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[Mar 28,2006 1:03pm - djehnahre ""]
Ehnahre is getting back together. Look out.

[Mar 28,2006 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
is the the guy that sent me the CDr?
[Mar 28,2006 1:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I remember this band from when I did my scene page, years ago.
[Mar 28,2006 1:08pm - djehnahre ""]
I never sent a CD, but I think I have like ten copies (non cd-rs) hanging around, I believe you can find them for 99 cents in the bargain used cd's at newbury comics too. We are still looking for a drummer too.
[Mar 28,2006 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I put this up:

oh and it was herbie correia that sent me the CDr
[Mar 28,2006 1:28pm - djehnahre ""]
herbie! do you have his email? send it over to dthomasmurray@gmail.com i havent been able to get in touch with him in years....
[Mar 28,2006 1:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Why is...this so familiar sounding?
[Mar 28,2006 10:21pm - nick ""]
holy shit awesome.
[Mar 28,2006 10:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Was Matt Lacasse in this band too? I just can't fucking remember.
[Mar 29,2006 12:03am - fucker  ""]
nope matt lacasse was definetly NOT in this band although slim b from byd was in it.... i must ask though is this gonna be ehnahre when they were hardcore/grind or when they were sludge?
[Mar 29,2006 1:06am - uh jake  ""]
fucking awesome
[Mar 29,2006 3:01pm - djehnahre ""]
No Slim B and a mix of both sludge and grind.
[Mar 29,2006 3:49pm - xmikex @ work  ""]
play anything off the demo and I'll strangle someone with my small intestine. seriously, this is way too cool.

[Mar 29,2006 5:17pm - fucker  ""]
i'm definetly there no matter what
[Mar 30,2006 1:17pm - djehnahre ""]
There is nothing set in stone, but unreleased recordings as well as some rerecordings are being discussed for a remastered release to be shopped to labels. No shows are scheduled for anytime soon.
[Oct 29,2007 1:27pm - vd  ""]
[Oct 29,2007 3:24pm - Joshtruction ""]
[Oct 29,2007 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 29,2007 6:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I was wondering if this was still going to happen...this is still happening right?
[Oct 29,2007 7:04pm - yummy ""]
oh yeah...these guys!
[Nov 25,2007 10:45pm - djehnahre ""]
its happening. december 19th mideast up with mostly stoner/doom shit (disappearer, proselyte, identified). get there early if you want your head to spin faster than the rest of the night. and again, http://www.myspace.com/ehnahremetal thanks, bigdicks.
[Nov 25,2007 10:46pm - djehnahre ""]
by early i mean get there at 9. we go on first with a 9-piece ensemble (kayo not, anyone?)
[Nov 26,2007 12:08am - xmikex ""]
booo new stuff.

gimmie old stuff.
[Nov 26,2007 2:35am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
is that like the Nazi division that looked for artifacts in indian jones...o wait, thats anenerbe!
[Nov 26,2007 10:20am - brendannli  ""]
is hunt going to be there too? i haven't seen that dude in fucking ages.
[Nov 26,2007 12:54pm - atthehaunted ""]
Ex-ForceFedGlass Sweetness
[Nov 27,2007 3:03am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hope to be at this Middle East show.
[Nov 27,2007 3:15pm - tobias boon  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I hope to be at this Middle East show.

Ehnahre is also playing on Jan. 13th at O'Brien's with Cyaegha (siiiicckkk band from VA in the vein of Cephalic Carnage/Dying Fetus), Revocation, and Dysentery
[Dec 4,2007 12:09pm - bump  ""]
bump }}} show dec 19 middle east up 9pm }}} blah blah tits
[Dec 16,2007 11:57am - blump  ""]
Andrew Hockstein is uncircumscizzrrd
[Dec 16,2007 12:08pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 17,2007 11:17pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
So besides a dumb name (I've held this position ever since the guitarist of Deadeyesunder - the one with the creepy ears - attempted cockflexing an Enharhye hoodie back in the day)... what the funk is an Enharhye? It sounds like a retarded donkey who is unable to bear a merchant's load.
[Dec 17,2007 11:45pm - yikes  ""]
ehnahre's a cool name because it was the abberviation for N R which stood for negative reasoning.

basically if you went shows on the cape or south shore you would know about them but that was nearly ten years ago. different band, different sound.

as xmikex would say boo new stuff, gimme old stuff.
[Dec 18,2007 1:28pm - djehnahre ""]

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