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[Apr 12,2006 5:57pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Two new songs from the upcoming "Uterine Excretor of Carcinovomit" MCD on Bestial Onslaught (http://www.bestialonslaught.com) have now been posted on our myspace page and are available for download. I know no one on this board gives a rat shit, but since some people here think the red chord and cephalic carnage qualify as grindcore, we thought we would set the record straight.

-The Embryocrypt

[Apr 12,2006 6:03pm - inject-now ""]
i hate this band.
[Apr 12,2006 6:03pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
get a haircut hippie
[Apr 12,2006 6:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
total fucking garbage
[Apr 12,2006 6:22pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Thanks for clearing that up.
[Apr 13,2006 3:05pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Bump for MA grindcore
[Apr 13,2006 3:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
Marinated in Garbage
[Apr 13,2006 4:22pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Marinated In Garbage would be a good album title.

It's a little bit subtle, but still gets kids who wear BDU's tucked into quicklace boots psyched to drink PBR and avoid females to it.
[Apr 13,2006 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
it's a perfect fit for MDF. the background music is like rotten sound's older (and better) stuff. the vocals are a mix of pitch-shifted and non-pitchshifted. the non sound more like inhume vocals did live with a touch of hirudinea. the pitchshifted are more like the ending of "tales from the darkside" instead of silly like the Last Days of Humanity. I've never heard ropeprop before, but I assume they would sound similar. for some reason, I thought this was a one-man thing so it was going to be thin or all the instruments would sound disconnected, but they dont.
[Apr 13,2006 5:22pm - tomx nli  ""]
you set the record straight alright, on how fucking shitty you are. guess what? its not 1986. the bar for metal has been raised a loooong time ago... learn to play your instruments and stop embarrassing metal. thanks.
[Apr 13,2006 5:34pm - inject-now ""]
tomx nli said:you set the record straight alright, on how fucking shitty you are. guess what? its not 1986. the bar for metal has been raised a loooong time ago... learn to play your instruments and stop embarrassing metal. thanks.

this coming from the kid in feed us fetus? please...
[Apr 13,2006 6:08pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Thanx for all the feedback. Great to know we are embarassing metal. Feed us Fetus is awesome! Maybe we could trade some shows! :stupidflanders:
[Apr 13,2006 6:11pm - anonymous  ""]
this shits cool im not that into grind but if i was this is what id listen too and witchtomb kills i met strep cunt at morbid saturday p.s. feed us fetus sucks negro ass
[Apr 13,2006 8:58pm - dwellingsickness ""]
tomx nli said:you set the record straight alright, on how fucking shitty you are. guess what? its not 1986. the bar for metal has been raised a loooong time ago... learn to play your instruments and stop embarrassing metal. thanks.

Guess they are good enough to play MDF 2006...What has your band done lately?
[Apr 13,2006 9:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it's good stuff but its not


i fucking love that shit, so good, so need to play a show !!!!
[Apr 13,2006 9:10pm - inject-now ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:it's good stuff but its not


i fucking love that shit, so good, so need to play a show !!!!

they are totally different styles but yeah cryostasium rules.

cryostasium did play a show....once with december wolves. hopefully soon again.
[Apr 13,2006 9:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh i know its def different shit, i just was bored and wanted to show my love.

dont make me love you
[Apr 13,2006 10:03pm - cdan nli  ""]

9/10, daughters gets a 10
[Apr 13,2006 10:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
After I heard this I had to break out Reek of Putrefaction all over again, and my night was complete. Great stuff.
[Apr 13,2006 11:09pm - the_reverend ""]
EXACTLY what I'm saying
[Apr 13,2006 11:12pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[Apr 14,2006 4:32pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:After I heard this I had to break out Reek of Putrefaction all over again...

If we influence the listening of any classic Earache record, i think we have accomplished something.

[Apr 14,2006 4:35pm - dwellingsickness ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:After I heard this I had to break out Reek of Putrefaction all over again, and my night was complete. Great stuff.

haha good call, I didn't get out the cd, but I was saying to myself how it reminded me of that stuff though:NEWHORNS:
[Apr 14,2006 7:40pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
When are you gonna stick with 1 screenname, Mike?
[Apr 15,2006 12:45am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BestialOnslaught said:When are you gonna stick with 1 screenname, Mike?

when are you gonna book us with cryostasium and make the happiest person in the world

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