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for succubus: pixies reunion

[Sep 11,2003 3:33pm - the rev in the lab  ""]
death to the pixies...
[Sep 11,2003 3:44pm - succubus ""]
so you're in the lab....I messaged you...(of course)...

FUCK YES if this is true...

this will be the best news i have heard in a while...but kim deal has been in and out of rehab.... hope she's cleaned up..

i will definitely shoot / review this show.... <<Insert orgasm smiley here>>

[Sep 11,2003 3:47pm - succubus ""]
i think i lost Joey Santiago's drum sticks in my move..dammit....

come over and help me sort my shit :(
[Sep 11,2003 5:35pm - Beakey ""]
The new Breeders CD is AWESOME.

And isn't Joey Santiago a...guitarist?
[Sep 11,2003 5:36pm - phantos ""]
Beakey said:The new Breeders CD is AWESOME.

this is true.

[Sep 11,2003 6:46pm - the_reverend ""]
santiago's the drummer...
as far as I know, he's been drumming with frank black since then, covering some pixies tracks too...


Rumours of a Pixies reunion have been widely reported across the internet. Although 4AD represented Pixies when they were an active band and continue to release their catalogue, the label is not involved in their current activities so stop buggin' us for news!

However, there have been plans in place for a long time to issue a DVD of the band (which will include a complete live show alongside a documentary, their videos and more) plus a new retrospective compilation CD. These are due for release in spring 2004

[Sep 12,2003 6:49am - Beakey ""]
Santiago was the guitarist back then I think.
David Lovering was the drummer.
[Sep 12,2003 9:21am - succubus ""]
Beakey said:Santiago was the guitarist back then I think.
David Lovering was the drummer.

you are right Beakey..

i typed too fast...thanks for the correction...yesterday was a lllooonnnggg shitty day.:spineyes: they really are one of my all time favorites...and one of the first shows i went to as a kid

i should have typed David Lovering..oopies
[Sep 12,2003 9:23am - Beakey ""]
That's what I thought...but don't think I was trying to be a know-it-all.
It just confused me and if I found out I had been wrong all this time, it would have made me question everything in my life, including my association with Joe Not Common.
[Sep 12,2003 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
that's weird...
I've always thought joey was the drummer.
as far back as I can remember.
then is it david who's touring with frank black or joey?
I'm all sorts of confused now.

which ever it is.. I have ALL the pixies release. I've been big into them since I was in highschool. Too bad I never got to see them, but then broke up when I was just starting to go to shows (I think I was 15 or 16)
[Sep 12,2003 9:27am - Blue ""]
apparently, after doing a world tour, they are going to do a new album too.
[Sep 12,2003 9:30am - Beakey ""]
That's horrible. They should just leave it as is.
[Sep 12,2003 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
"don't money, money. your money's money is all that moneys"
-homer simpson
[Sep 12,2003 9:46am - succubus ""]
Beakey said:That's horrible. They should just leave it as is.

i agree....but i would love a tour though...just a tour...i am not looking for a Rolling Stones deal....those guys NEED to retire..

the_reverend said:that's weird...
I've always thought joey was the drummer.
as far back as I can remember.
then is it david who's touring with frank black or joey?
I'm all sorts of confused now.

which ever it is.. I have ALL the pixies release. I've been big into them since I was in highschool. Too bad I never got to see them, but then broke up when I was just starting to go to shows (I think I was 15 or 16)

ok Santiago USED to tour with Frank Black/Black Francis..and appeared on a couple of his albums too.

i have all their releases too (Pixies)..and not mp3s..i have the actual purchased material

it was one of the BEST concerts I had ever been to in my life...I didn't have a camera for that show though :( but i saw them in Montreal back in 19..i can't remember...i know i was in high school though...
[Sep 12,2003 9:50am - Beakey ""]
The Pixies and The Violent Femmes are my two favorite bands in the world...
And I don't care what anyone has to say about that.
[Sep 12,2003 9:51am - succubus ""]
Beakey said:The Pixies and The Violent Femmes are my two favorite bands in the world...
And I don't care what anyone has to say about that.

mmm Violent Femmes are awesome too!!! you are bringing me back in time now:spineyes:
[Sep 12,2003 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
violent femmes first cd was the first cd I bought
my first tape was quiet roit: mental heath
[Sep 12,2003 10:20am - Beakey ""]
My first CD was Tom Petty's Greatest Hits.
My first tape was New Kids on the Block: Hangin' Tough
[Sep 12,2003 10:50am - the_reverend ""]
by that statment (on the nktob/tape buying), I'm guessing you are um.. 24 or 25?
am I right?

my second tape: deflepard pyromania!
[Sep 12,2003 10:53am - Beakey ""]
[Sep 12,2003 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I'm good.
[Sep 12,2003 11:00am - succubus ""]
my first album was Love Gun by Kiss i wasn't even in school yet..but had an older brother who got me into all sorts of metal..hehehe

first tape...hmmm...psychedelic furs i think...

first CD..i have no idea...

i never liked the NKOTB
[Dec 12,2003 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
I got all the pixies cds, plus death to the... lined up i my mp3 player for the day.
[Dec 12,2003 11:22am - succubus ""]
how i wish i could listen to music in this building..esp them

[Jan 17,2004 2:20pm - succubus ""]
Pixies Reform! Pixies Reform! Pixies Reform! Pixies Reform! Pixies Reform!
The rumours are dead. On May 1st, in Indio, California, The Pixies will return, headlining the first night of Coachella, after 11 years away.

They'll play alongside the likes of Kraftwerk, Prefuse 73, Air, The Thrills, Electric Six, Sahara Hotnights, The (International) Noise Conspiracy and Radiohead at the two-day Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, which features a diverse line-up of rock, hip-hop and dance artists - apparently modelled on festivals like Glastonbury and Woodstock.

The rumour-mill is already churning out speculation that the Pixies will also headline Reading, and in some more - how can we put it - friggin'-weird corners of the interweb, people are guessing Frank Black (fresh from being rimmed by Brian Molko) and Jack Black (fresh from eating a box of donuts), will kick Jack White's lilly-white ass, drag him into The Von Bondies' pit and let nature take its course.

Release-wise, there's no news of new material, but 4AD are releasing a Pixies DVD containing all their videos, a live show, and a documentary, along with a 'retrospective compilation'. Pixies front-man, Frank Black, is apparently working on new solo material for release in the spring via SpinART.

now i gotta get all the tour dates...and i wanna shoot the show...last time i saw them..i didn't have my camera

still one of the best shows i've ever been too and got a drumstick too!!

[Jan 17,2004 2:49pm - phantos ""]
[Jan 17,2004 11:05pm - succubus ""]
yeah cheers phantos!

[Jan 18,2004 2:00am - BornSoVile ""]
why do i think pavement has some connection to the pixies?
[Jan 18,2004 2:11am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Because the Pixies should be driven into the pavement?:spineyes: I couldn't resist that one.
[Jan 18,2004 2:37am - the_reverend ""]
pavement and the pixies were nothing on that show 120 minutes...
that's about it.
pavement's got a conection with the silver jews though..
[Jan 18,2004 6:36am - thornnvine ""]
My neighbor plays guitar/tours for the Frank Black. He also fronts the Blackstone Valley Sinners. He has a new band that I saw just played the Middle East. I should get the scoop from him.
[Jan 18,2004 8:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
things have changed since the pixies last performed live.
someone email brian@prophetlessproductions.com to see if it is ok for them to play O'Briens.
[Jan 18,2004 12:10pm - succubus ""]
you saw them too joe?

it was either 1989 or 90 when i saw them...good times

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