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anyone else feel sick?

[Apr 5,2006 9:45pm - thedeparted ""]
i feel like im going to throw up any second...anyone else? think it's that norovirus?
[Apr 5,2006 9:48pm - wade nli  ""]
did you have burger king?
[Apr 5,2006 9:50pm - thedeparted ""]
nah i had clam zuppa, but i dunno if it's that, i just had the shits, and i feel like i could possibly throw up in the next 20 mins
[Apr 5,2006 9:52pm - wade nli  ""]
anticipation of vomit is worse than the act itself.

burger king ruined my night last night.
[Apr 5,2006 9:56pm - thedeparted ""]
hah what happend?
yeah feeling sick is terrible, you get all cold and swety, i think im almost at that point.

start salavating for no reason, i wish i could eat some grass like dogs do, and just get it all out
[Apr 5,2006 10:22pm - Mary ""]
I've been pretty down in the dumps this past month. It's made me not want to eat. That's sort of like being sick, I guess.
[Apr 5,2006 10:22pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah, that sucks too. my sister has been the same way lately.
[Apr 5,2006 10:24pm - Anthony ""]
i took the past two days off work, been sick with a stomach flu. going back tomorrow though.
[Apr 5,2006 10:24pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah i think im getting it too, how did it come on?
[Apr 5,2006 10:27pm - Mary ""]
I had a stomach flu last month. Started off by not feeling to hot. The next day, diahrea all day. Day after that, stomach felt all cramped. The next day: puked. After that.. more crampiness then finally started feeling better. What a shitty week. *pun intended*
[Apr 5,2006 10:28pm - thedeparted ""]
hah im feeling a little cold, a little nauseous, i just had some diahrea...hope this isnt the start of something terrible
[Apr 5,2006 10:29pm - Anthony ""]
thedeparted said:yeah i think im getting it too, how did it come on?

just alot of pain, diarrhea, nausea. Mainly it was just characterized by lots of pain.
[Apr 5,2006 10:31pm - thedeparted ""]
what about being tired? that comes with most colds i'd say, im wicked tired, and getting cold
[Apr 5,2006 10:31pm - Mary ""]
You're going to die.
[Apr 5,2006 10:37pm - thedeparted ""]
so are you, and if i had to guess, most people who post here...and this woman i saw tonight, and her child. im nervous
[Apr 5,2006 10:38pm - thedeparted ""]
[Apr 5,2006 10:39pm - brian_dc ""]
dude, you just laughed at yourself
[Apr 5,2006 10:40pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah, i must be sick..duma
[Apr 5,2006 10:56pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
I dont feel sick.Im just tired and my job is getting depressing
[Apr 5,2006 10:58pm - thedeparted ""]
great, let me know when you piss out of your ass.
[Apr 5,2006 11:00pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Ok Ill do that fucker!!!
[Apr 5,2006 11:39pm - CTborderpatrol  ""]
MetalcoreSUCKS said:I dont feel sick.Im just tired and my job is getting depressing

your posts are getting depressing
[Apr 6,2006 10:41am - Yeti ""]
MetalcoreSUCKS said:I dont feel sick.Im just tired and my job is getting depressing

you remind me of Strong Sad
[Apr 6,2006 12:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
awww some animal died
[Apr 7,2006 2:22pm - infoterror ""]
thedeparted said:i feel like im going to throw up any second...anyone else? think it's that norovirus?


[Apr 7,2006 2:29pm - pam nli  ""]
I have a cold but that's it. So far.
[Apr 7,2006 2:56pm - thedeparted ""]
infoterror said:thedeparted said:i feel like im going to throw up any second...anyone else? think it's that norovirus?


i wish.

i guess it was like a 24 hour thing or something, i feel ok today. tired, but it's not from being sick.

drink lots of water pam!

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