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hurricane isobelle from a tanker (pic)

[Sep 18,2003 12:49pm - the_reverend ""]
some times a picture is based solely on being in the right place at the right time.
[Sep 18,2003 12:50pm - Lynneaus ""]
[Sep 18,2003 12:52pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Sep 18,2003 12:54pm - succubus ""]
i hope this person had their running shoes on..otherwise it would be WRONG place wrong time
[Sep 18,2003 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
tom doesn't believe me that that is a hurricane.
it is.
that was taken by a friend of a friend.
they are in the military and are "out at sea"
take a look at that...
that huricane is SERIOUS!
[Sep 18,2003 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like weather.com is getting f'd too.
it's getting too many hits.
[Sep 18,2003 1:08pm - dirtykittie ""]
I live in VA and it's already fucking us up!! Isabel is gonna be a bitch!
[Sep 18,2003 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
check that out
it's a pier cam... nice.
[Sep 18,2003 1:17pm - succubus ""]
we just got an email that our virginia office is closed...

hope you will be ok dirtykittie!
[Sep 18,2003 1:24pm -  ""]
the_reverend said:check that out
it's a pier cam... nice.

haha the cam is down due to high demand
[Sep 18,2003 1:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
im hoping it curves up and gives us a little action...

no offense to people in trailers.

[Sep 18,2003 1:27pm - lynneaus ""]
no no no... no action here... i have an hour drive to a show tonight and an hour drive to a show tommorrow....
[Sep 18,2003 1:33pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That picture is fucking beatiful. ~~saves~~
[Sep 18,2003 1:56pm - jake  ""]
that reminds me of independance day. :nuke:
[Sep 18,2003 2:54pm - retzam ""]
what the fuck
[Sep 18,2003 3:00pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
retzam said:what the fuck

i have asked a few people, and nobody knows the answer.
Retzam, who are you in real life?
I hope it's not something obvious because then I will feel dumb
[Sep 18,2003 3:37pm - RustedAngel ""]


[Sep 18,2003 3:49pm - succubus ""]
someone just emailed it to me too...

i'm guessing Rev's "friend of a friend" comment was a joke...
[Sep 18,2003 3:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
so it is fake after all.

all hail photoshop.
[Sep 18,2003 3:56pm - succubus ""]
oh...i don't think it's fake....

i think it's a great pic though
[Sep 18,2003 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]
1) it is not fake.
2) that wasn't a joke

a kid here had his friend send them to him. the friend is on that boat with his wife (or at least that's what the people told him)
[Sep 18,2003 4:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I've seen storms like that coming onto the beach in portsmouth with the rain hugging down on the water.

talk about looking unreal...

is that jupiter?
[Sep 18,2003 4:20pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Someone's got a pastey butthole.
[Sep 18,2003 4:21pm - xxboobiesxx  ""]
oops i crapped my pants.

luckily its not gonna be bad in the boston area... just some rain.
[Sep 19,2003 8:11am - RustedAngel ""]
aaron people are saying that this picture is photoshopped like i thought.

"What's more amazing than the picture of the storm is the photoshop skills of the person who made this image! Amazing how it seemed to have fooled so many people, even tech tv aired it today - lol."
[Sep 19,2003 4:06pm - retzam ""]
university of joe mcnamara said:
i have asked a few people, and nobody knows the answer.
Retzam, who are you in real life?
I hope it's not something obvious because then I will feel dumb

No one, i am just some callow fool that lives in massachusetts. About the picture, I am not sure if it was photoshopped or not. But it is curious that there are no waves...
[Sep 19,2003 4:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
somebody also wrote that they have been on cruise ships, and that you wouldn't want to be within 100 miles of a hurricane.

there aren't even enough clouds surrounding that for it to be real.

jesus, that hurricane was down in NC and it was still cloudy way the hell up here.
[Sep 20,2003 12:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
another sighting:

[Sep 20,2003 8:59am - retzam ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:another sighting:


Damn, this picture's all over the place.
[Sep 20,2003 9:15am - RustedAngel ""]
most people are saying it is a hoax. I think it is also... probably graphic design project for someone in school. a few people have claimed to see this picture a year ago.

I wouldn't be suprised if we saw this picture on the Ripleys believe it or not 'Spot the Not' quiz sometime soon.

[Sep 20,2003 9:21am - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:most people are saying it is a hoax. I think it is also... probably graphic design project for someone in school.

I wouldn't be suprised if we saw this picture on the Ripleys believe it or not 'Spot the Not' quiz sometime soon.


Yea but it isnt quite obvious enough (it fooled most of us didnt it?). Those quizzes are always horribly, painfully obvious. Like the one with a cow whose fur is a replica of a map of Earth.
[Sep 20,2003 4:54pm - xmikex ""]
Hey fuck you guys, look at this ACTUAL photograph of the storm as seen by ACTUAL people

I remind you that this picture is REAL and has not been doctored or modified in any way shape or form.

[Sep 20,2003 5:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
chriiiist, now that is unreal.
[Sep 21,2003 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
chrost now that was a shitty movie
[Sep 22,2003 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
From snopes.com


Origins: Meteorologists (including Dr. Steve Lyons, the Weather Channel's hurricane expert) agree that the photos displayed above are not pictures of any hurricane at all, much less Hurricane Isabel, which struck the eastern United States in September 2003 — they depict shelf clouds or wall clouds typically associated with severe thunderstorms and tornadoes rather than hurricanes, and the water in the first picture appears too smooth for the area of an approaching hurricane. (Even if these images did depict the approach of a hurricane, they're too old to be photographs of Hurricane Isabel — these same pictures were circulating as photographs of Hurricane Claudette back in July 2003 and of CycloneIndigo in April 2003.)

Some believe the photographs to have been taken in the midwestern U.S. or Great Lakes region, although at least one source identifies the first image as being a picture of Tropical Cyclone Graham, which hit northwest Australia in February 2003.
[Sep 22,2003 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
ok, so.. real picture, not isobelle.

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