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Slayer 6/17 Lowell,MA

[Mar 29,2006 8:37am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
I already got my ticket to see Slayer in June at the Tsongas Arena.Anyone else here plan on going to this show? This is the only New England show for Slayer on this tour.
[Mar 29,2006 8:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are going for the opening acts and none of us are fooled.
[Mar 29,2006 9:20am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
HA HA!! I dont think so.I'll be there right before Slayer goes on
[Mar 29,2006 9:22am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Mar 29,2006 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You mean you are leaving right before Slayer, because although you love their newer stuff you would hate to hear anything older.
[Mar 29,2006 9:24am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Welcome to the gang up on me forum.I prefer Slayer's older stuff man
[Mar 29,2006 9:25am - Cecchini ""]
I'm gonna go to see Bodom and Slayer. Now I can give you my shit, or you can take it willingly bitch... Yea, you'll take it willingly cause your a little dirty whore like that. Yeaa
[Mar 29,2006 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If you really like Children of Bodom I will take anything you are willing to throw at me because in the end you like Children of Bodom so I win.
[Mar 29,2006 10:44am - horror_tang NLI  ""]
Fuck that show! $39 to see Slayer for the 50th time. I'll stay home and watch a Slayer dvd and use all that money for beer.
[Mar 29,2006 12:23pm - Cecchini @ UML  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:If you really like Children of Bodom I will take anything you are willing to throw at me because in the end you like Children of Bodom so I win.

But your still Joe NotCommon.... is that really a victory?
[Mar 29,2006 12:24pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
No, I suppose not.
[Mar 29,2006 12:25pm - mOe nli  ""]
Cecchini @ UML said:Joe/NotCommon said:If you really like Children of Bodom I will take anything you are willing to throw at me because in the end you like Children of Bodom so I win.

But your still Joe NotCommon.... is that really a victory?

[Mar 29,2006 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
horror_tang NLI said:Fuck that show! $39 to see Slayer for the 50th time. I'll stay home and watch a Slayer dvd and use all that money for beer.

[Mar 29,2006 12:30pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You made Moe laugh, and we all know how smart he is.
[Mar 29,2006 12:35pm - mOe nli  ""]
SOMEONE'S insecure
[Mar 29,2006 12:35pm - kessaris ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:You made Moe laugh, and we all know how smart he is.

I think he made everyone on the board laugh...smart or not.

...I'm tired

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