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Monty Python and the Holy Grail

[Apr 10,2006 11:43pm - Ryan_M ""]
i'm sure many people on the board have seen it already, but for those that haven't seen it, or if you have seen it and want to kill an hour and a half, here's the link to see the movie in its entirety.
if you haven't seen it, it's a classic; very silly and very funny - watch it!

[Apr 11,2006 2:15am - CNV  ""]
Hilarious movie
[Apr 11,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
classic, total classic
[Apr 11,2006 12:22pm - jesus ""]
[Apr 11,2006 1:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I've seen this movie 157 times over my lifetime. That's a real number.
[Apr 11,2006 2:02pm - RabbitFetus ""]
Blue. No... Yellooooooooooow.
[Apr 11,2006 2:10pm - Yeti ""]
it pisses me off when you talk to someone about this movie, and they start quoting it, and they get the quotes completely wrong. the most common one i hear is "i'll bite your knees" WRONG its "i'll bite your legs off". if you are going to quote the almighty, GET THE QUOTE RIGHT! that is all.
[Apr 11,2006 3:45pm - ShadowSD  ""]
They must have had nee on the brain when they misquoted that line.
[Apr 12,2006 12:00am - Ryan_M ""]
"you can't expect to weild supreme executive power just because some watery tart throws a sword at you! i mean if i went around saying i was an emperor just cause some moistened bint threw a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!"
[Apr 12,2006 12:09am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ryan_M said:"you can't expect to weild supreme executive power just because some watery tart throws a sword at you! i mean if i went around saying i was an emperor just cause some moistened bint threw a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!"

i was thinking about that line when this thread invaded the other thread. i have this on cd and its still classic just listening to it :bow:
[Apr 12,2006 12:42am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This movie was completely ruined for me by douchebag co-workers and people I considered friends until they started quoting it all the fucking time.
[Apr 12,2006 12:45am - sacreligion ""]
what a strange person

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