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Throwing Shrapnel is cancelling ALL current shows...

[Mar 23,2006 7:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
This is not due to a break up or anything of the such.

This is due to a very serious medical emergency that will take a long time and a lot of patience to fight back from.

I dont feel like giving anymore details until there is more information, but we will be back in action sooner or later, and better than ever.

The April 1st show is still on, we just will no longer be playing it. I'm personally covering the expenses and such just so we can present to you a good show.

Ill have more info later.
[Mar 23,2006 7:45pm - the_reverend ""]
it's anal fissues I bet.
[Mar 23,2006 7:45pm - RichHorror ""]
... woah.
[Mar 23,2006 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 23,2006 7:56pm - thedeparted ""]
hope everything goes well guys
[Mar 23,2006 7:57pm - brian_dc ""]
good luck guys.
[Mar 23,2006 7:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
joke if you want, but if you knew the situation, its not funny.
[Mar 23,2006 8:14pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Good luck guys all the best and get well soon
[Mar 23,2006 8:28pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
fuck...fuck...fuck..that is so fucked up...so sorry guys...hope he gets better...fuck!
[Mar 23,2006 8:28pm - Anthony nli  ""]
wow. i'm sorry to hear that. whoever is ailing, good luck and a speedy recovery to them.
[Mar 23,2006 8:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Pinion will be taking most of our slots, unless we were personally booked. but like keith said joke all you want but if this was happening to someone you cared about yeah lets just say i hope you never have to deal with this.

[Mar 23,2006 8:30pm - cavnli  ""]
good luck dudes
[Mar 23,2006 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
that's not what my prom date said.
[Mar 23,2006 8:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Your prom date didn't say "good luck dudes"?
[Mar 23,2006 8:43pm - dwellingsickness ""]
why is the rev the only one joking about this? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?
[Mar 23,2006 8:45pm - brian_dc ""]
I don't know...it's kind of awkward...I just hope that whoever is sick in TS is going to be ok...the lack of detail makes me nervous and in no mood to joke.
[Mar 23,2006 8:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thanks for everyone whos concerned and actually giving kind words. im sure dave ewing would be happy to know some of you guys in the scene care.

to everyone joking, im a true believer in karma so enjoy.
[Mar 23,2006 8:51pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I wish Dave and the rest of the guys well, Hope everything will be ok
[Mar 23,2006 8:52pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Pinion will be taking most of our slots, unless we were personally booked. but like keith said joke all you want but if this was happening to someone you cared about yeah lets just say i hope you never have to deal with this.

Pinion (now Seabeast), and yeah, no one would want to have to deal with this..fuckin' a...

[Mar 23,2006 8:53pm - Nate ""]
I think the fact that things are so vague on the situation people might joke about it. Yes you guys make it sound very serious, but for some it may seem odd since there are no details.

But... best wishes to Dave and hope whatever the issue is that he can get it resolved and you guys can keep doing the TS thing. Good luck guys!
[Mar 23,2006 8:54pm - Patnomalous  ""]
I wish you guys luck with this situation. I have faith you guys will bounce back from this.
[Mar 23,2006 9:03pm - KeithMutiny ""]
The reason for being vague is just because we dont want to over react, like i said its very serious, and im planning on getting all final info saturday morning when the doctors are sure.
[Mar 23,2006 9:04pm - succubus ""]
sorry it happened
truly sucks and it is sad
i hope he'll be ok

chill about aaron and no need to wish him bad karma (he's already going bald)...a lot of people on here alway joke about serious things but now that it's someone you care about it's not cool...anyhow aaron had no idea what happened and he made some comments..no need to be a dick to him..

[Mar 23,2006 9:06pm - brian_dc ""]
when someone you care about is in rough shape you get on the defensive about them. I think it is safe to say that this is a sensitive issue and arguing about it probably isn't worth it.
[Mar 23,2006 9:12pm - succubus ""]
of course but i get a rude IM out of the blue as if what happened is my fault..not cool..esp when i lost my dad of the same thing when he was 45

[Mar 23,2006 9:13pm - brian_dc ""]
oh, I'm sorry...I couldn't have known that. I'm just gonna stay out of this and hope for the best for Dave.
[Mar 23,2006 9:14pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
whatever's wrong, i give my best wishes.
[Mar 23,2006 9:16pm - RichHorror ""]
succubus said:chill about aaron and no need to wish him bad karma (he's already going bald)

[Mar 23,2006 9:42pm - KeithMutiny ""]
nobody means to start arguments, we're all just really tense right now. Its tough when something happens to one of the few people you actually give a fuck about in this world, as im sure you all know.
[Mar 23,2006 9:56pm - diamond_dave ""]
best of luck bros, davey is a good shit. and the rest of you too.
[Mar 23,2006 10:10pm - PatMeebles ""]
That blows. No March 26th, then?
[Mar 23,2006 10:15pm - KeithMutiny ""]
PatMeebles said:That blows. No March 26th, then?

no nothing, for now, probably through the summer, but we'll figure it out.

