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The return of

[Mar 12,2006 9:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Mar 12,2006 9:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
A new Bitchslicer album will be out when they play June 6th in Cambridge
[Mar 12,2006 9:32am - davefromthegrave ""]
at first I thought that was skeletor
[Mar 12,2006 9:52am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Mar 12,2006 9:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I thought it was skeletor as well.

[Mar 12,2006 9:54am - RichHorror ""]
Skeletor has a beautiful cock.
[Mar 12,2006 12:00pm - Dissector ""]
Same with the Skeletor thing.

But holy shit I can't wait!!
[Mar 12,2006 12:08pm - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
notcommon records sucks
[Mar 12,2006 12:16pm - hey man  ""]
hahaha yeah. notcommon is a greedy, closed minded racist cock licking company that licks cocks.

but sacreligion sounds like coal chamber, so it all works out pretty well.
[Mar 12,2006 12:24pm - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
yup...just like em
[Mar 12,2006 12:31pm - (g)hey man  ""]
hey man said:hahaha yeah. notcommon is a greedy, closed minded racist cock licking company that licks cocks.

but sacreligion sounds like coal chamber, so it all works out pretty well.

Joe is a little strange but I wouldn't make him out to be like what you are saying. That description sounds like some dude from RI who runs another label (Papsmear (P someting) productions?). Sacreligion is cool.. and not nu metal. Go back to metal school kiddo.
[Mar 12,2006 12:35pm - hey man  ""]
haha i'll go back to metal school when your guitarist takes the DOPE sticker off his guitar...
[Mar 12,2006 12:40pm - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
hey man said:haha i'll go back to metal school when your guitarist takes the DOPE sticker off his guitar...

hilarious...that dude isn't even in my band and i don't use that guitar anymore
[Mar 12,2006 12:44pm - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
plus...it's just a fuckin sticker! get over yourself dude you're not as cool as your delusions of grandeur make you out to be
[Mar 12,2006 5:04pm - Christraper ""]
Its not Skeletor?
[Mar 12,2006 6:08pm - hey man  ""]
SacreligionNLIE said:plus...it's just a fuckin sticker! get over yourself dude you're not as cool as your delusions of grandeur make you out to be

my singer wishes he was dez fafafafafafa
[Mar 12,2006 6:11pm - hey man  ""]
hey man said:SacreligionNLIE said:my singer wishes he was dez fafafafafafa

[Mar 12,2006 7:54pm - (g)hey man  ""]
and it's not Sacreligion that said go back to metal school...
[Mar 13,2006 7:58am - hey man  ""]
than who is it? i want to know who my professor is, and whether or not i should take notes, or just start showing up after class and sucking your balls.
[Mar 13,2006 9:05am - (g)hey man  ""]
suck my balls bitch and I'll give you a creamy reward in your face. it's great that your stepping right up to the plate! do you do this for all your teachers? can I pimp you out to my others homies? we could use another stupood orafice to gag... i think everyone would rather see our cox in your mouth than hear your wisdumb above. take notes, or we'll bitch slap you more!
[Mar 13,2006 10:36am - Yeti ""]
yak yak yak
[Mar 13,2006 10:44am - Professor Balls  ""]
awww scratch n sniff ?
[Mar 13,2006 12:55pm - irentheviking NLI  ""]
ok...so bitchslicer! alright sick! can't wait to see them again
[Mar 14,2006 10:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
What does Bitchslicer have to do with how great notcommon records is or how much sacreligion sucks?

[Mar 14,2006 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Bitchslicer's newer stuff is thrashier, I'd say.
[Mar 14,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
no its about how much YOU suck
[Mar 14,2006 10:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh yeah, maybe if I signed a bunch of boring unoriginal mall bands I could be cool.

Anyways back to Bitchslicer. Sex with sharks will be out on Worldeater Records before their tour.
[Mar 14,2006 10:41am - Yeti ""]
nah you'll never be cool. you'll always be a worthless scumbag
[Mar 14,2006 10:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
and you will always be unimaginative
[Mar 14,2006 11:12am - eddienli  ""]
"Oh yeah, maybe if I signed a bunch of boring unoriginal mall bands I could be cool.

Anyways back to Bitchslicer. Sex with sharks will be out on Worldeater Records before their tour."


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