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I want to start a Death Metal band!!!

[Mar 30,2006 11:40pm - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
Someone, please help me start a death metal band, or point me in the direction of a death metal band in need of a guitar player. Please.
[Mar 31,2006 6:33am - handinjury ""]
do you play drums?
[Mar 31,2006 8:38am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Aren't you already in a death metal band?
[Mar 31,2006 8:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
is Bane of Existence looking for a second guitarist?
[Mar 31,2006 10:34am - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
handinjury said:do you play drums?

No, I play guitar, and bass. But, I don't have bass equipment

DrinkHardThrashHard said:Aren't you already in a death metal band?

No, I've been looking into starting my own thing, and recording all of the parts myself
[Apr 4,2006 8:42am - anonymous  ""]
Yo Whatup. We need a guitarist. We do gindcore and death metal. We are from Maine but we will take you if you are willing to travel. Email me@Cmetallicafan@aol.com. We are really in need and we would love to have a good guitarist. Our influences are carcass, exumed, repulsion, cephalic carnage, pig destroyer, and many other grind bands. Get ahold of me ASAP we really need someone
[Apr 4,2006 10:45am - Yeti ""]
how boring. you should start something original, death metal is so overdone now, you'll just melt away into the mix of thousands of other "brutal death metal" bands.
[Apr 4,2006 10:48am - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
I'm not worried about sounding original, I just want to start something brutal, whether it sounds like every other brutal death metal band or not. The band I am in now is my "original" band.
[Apr 4,2006 10:55am - Dissector NLI  ""]
aborted_fetus_crunch said:I'm not worried about sounding original, I just want to start something brutal, whether it sounds like every other brutal death metal band or not. The band I am in now is my "original" band.

[Apr 4,2006 10:56am - anonymous  ""]
Dissector NLI said:aborted_fetus_crunch said:I'm not worried about sounding original, I just want to start something brutal, whether it sounds like every other brutal death metal band or not. The band I am in now is my "original" band.

I meant to say; "don't worry about Yeti, we can't all be in the most mediocre mondane drown out band ever, Sacreligion.
[Apr 4,2006 10:59am - Ma_Dukes ""]
lets jam mutherfucker...already got a drummer...need bass player and 2nd guitar player...called vagina faced babies
[Apr 4,2006 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
anonymous said:Dissector NLI said:aborted_fetus_crunch said:I'm not worried about sounding original, I just want to start something brutal, whether it sounds like every other brutal death metal band or not. The band I am in now is my "original" band.

I meant to say; "don't worry about Yeti, we can't all be in the most mediocre mondane drown out band ever, Sacreligion.

[Apr 4,2006 2:32pm - DJ Death  ""]
death metal is life metal. I hope you are capable of murder..
[Apr 4,2006 2:34pm - paganmegan ""]
[Jul 24,2006 9:00pm - XXMATT  ""]
[COLOR=dark red]your text here[/COLOR]your text here
[Jul 25,2006 7:39am - Scrapmetal  ""]
no one ever needs a vocalist.. :( it's like we're going out of friggin business.

I was hopin you were from RI because I'm down to start a band.
[Jul 25,2006 11:53am - anonymous  ""]
i dont feel like logging in but cadaveryne needs a second guitar player. you better not suck though, because if you do dont even bother. the new shit is retartedly hard.

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