I'm comming to sundays show anyway.

[Mar 23,2006 10:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i think we all know we're all on the same side here.
my thoughts and best wishes to Dave, and all the guys.
Sean and Keith, you both know if ya need to talk, vent, etc. you've got my IM.
[Mar 23,2006 10:29pm - Dissector ""]
I hope everything works out for you guys. Sounds bad though.
[Mar 23,2006 10:42pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
You guys have been great to hang out with at shows, here's hoping there's more of that in the future.
[Mar 23,2006 10:48pm - Dankill  ""]
Keith, I'll see you tomorrow.
All my best wishes and prayers for Dave.
[Mar 23,2006 11:00pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
That sucks guys, good luck and I hope everything goes well for you in the future.
[Mar 23,2006 11:14pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Good luck guys.
[Mar 24,2006 12:48am - davefromthegrave ""]
so...what is it?
[Mar 24,2006 1:02am - dreadkill ""]
hey guys, i hope everything works out healthwise and you get back in action as soon as you can.
[Mar 24,2006 1:03am - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:Your prom date didn't say "good luck dudes"?

i'm not trying to make light of this situation at all because it's very serious, but that was a classic rich post.
[Mar 24,2006 1:57am - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
best of luck and all prayers out to the mighty!!!!!!!!


[Mar 24,2006 2:17am - SeedBassist ""]
Not much to say that hasn't already been said. I don't really know you guys too well, seeing as we've only played one show together, but I wish Dave the best, and hope that whatever this is, gets better. You guys are all really nice dudes and I wish for nothing but the best.
[Mar 24,2006 9:38am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Bad news, hope this guy will be alright.
[Mar 24,2006 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
same here. dave's a good guy. I can't believe he's 25.
I still stand by making jokes, but I hope he's ok.
[Mar 24,2006 10:00am - SuperFly ""]
sorry to hear that, hope everything works out.
[Mar 24,2006 10:53am - mOe nli  ""]
we've had our friendly tiffs, but I really hope everything turns out ok for you gentleman
[Mar 24,2006 10:57am - paganmegan ""]
I hope all goes well, good luck
[Mar 24,2006 11:16am - hungtableed  ""]
best of luck to ya guys
[Mar 24,2006 12:23pm - HHH Moe  ""]
mOe nli said:we've had our friendly tiffs, but I really hope everything turns out ok for you gentleman

They have not been friendly tiffs, so keep your well-wishes to yourself. You do not hope everything turns out okay. Only I, the true Moe (HHH Moe) wishes him well. Fake Moe go eat a fuck sandwich.
[Mar 24,2006 12:33pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Want me to call Flash Gordon? He'll make everything better and save the universe1
[Mar 24,2006 12:34pm - mOe nli  ""]
HHH Moe said:mOe nli said:we've had our friendly tiffs, but I really hope everything turns out ok for you gentleman

They have not been friendly tiffs, so keep your well-wishes to yourself. You do not hope everything turns out okay. Only I, the true Moe (HHH Moe) wishes him well. Fake Moe go eat a fuck sandwich.

get a life, dude
[Mar 24,2006 12:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
Get well soon!
[Mar 24,2006 1:18pm - HHH Moe  ""]
I would never use the word dude on a serious thread like this even though this whole thread is fake... a.k.a. a big fucking joke.
[Mar 24,2006 1:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i wish it were a joke.
[Mar 24,2006 2:10pm - W3 escaping to the VA  ""]
again thanks everyone whos actually said positive shit and yeah its very stressful right now. so please excuse me for once if i come off like an asshole. any other time by all means call me on it but right its really tough to deal with this shit.

so its to see all the kind words.
[Mar 24,2006 2:54pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, I really hope shit gets better. The vague description and lack of detail creates a dreadful atmosphere about the post. I wish you guys all the best

[Mar 24,2006 4:37pm - HHH Moe  ""]
I would like to clarify that the first post is my post, but not the second one. I know this is not a joke and hope it ends up better than the doctors are thinking.

