you up tonight so you can partake in a Disengaged practice and various acts of drug taking?
[Sep 18,2003 3:09pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
what time?
i can be in quincy center around, ooh 8:10
[Sep 18,2003 3:10pm - Beakey ""]
Okay, I'll meet you there.
You don't want me to pick you up at your house?
[Sep 18,2003 3:12pm - Joe McNamara, Massconcerts competition  ""]
nah, i will be coming from umass boston.
the most diverse school in new england (% wise)
[Sep 18,2003 3:48pm - Beakey ""]
I'll see you at 8:10.
[Sep 18,2003 3:53pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
i got a few downloads of disengaged today from my site
maybe those people will buy the cd
anyone see my acting debut?
[Sep 18,2003 3:54pm - succubus ""]
Ray Liotta is awesome
[Sep 18,2003 3:58pm - joe liota  ""]
i am glad people think so, since i will look like him when i am older.
atleast in that picture anyways
[Sep 18,2003 4:03pm - Beakey ""]
I watched three Ray Liotta movies last night.
[Sep 18,2003 4:06pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
was one of them Identity with John Cusak?
i really liked that movie

we should see if Ray Liota would agree to be in a Disengaged music video, perhaps 'Die Tonight', he can go around fucking everyone's girlfriends and then shooting stupid people
[Sep 18,2003 4:13pm - Beakey ""]
Identity was awesome.
But yesterday I watched No Escape, Goodfellas, and Corina Corina.
[Sep 18,2003 4:14pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
i never have seen corina corina

do you own it?
[Sep 18,2003 4:16pm - succubus ""]
i love that movie..it made me cry...(corrina corrina)

i want to see identity
[Sep 18,2003 4:18pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"The Meaning of Life" made me cry...

Every sperm is useful, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.
[Sep 18,2003 4:21pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:"The Meaning of Life" made me cry...

Every sperm is useful, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

isn't that from a TREE song?
[Sep 18,2003 4:22pm - xxboobiesxx  ""]
you guys post back and forth every 2 minutes, why dont you just call each other on this thing called the telephone.

fuckin a.

super nerds...
[Sep 18,2003 4:23pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
university of joe mcnamara said:isn't that from a TREE song?

You are.
[Sep 18,2003 4:25pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
xxboobiesxx said:you guys post back and forth every 2 minutes, why dont you just call each other on this thing called the telephone.

fuckin a.

super nerds...

why don't you shut the fuck up and kill yourself?
use a little brain power and you will notice that i am at school
and secondly, i don't even have his phone number.
and third, you are a dumb cunt.
[Sep 18,2003 4:38pm - xboobiesx ""]
wow, can i start fights too?

youre and old sack of shit that has nothing better to do with your time than sit here an insult people you dont even know... and if you did know me.. you would be afraid.. oh so afraid.

its obvious that the majority of people who post here dont like you.. so shut that ass eating mouth of yours before one of us does it for you.

oh yea... y-o-u-r-e g-a-y.. YOU'RE GAY!

choke on a cock and die fag.
[Sep 18,2003 4:41pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
yeah, cuz Tom and you count as most people on this board.
the thread says "ATTN JOEY MAC" thats me, so obviously it will be filled with messages for me. if you don't like that just avoid this thread and keep being straight edge and ugly.

[Sep 18,2003 4:44pm - xboobiesx ""]
yep, because you are such a smart fella that you KNOW all about me.

im not sxe you queer.

quit pulling the dingleberries off of your goatee and listen up.

if its a post for you, we dont need to see it, tell that anal love receiving buddy of yours to send you a fucking email so we dont have to see your stupid ATTN: posts.

and by the way, i believe i know quite a few people first hand who would love to give you the beating of a lifetime.. yet they have made this clear to you themselves so im not going to bother with names.. but im sure you know.

oh yea.. youre a fag.
[Sep 18,2003 4:47pm - university of joe  ""]
great come back.

tell those pussies to come fight me then

and stop being so ugly, its repulsive

i will make sure to tell ascendancy you think they are gay

now go back to talking about metalcore and rebelling against your rich parents by dressing like an idiot
[Sep 18,2003 4:52pm - xboobiesx ""]
university of joe said:

i will make sure to tell ascendancy you think they are gay

now go back to talking about metalcore and rebelling against your rich parents by dressing like an idiot

first off, what the crap are you talking about. YOU... ARE.. GAY.

