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The now gorgoroth

[Sep 15,2003 4:50pm - Cruelty ""]
is awesome! that was supposed to be "new gorgoroth" not "now gorgoroth"

and yes I said awesome
[Sep 15,2003 4:51pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
fact: Gorgoroth fucking sucks
[Sep 15,2003 4:52pm - Cruelty ""]
your a fucking Idoit
[Sep 15,2003 4:52pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
let me guess, you like their album "destroyer" or whatever it was called?
[Sep 15,2003 4:53pm - Cruelty ""]
yes its not oh whats it called "generic as fuck"
[Sep 15,2003 5:02pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
nope... its not... it what anyone with a taste in music would call "SHIT"
[Sep 15,2003 5:05pm - Beakey ""]
You guys should definitely have a fight to the death over this.
[Sep 15,2003 5:06pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

everyone listen to that song... it is the WORST song ever... i would rather listen to cold northern vengeance than even listen to this song ever again...
[Sep 15,2003 5:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
best gorgoroth song ever written.

"Crushing the Scepter"

was one of the first real black metal songs I had heard as a freshmen in high school.

[Sep 15,2003 5:10pm - Beakey ""]
Wow, if I had known that, I would have never decided to think you're the biggest piece of shit on this message board.
You are so fucking metal!
[Sep 15,2003 5:10pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

[Sep 15,2003 5:55pm - Cruelty ""]
ok, well gorgoroth isnt for everyone but I just listened to your band. So whatever its easy to mock things when you sound just like everything else in your genra. Gorgoroth is all about attitude they fucking recorded destroyer in one take with a few overdubs you can hear shit dropping and breaking in the background. They are not trying to be anything but raw and full of attitude. Go sing about diherrea and dead babys or some shit. I wouldnt expect you to understand anything the slightest bit artfull.
[Sep 15,2003 6:42pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
i like gorgoroth
i also like my fucking record label
phil get in touch with me about the red invasion cd
[Sep 15,2003 7:04pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Gorgoroth>Devourment, or any other stupid ass Baphomet ripoff chug band.
[Sep 15,2003 9:34pm - cruelty ""]
yeah joe Im here, I was away over the weekend and most of last week. But im back in the stoneham hood, come on aim or call me tonight.

[Sep 15,2003 10:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
there's too much devourment hate going on here lately :(
[Sep 15,2003 10:53pm - dysenteryvokills  ""]
i never heard that band gorogoroth or however it is pronounced...but what is with the fucking closeminded "metalheads" who think everythign that has a chug is a rip off your fucking gay!!!....theres really not that many local bands nore bigger bands that pull it off that good im not saying we pull it off the best but from the lables we have interested id say we do a damn good job of it and so do our parterns in crime terminally and STE...but yeah ill start lsiteing to jsut black metal or any band that jsut does a blast beat for 3 minutes and talks about cold winter days up on the mountains and goat sex and then all of us well change our styles to that so the few ppl who make metal seem like its about nothign more than being a fucking asshole,stuburn and jsut closeminded piece of shit. thank you and fuck you hahahahahaha:bartmoon:
[Sep 15,2003 11:38pm - Mike_STE ""]
Forget new gorgoroth, just pick up the new Setherial.
[Sep 15,2003 11:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Cruelty said:I wouldnt expect you to understand anything the slightest bit artfull.

yep... because i play in a death/grind band means that i only like death/grind. artful? are you fucking serious?! Anathema IS artful, Shape of Despair IS artful, Empyrium IS artful... Gorgoroth is total fucking shit. Destroyer sounds like 8 gay men pit-fartin on a snare drum while making airplane and explosion noises with their mouths. their drummer fucking sucks too. honestly... anyone that tries to be grim and evil and tr00 and has a website that only a 1337 H4x0r could make is just a fucking crock of shit.
[Sep 15,2003 11:45pm - Mike_STE ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:Gorgoroth>Devourment, or any other stupid ass Baphomet ripoff chug band.

Baphomet was definitely some chunky styled DM (Dead Shall Inherit is a classic), but it's ignorant to say that Devourment rips off their style. Baphomet had grooves, and were a blueprint for the style, but Devourment's all out slam approach is way beyond what Baphomet was doing at the time. I personally love NY styled DM, slam riffs just sound soooooo good. Though I do feel that ever since people caught onto Molesting The Decapitated, everyone's been striving to achieve that sound. So if anything Devourment are leaders not followers.
[Sep 16,2003 2:05am - cruelty ""]
Your a fucking moron, Grim from Demmu and Frost from satyricon played drums on destroyer. I cant believe you said 1337 Haxor you are fucking homo
[Sep 16,2003 2:07am - thegreatspaldino ""]
seriously... everything on that album sucks. Gorgoroth also sucks... im pretty sure the two songs i posted proves it to everybody.
[Sep 16,2003 2:38am - Cruelty.  ""]
Ok, Im not going to argue with you about it. You obviously have some kind of Issue, I say I like a new CD and literilly 3 seconds later your bashing it. I say I like the band and your trying to prove to everyone on the board that they are bad. Sorry you have deep rooted issues with gorgoroth didnt meet to strike a nerve.:spineyes:
[Sep 16,2003 2:40am - Cruelty.  ""]
Oh and for DysantaryVocals, I hardly listen to black metal I hate 90% of It as well as 90% of death metal I like fucking Billy Idol better than most of it. I called your band Generic deal with it you are you will never go anywhere fuck off:middlefinger:
[Sep 16,2003 2:47am - Cruelty.  ""]
oh yeah one more thing whatever that second link is you posted is not a gorgoroth song I have no Idea what the hell it is but it deos suck
[Sep 16,2003 3:05am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i got it off of the gorgoroth site... i dont have any DEEP problem with gorgoroth but god damn they just suck...
[Sep 16,2003 3:07am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Cruelty. said:I called your band Generic deal with it you are you will never go anywhere fuck off:middlefinger:

if by never going anywhere you mean "getting signed" then you are correct
[Sep 16,2003 3:24am - Cruelty.  ""]
cute, Ive been signed to bigger labels twice
[Sep 16,2003 3:28am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i know im cute >:]
[Sep 16,2003 3:33am - Cruelty.  ""]
[Sep 16,2003 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
and they lived happily ever after.
another successful match brought to you by ReturnToDerLiebmacher.com
[Sep 16,2003 10:03am - Beakey ""]
[Sep 16,2003 11:39pm - Divine ""]

Here is a picture of Phil and I with Gorgoroths drummer when we (as Legacy) Opened up thier only ever U.S. show....nevermind.

Ok well If I figure out how to post a picture on here I'll put it up. Damn technology!!!!!
[Sep 17,2003 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
funny you should say that...
there's a help doc on it.
[Sep 17,2003 8:39am - joe/notcommon ""]
want to know what's better then all black metal?


[Sep 28,2003 5:26pm - Coldnorthernvengeance  ""]
Gorgoroth "Pentegram" is some of the most grim black metal ever... Has anyone heard "Twilight of the Idols"?

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