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Zakk Wylde acting

[Mar 30,2006 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
Zakk Wylde, acting! No way! Anyone who has the BLACK LABEL SOCIETY DVD knows that Zakk is funny enough when he’s not acting…and has about a half a case of beer in him, but if you want to see what he’s like when he has a script to follow, check it out here http://crapshoot.tv/clips.htm. I was amused, and it’s got Jim Breuer too!
[Mar 30,2006 5:47pm - Hooker nli  ""]
is that a C&P?
[Mar 30,2006 10:14pm - Zakk  ""]
I was already in a movie. Do you remember the smash hit Rock Star, starring Mark Walhberg?
[Mar 30,2006 10:35pm - Mary ""]
I just bought the BLS "Mafia" album. I'm hooked on the song "Fire it up".
[Mar 30,2006 11:05pm - wade nli  ""]
i not much of a hater of things or people (okay so that's a lie) but Zakk Wylde is the biggest fucking dipshit ever. fuck him & his band.
[Mar 31,2006 10:40am - Kessaris ""]

I heard Zakk got pnemonia and lost about 100lbs and chopped off his beard and locks...
[Mar 31,2006 10:42am - Yeti ""]
he's already been in a movie. he was Sabretooth in X-Men. he didnt need any makeup or anything.
[Mar 31,2006 10:42am - Kessaris ""]
Mafia has to be the biggest piece of garbage I have ever heard in my life. It's right up there with St. Anger and All Out Attack.

I can only imagine how much their new album coming out this summer is going to suck my balls...
[Mar 31,2006 3:35pm - Cecchini in CT  ""]
Crapshoot has been around for like a year or 2 now.

Mafia > Kessaris
[Mar 31,2006 5:45pm - the rooster  ""]
zach wylde < every other guitar player

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