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Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus break up

[Mar 12,2006 11:41am - brian_dc ""]

Florida's Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus have reportedly called it quits. Formed in 2002, the band has released material with The Spew Records in addition to a split with Despised Icon through Relapse Records. Vocalist Josh Vitale commented on the split:

"We're all very upset to see this band go, but for now, this is the best decision we could decide on. We will all be in other bands, most likely not with each other. We had a lot of critics both positive and negative - both of which made us stronger people and we'd like to send out our thanks to those many who angered and inspired us enough to work harder ,moreover, we want to thank everyone who supported this musical project for the past three years. Finally, thank you so much for making this a wonderful and unforgettable experience."

[source: lambgoat.com]
[Mar 12,2006 11:49am - gear my apparatus  ""]
uh oh, SOMEBODY better get on the metal archives and update the BitGotA page. i wonder WHO it will be...hmm......
[Mar 12,2006 11:51am - brian_dc ""]
jeremy is slipping with his anonymous "disguises"
[Mar 12,2006 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
florida? I thought they were from new jersey.
[Mar 12,2006 12:26pm - niccolai nli  ""]
Your face is from New Jersey.
[Mar 12,2006 12:57pm - nick ""]
they all moved to florida after they realized it sucked up here.
i remember the post they made about it on here.
i didnt really think they were anything too amazing anyway, oh well.
[Mar 12,2006 2:52pm - craig nli  ""]
well thats kind of a bummer. i only recently got into them. its probab;y mostly my fault
[Mar 12,2006 4:48pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Always dug the band's name and song titles more than their music.
[Mar 12,2006 4:57pm - KOK  ""]
and Hoser wanted to try out for them, when HCN was just starting out....
Good thing for him, the Kok retains 100% metAL!!!!
[Mar 12,2006 6:03pm - the_reverend ""]
they were really good, but never seemed to get it together in the end. i knew they all moved to florida.
iow: they are not from florida.
they are from jersey.
[Mar 12,2006 8:51pm - thedeparted ""]
wow, that stinks eh
[Mar 12,2006 11:58pm - Anthony nli  ""]
not a big loss. they got more credit than they deserved and influenced a slew of horrible bands that imitate them poorly.

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