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[Mar 10,2006 6:31am - contagion ""]
Check out our myspace

[Mar 10,2006 7:19am - Anthony nli  ""]

with you guys and Deconformity, MA now has two really talented, young DM bands.
[Mar 10,2006 7:31am - Josh_hates_you ""]
yeah I kept hearing everyone say how good contagion/cadaveryne is. I must agree from what I heard. I can't wait to see these guys live.
[Mar 10,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
most excellent. i was listening to the demo last night. i still cant believe how good they are
[Mar 10,2006 12:39pm - kessaris nli  ""]
if you guys don't win that WAAF thing this weekend then I will write a letter of complaint to the station informing them that nu metal is dead and that no one cares about them anymore. Of course you win then I will write them a letter praising nu metal and putting over Mistress Carie as a diva.

I of course will be too incapacitated here in asshole, nh to do either.
[Mar 10,2006 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
put the http:// before it and it auto links
[Mar 10,2006 1:41pm - Nash ""]
Screw driver face T... just melted my face off. Heavy shit guys, looking foward to seeing you on the 22nd.
[Mar 10,2006 5:01pm - contagion ""]
the_reverend said:put the http:// before it and it auto links

learn something every day i do.
[Mar 11,2006 3:02am - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
good god

i wish i could play that well
[Mar 11,2006 3:12am - Christraper ""]
Sick dude. Seriously.
[Mar 11,2006 11:35am - dreadkill ""]
good stuff guys.
[Mar 11,2006 6:45pm - Phillip ""]
these songs made me bleed from my rectum:shocked::doublehorns:

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