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Carpal Tunnel

[Mar 10,2006 2:47pm - Nash ""]
I was just wondering what other guitarists/bassists/drummers/professional masterbators on here do to take care of they're wrists/hands to avoid carpal tunnel and all that shit. My left wrist has been freezing up after just an hour of playing and it's quite a bitch.
[Mar 10,2006 2:49pm - NECTrepresent  ""]
booze it up, thin the blood
[Mar 10,2006 2:51pm - brian_dc ""]
you have to do the right stretches...kind of hard to describe over the internet.

1. pull back on your fingers until you feel it... do it for both hands.
2. Pull back on your thumb until you feel it...do it for both.
3. pull your fingers down towards your palm...again. do it for both.

hold these for about 15 seconds each and do it as much as possible.

also, arm circles are good....both wide, big ones and smaller ones. For both, stretch your arms out all the way and keep your fingers fully extended and straight.

[Mar 10,2006 2:57pm - Nash ""]
Thanks man, you're supposed to do those right before and after playing right?
[Mar 10,2006 3:00pm - NECTrepresent  ""]
yes, both mine and brians ideas
[Mar 10,2006 3:18pm - brian_dc ""]
Nash said:Thanks man, you're supposed to do those right before and after playing right?

definitely before and after, and it never hurts to do it when you're bored and have nothing else to do. Keep the hands fresh.
[Mar 10,2006 4:23pm - HHH Moe  ""]
You should avoid the Carpal Tunnel and take the Callahan Tunnel.
[Mar 10,2006 5:35pm - BlackoutRick ""]
HHH Moe said:You should avoid the Carpal Tunnel and take the Callahan Tunnel.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Try the Chinese metal balls. You know, the two balls you rotate in each hand. Very therapeutic
[Mar 10,2006 6:24pm - davefromthegrave ""]
BlackoutRick said:You know, the two balls you rotate in each hand. Very therapeutic


huh huhuh huh huh uh uh huhuhuhuh uh uhu uh uhuhuh
[Mar 10,2006 6:37pm - take drugs  ""]
BlackoutRick said:HHH Moe said:You should avoid the Carpal Tunnel and take the Callahan Tunnel.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Try the Chinese metal balls. You know, the two balls you rotate in each hand. Very therapeutic

yeah if you want instruction about how to handle BALLS, BlackOutDick is the man to goto :shocker:
[Mar 11,2006 2:15pm - BlackoutRick ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! They really work. For real.
[Mar 11,2006 9:45pm - niccolai ""]
Thumb excercises and anything involving your pinky don't have anything to do with your carples, niether to circulation enhancement excercises, your carpels and meta carpels are like bike breaks and you get CTS when the natral lubrication is broken down and pressure builds up.

The chinese excersize balls are very bad for your carpels according to my doctor, if you have cts. They are used for physical theropy treatment after cts surgery.

the best thing you can do for it is go to a doctor early on to you can take care of it before you start losing movement in your wrist/hands.

I've had operations on both wrists for CTS(carpel tunnel syndrome) because I waited to long to have it looked at (I figured maybe it would just go away)
[Mar 12,2006 3:21am - brian_dc ""]
so I guess when I said "you have to do the right stretches" I meant the wrong stretches.

but those things I suggested are good for you in general. I guess I don't really know what prevents carpal tunnel then.

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