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hey drummer!

[Sep 17,2003 1:31pm - litacore ""]
Disemboweller's still lookin'. Oct 1 we're moving to Sound Museum in Brighton, we get 24/7 access. Infl. include Death, Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, Sinister, Nile, etc.

Stamina, strength, conviction, and love of brutal music essential. Double bass / blastbeats / heavy as fuck, you know, the usual.

contact info Larissa / litacore@att.net

'kay, later.:ralphie::gun:
[Sep 17,2003 4:26pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
is the "sound mueseum" a jam space?
[Sep 17,2003 4:52pm - litacore ""]
yep. rehearsal studio.
[Sep 17,2003 6:37pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
how much is that shiz? and are the rooms big?
[Sep 18,2003 3:05am - cruelty ""]
sound museam= RIPOFF!!!!!!!!!!!:tmnt1:
[Sep 19,2003 1:18pm - litacore ""]
they're all a ripoff. I wish there was a Communist rehearsal studio somewhere in town...

sound museum's OK, beats music complex with its carpet fires and pee smell

so are all the drummers out there getting laid, AWAY from their frickin' computer? who's free, Chrissakes?:satancross::satancross::satancross:

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