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Your Favorite Guitarist's...

[Sep 14,2003 5:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
screw rolling stone's top 20! who gives a fuck what they think?

here's a bunch of my favorite guitarists:

yngwie malmsteen
joe satriani
alan holdsworth
frank gambale
nuno bettencourt
eddie van halen
dimebag darrel
trey azagoth (ma)
alex lahio (cob)
mikael (opeth)
vogg (decapitated)
bill steer (carcass)
marten & fredrick (meshuggah)
alex scholnick
christopher malmstrom (darkane)
john petrucci (dt)
erik rutan (ma,he)
chuck (death)

[Sep 14,2003 5:44pm - phantos ""]
Nels Cline
John McLaughlin
Bill Frissell
Grant Green

my masters
[Sep 14,2003 7:56pm - retzam ""]
In no particular order:

Mikael Åkerfeldt and Peter Lindgren
Dan Swanö
Dave Murray and Adrian Smith (and Janick Gers too)
Jimmy Page
Joe Satriani
K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton
Joe Perry
John Lennon and George Harrison
Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir
Jeff Beck
Jimi Hendrix
Steve Wilson
Brian May
Eddie Van Halen
[Sep 14,2003 9:15pm - xeatadickx ""]
oh my, yes. you gotta give it up for the legend, Chuck Schuldiner. and Erik Rutan. Isahn. Trey Azogthoth. Jack Owen and Pat O'Brian. Terrance Hobbs. mmmm yes, you know it
[Sep 14,2003 10:59pm - phantos ""]
I forgot to mention Thurston... he is the master of feedback control.
[Sep 15,2003 2:09am - George ""]
chuck. period. it doesnt get much better than crystal mountain.:NEWHORNS:
[Sep 15,2003 3:38am - Terence ""]
Angus Young. Hes the reason why i play guitar. him and Zakk Wylde.
[Sep 15,2003 8:56am - Beakey ""]
Anyone who says Angus Young is cool with me.
[Sep 15,2003 8:57am - Beakey ""]
I heard Joe Not Common's favorite guitarist is Malcom Young.
[Sep 15,2003 9:25am - baneofexistence ""]
randy rhoads
richard splillberg (wargasm)
david murry, adrian smith & dennis stratton
gary moore(thin lizzy)
joe stump
michael schenker(scorpions , msg)
uli jon roth(scorpions)
vinnie moore
paul gilbert
steve vai
joe satch
nuno bettencort
r. blackmore
alex dowie(bad karma **local band** this guy only plays with his left hand the right one is dead)
frank murphy(triphammer**local**)
Phil Fasciana

this list could go on for forever

[Sep 15,2003 9:28am - RustedAngel ""]
joe stump shreds, but listing yngwie covers him pretty much.
[Sep 15,2003 9:31am - baneofexistence ""]
yea but this was list YOUR favorate guitarists and he is one of them thats why he's on my list
[Sep 15,2003 9:41am - Beakey ""]
I'm good friends with Frank Murphy's brother.
[Sep 15,2003 9:43am - RustedAngel ""]
someone's been suckin dicks. no one cares who your friends with.
[Sep 15,2003 9:50am - baneofexistence ""]
how did we go from favorate guitarist to childish name calling
[Sep 15,2003 10:03am - RustedAngel ""]
see any other post that beaky post's in.
[Sep 15,2003 10:04am - Beakey ""]
You're such a fucking idiot. You can be looking at my name and still spell it wrong.
Yeah, I'll take all the credit for the childish posts. I'll also take credit when I slap you in the face like the little bitch you are.

...Your girlfriend looks like Robert Redford.
[Sep 15,2003 10:07am - RustedAngel ""]
I could have sp3ll3d your username right, but it wasn't worth the finger effort of putting one more letter in.
[Sep 15,2003 10:10am - Beakey ""]
I think by "spelt" you meant "spelled".
You are an absolute idiot.
[Sep 15,2003 10:11am - RustedAngel ""]
what are you talking about? sure.

the only comeback's you come up with are about grammar, and spelling. weak.
[Sep 15,2003 10:16am - baneofexistence ""]
but none in this thread 2 wrongs don't make a right

RustedAngel said:see any other post that beaky post's in.

[Sep 15,2003 10:21am - Beakey ""]
What's weak is that you have probably graduated from high school yet have obtained no knowledge of it.

You are, by far, the biggest idiot on this board.
[Sep 15,2003 10:25am - RustedAngel ""]
I failed all the spelling test's, and Beakey was making fun of me for it. So I dropped out of the 2nd grade...

I am the biggest idiot ever. Thanks for clearing that up dicknose.
[Sep 15,2003 10:26am - Beakey ""]
The word "tests" does not have an apostrophe.
[Sep 15,2003 10:28am - RustedAngel ""]
thats it, im dropping out of life.
[Sep 15,2003 10:45am - Mike_STE ""]
Fredrik Thordendal
Martin Hagstrom
Dino Cazares
Chuck Schuldiner
Patrick Mameli
Allen Holdsworth
Dave Mustaine (heroin days)
Mike / Chris Amott (first three AE's/Armageddon)
Jesper Stromblad
Joe Gordon
Muhammed Suicmez
Kelly Shaeffer
Chris Poland
Diego Sanchez
Peter Lake
Bill Frisell
Adrian Smith
Hetfield (Master, And Justice).......
[Sep 15,2003 10:58am - baneofexistence ""]
holy shit i forgot

Chuck Schuldiner
Dave Mustaine
Mike / Chris Amott
Hetfield , hammet(Master, And Justice)
[Sep 15,2003 10:59am - RustedAngel ""]
you should still be able to edit your post.
[Sep 15,2003 11:00am - Cruelty ""]
John Nodviet(dissection)
John Christ
Trey Azagthoth
Joe Walsh
Dave Mustaine
Galder(old mans child)
Zakk Wylde

[Sep 15,2003 11:02am - baneofexistence ""]
or i could just add the ones i missed in a new post and bother you apparently

RustedAngel said:you should still be able to edit your post.

[Sep 15,2003 11:03am - baneofexistence ""]
i'm a hack at best

Cruelty said:Infernus(gorgoroth)


[Sep 15,2003 11:08am - RustedAngel ""]
baneofexistence said:or i could just add the ones i missed in a new post and bother you apparently

RustedAngel said:you should still be able to edit your post.

just trying to help.
[Sep 15,2003 11:49am - George ""]
Joe Stump is teaching me next semester. yay.
[Sep 15,2003 11:53am - baneofexistence ""]
joe is the man

i have a few vids of him when he was in trash broadway and rock city and i have the shred dvd he did for berkley s. .o. m. some sick shit
[Sep 15,2003 11:54am - George ""]
when i first met him at my guitar audition i could swear joey ramone had come back from the dead
[Sep 15,2003 12:04pm - fucking nerd  ""]
beeekie, stop being such a herbert. no one on this site cares about grammar except maybe you. did i spell except right?
[Sep 15,2003 12:09pm - Beakey ""]
Yes, but you didn't capitalize anything.
[Sep 15,2003 12:11pm - fucking nerd  ""]
BeCaUse I DoNt CaRe you herbert hoover. its a message board, not the english class I skipped this morning
[Sep 15,2003 12:12pm - herbie hancock  ""]
btw, being a singer in a hardcore/metal band basically means your a nice guy, but your just not that good at stuff.

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