I believe the other mOe (fake mOe) is impersonating me to make himself look better because he got called on his fake sympathy and concern. Again, go eat a fuck sandwich.
[Mar 24,2006 4:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
maybe the real moe should log in and set this straight...no need for this kind of confusion on an already dismal thread
[Mar 24,2006 4:47pm - RichHorror ""]
This is why I was initially opposed to cloning.
[Mar 24,2006 4:51pm - HHH_Moe ""]
There now the record has been set straight. There will be no more confusion now.
[Mar 25,2006 9:42am - eddienli  ""]
shit,i hope everything turns out to be alright
[Mar 25,2006 10:56am - KeithMutiny ""]
i wasnt able to go see him today because the hospital is only allowing immediate family in there right now.

basically, heres the deal. Dave had a blood vessel burst in his brain, thursday during practice. Hes comming in and out of conciousness and they are not sure of the extent of damage. When i find out more ill tell ya.
[Mar 25,2006 11:15am - brian_dc ""]
I'm speechless. Good luck, Dave.
[Mar 25,2006 11:16am - thedeparted ""]
wow, that's serious business, i hope you guys and his family are ok, or doing the best you can i suppose, best wishes
[Mar 25,2006 12:42pm - Patnomalous  ""]
Sorry to hear that. Dave is a cool, quiet guy and a good drummer. Something similar happened to the drummer of Carcass. Best of luck to Dave.
[Mar 25,2006 12:51pm - dreadkill ""]
that really sucks. i hope he'll be ok. i'd be devastated if anything happened to one of my bandmates. best of luck to you guys and i hope dave has a speedy recovery.
[Mar 25,2006 12:54pm - Troll ""]
Why makes something so "serious" so public? Hence creating a bunch of rediculous scene drama.
If I was in your band I'd beat you within an inch of your life once i got well, cause the only people that fucking matter in a situation like this is the immediate friends and family. I'd also tell everyone on this forum,"Go get fucked unless your willing to pay my hospital bills!"

With that said....Hopefully your friend does get better.

Now you've got the floor kids...Chew me a new asshole.

[Mar 25,2006 12:57pm - dreadkill ""]
i think they posted about this because they had shows booked that they had to cancel and because some people on this board know them and would want to know what's going on.
[Mar 25,2006 1:08pm - pam nli  ""]
Fuck! That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear it. Good luck to Dave!
[Mar 25,2006 1:09pm - brian_dc ""]
I don't see any scene drama.
[Mar 25,2006 1:11pm - pam nli  ""]
There was no scene drama, so Troll had to create some. And just in case with didn't pick up on it, he made sure to ASK that everyone start with him.
[Mar 25,2006 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]
pam nli said:There was no scene drama, so Troll had to create some. And just in case with didn't pick up on it, he made sure to ASK that everyone start with him.

[Mar 25,2006 1:17pm - brian_dc ""]
[Mar 25,2006 2:00pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I think the problem is more that THROWING SHRAPNEL members on this board are constantly in shit-talk mode, so it's only natural there's gonna be some blowback when something actually serious comes up.

I don't know Dave, sounds like a fucking hell of a thing to happen to a young dude, I hope it proves to be something he can bounce 100% back from. Good luck.
[Mar 25,2006 2:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i expected people to have a reaction like troll, and i personally havent a care what you think, i was asked to relay that we cancelled everything and due to the influx for instant messeges i was getting on the matter i decided to post it.

As for Alex, Sean and I are the only 2 who even post on here, so if someone has something bad to say about Dave, i would be more than happy to discuss the matter. No tsaying you do, by any means, but just as a generalization.

I was just called and hes moved out of intensive care and looking way better. He was asking to get out because he had a show to play tomorrow, haha.
[Mar 25,2006 2:21pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
he can talk? holy shit, that's a good sign...
[Mar 25,2006 2:22pm - dreadkill ""]
that's great news. glad to hear he's doing better.
[Mar 25,2006 2:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yes, but its one day at a time.
[Mar 25,2006 2:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
KeithMutiny said:As for Alex, Sean and I are the only 2 who even post on here, so if someone has something bad to say about Dave, i would be more than happy to discuss the matter. No tsaying you do, by any means, but just as a generalization.