i am i no way rich, i live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my mom... and i work everyday. metalcore is almost as gay as you are, and i sooooo apologize for not walking out of my house wearing a power metal t shirt whiile wearing black stretch pants.. because apparently thats the only way metal girls are allowed to dress.

fuck you, i wear dress pants everyday... because i work.

when im not working, its jeans and a fucking t shirt.

get over yourself... youre just angry because you'll never be anything more than a fag. fag.
[Sep 18,2003 4:54pm - xboobiesx ""]
and one more thing... im the sexiest thing ever.

you just wish you had me.

[Sep 18,2003 4:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
xboobiesx said:and one more thing... im the sexiest thing ever.

you just wish you had me.


c o n f i r m e d, only he wishes he had a 9 year old version of you, thats just him though.
[Sep 18,2003 5:00pm - xboobiesx ""]

[Sep 18,2003 5:11pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hey hey hey now, don't anybody go bringing my band into this. And whether the "anal love receiving buddy" is refering to me or Beakey (he started this thread, not me), you don't know me and neither of us know Beakey so let that go.
I'm not one for arguing or tossing insults. If you think a thread is stupid, stop reading it. I believe we kept all this crap in one thread, so it's not all over the place annoying everyone. Here's one less thread to waste time reading through.

And I take "super nerd" as a compliment. Come to Box of Knives on the 4th and say hi, then watch me and Spalding dance funny to death metal.

Welcome to RttP, where everyone is friends.
[Sep 18,2003 5:15pm - xboobiesx ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:
I'm not one for arguing or tossing insults. If you think a thread is stupid, stop reading it.

yea, im not either, but it just annoyed me to see like 5 ATTN posts on here.. keep that shit to yourselves, we dont all need (or want) to know whats going on in your life 24/7.

and he started calling me a dumb cunt. i merely had to defend myself.

and here, everyone gives their opinion.. so thats what i did.. and thats what i will continue to do.

and i would love to see spaulding waltz with you.. can i request that?
[Sep 18,2003 5:23pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
xboobiesx said:and i would love to see spaulding waltz with you.. can i request that?

I dunno, that would require touching, and that's wicked queer and gay and gross eeewwww. But everyone should do the twist during Goratory. Because I said so.

On all your other points: ~~thumbs up~~ Joe and I just goof off because we're ugly. But Joe's a good guy once you get past the smell...
[Sep 18,2003 5:24pm - xboobiesx ""]


[Sep 18,2003 5:59pm - Terence ""]

Thats me and Ray Liotta when he was younger. Right after that picture me and Joe beat the shit outta everyone in Allston. Seth Putnam included.
[Sep 18,2003 7:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
xboobiesx said:

yea, im not either, but it just annoyed me to see like 5 ATTN posts on here.. keep that shit to yourselves, we dont all need (or want) to know whats going on in your life 24/7.

my thoughts exactly, but no, they probably have never heard of AIM before or things like that.

I've bitched to these n00bs more than once, the only things they have to say doesn't matter, is about spelling bee matches, or makes them look gayer.

they don't even listen to metal, instead nirvana, and silverchair.

[Sep 18,2003 10:27pm - Beakey ""]
Rusted Angel...
PLEASE come to the show Sunday night at the Met Cafe...PLEASE.
I am absolutely dying to disgrace you in front of all your friends.
[Sep 19,2003 12:53am - DysenteryVokills ""]
i dont know him but dont worry rusted angel i get two large arms and a hell of a swing we can send him to the hospital before the second band goes on man.:doublehorns:
[Sep 19,2003 2:18am - RustedAngel ""]
DysenteryVokills said:i dont know him but dont worry rusted angel i get two large arms and a hell of a swing we can send him to the hospital before the second band goes on man.:doublehorns:

save one of your arms, I'll use two arms and a leg.
[Sep 19,2003 7:01am - Beakey ""]
The only way you would use your legs is to run away like a little bitch.

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