I'm just pointing out the cause-and-effect relationship here; it'd be silly for someone who had never met Dave, like myself, to have a problem with him based on what his band members said in half seriousness online. At the same time, the generally antagonistic approach to representing the band that Sean frequently (and you on occasion) invoke does kinda reflect on the group as a whole, whether that's rational or not. Of course most of us understand that its for shits and giggles, but it's an unrealistic expectaton that the shits-and-giggles nature of TS related discussion can be turned on and off at will.
[Mar 25,2006 2:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
no thats fully understandable, and i would only expect it. I know where your comming from.
[Mar 25,2006 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I posted jokes and I think that both brian and dave (the two from the band that don't post here) would have posted jokes about things too. it's their nature from what I know of them.

any how, on a serious note, maybe you should change the part of the song that causes people's heads to explode... just a thought.
[Mar 25,2006 3:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the_reverend said:
any how, on a serious note, maybe you should change the part of the song that causes people's heads to explode... just a thought.

no way dude, thats how we get people to listen.
[Mar 25,2006 4:10pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Sean antagonistic? he's a wanker sometimes...hehe. Exploding heads are cool...like in "Scanners"
[Mar 25,2006 5:11pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Troll said:Why makes something so "serious" so public? Hence creating a bunch of rediculous scene drama.
If I was in your band I'd beat you within an inch of your life once i got well, cause the only people that fucking matter in a situation like this is the immediate friends and family. I'd also tell everyone on this forum,"Go get fucked unless your willing to pay my hospital bills!"

With that said....Hopefully your friend does get better.

Now you've got the floor kids...Chew me a new asshole.

At least you live up to your screen name.
[Mar 25,2006 6:44pm - anonymous  ""]
Sinislazy said:Troll said:Why makes something so "serious" so public? Hence creating a bunch of rediculous scene drama.
If I was in your band I'd beat you within an inch of your life once i got well, cause the only people that fucking matter in a situation like this is the immediate friends and family. I'd also tell everyone on this forum,"Go get fucked unless your willing to pay my hospital bills!"

With that said....Hopefully your friend does get better.

Now you've got the floor kids...Chew me a new asshole.

At least you live up to your screen name.

If this happened to troll, no one would notice and no one would care.

[Mar 25,2006 7:02pm - MikePile  ""]
KeithMutiny said:
basically, heres the deal. Dave had a blood vessel burst in his brain, thursday during practice. Hes comming in and out of conciousness and they are not sure of the extent of damage. When i find out more ill tell ya.

Whoa, that's fucking nuts. What happened, did he just fall down and start twitching or what? Is he a diabetic?

[Mar 26,2006 10:35am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey alex, i guess you missed this one....

W3 escaping to the VA said:again thanks everyone whos actually said positive shit and yeah its very stressful right now. so please excuse me for once if i come off like an asshole. any other time by all means call me on it but right its really tough to deal with this shit.

so its to see all the kind words.

[Mar 26,2006 12:14pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
I don't know the guys in TS, but I wish Dave a fast and complete recovery. For some reason I always get pretty upset when I hear things like this, even if it's someone I don't like or don't know.
[Apr 4,2006 6:37pm - dwellingsickness ""]
KeithMutiny said:I was just called and hes moved out of intensive care and looking way better. He was asking to get out because he had a show to play tomorrow, haha.

Glad to hear he is doing better
[Apr 4,2006 8:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
he's home now we just cant do jackshit till next month after he goes in for a routine check up.
[Apr 4,2006 8:20pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
then shows and shows and shows and shows...
[Apr 4,2006 8:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
HailTheLeaf said:then shows and shows and shows and shows...

naw more like we do a few in july and august out of state and then record record record
[Apr 4,2006 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
KeithMutiny said:the_reverend said:
any how, on a serious note, maybe you should change the part of the song that causes people's heads to explode... just a thought.

no way dude, thats how we get people to listen.

I dont know.. its like this:
[Apr 4,2006 10:53pm - Anthony nli  ""]
it's really good to hear that Dave is on the road to recovery
[Apr 4,2006 11:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thanks Anthony !
[Apr 4,2006 11:27pm - the_reverend ""]
MikePile said:Whoa, that's fucking nuts. What happened, did he just fall down and start twitching or what? Is he a diabetic?

I'm guessing he got dizzy, threw up and passed out. which is the same thing dwyer does at a TS show
[Apr 5,2006 1:32am - silky ""]
get healthy and get the fuck up to NH.
[Apr 5,2006 3:58pm - KeithMutiny ""]
our official first show back will be the redrum show on june 1st.
[Apr 5,2006 9:02pm - Anthill ""]
who else is playing that?
good to hear dave recovered quickly
[Apr 5,2006 11:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Anthill said:who else is playing that?
good to hear dave recovered quickly


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