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Two shows coming up at Mark's Showplace that you might not believe

[Mar 8,2006 5:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
May 19th Immolation

June 3rd Cryptopsy

we're also playing there april 9th with mushroomhead, but i'm sure all of you care more about those two :thescream:
[Mar 8,2006 5:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
id like to see cryptopsy again but im not driving to NH for that.
[Mar 8,2006 5:49pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
june 2nd is in somerville.
[Mar 8,2006 5:52pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
june 2nd it is
[Mar 8,2006 6:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
but does somerville have boobs?
[Mar 8,2006 6:21pm - dreadkill ""]
are you guys playing with immolation and cryptopsy or just mushroomhead?
[Mar 8,2006 9:51pm - Phillip ""]
man I'd love to see Immolation
[Mar 8,2006 9:54pm - CNV  ""]
who booked the shows
[Mar 8,2006 10:36pm - Cecchini ""]
SacreligionNLI said:but does somerville have boobs?

marks doesnt have boobs either. they have pimples in place of boobs.
[Mar 8,2006 10:55pm - Dankill  ""]
sommahville dood!
I'm down.
[Mar 8,2006 11:12pm - dreadkill ""]
dreadkill said:are you guys playing with immolation and cryptopsy or just mushroomhead?

[Mar 8,2006 11:33pm - kessaris ""]
hahaha, the girls at the strip club there are hot though...

...Sommerville doesn't have the strippers, they have skanks all over the place however
[Mar 9,2006 8:38am - DreamingInExile ""]
I may go to the Immolation show, not sure about the Cryptopsy show yet
[Mar 9,2006 10:41am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dreadkill said:are you guys playing with immolation and cryptopsy or just mushroomhead?

just mushroomhead right now...but i'm gonna try and get on either/or both of those two as well...speaking of which i have to send an e-mail to that guy
[Mar 9,2006 10:42am - Yeti ""]
i would much rather play with Immolation
[Mar 9,2006 10:44am - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
i'd much rather play with anybody
[Mar 9,2006 1:20pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
You forgot to mention Exodus on May 1st.
[Mar 9,2006 1:29pm - SacreligionNLIE  ""]
everyone already knew about that though
[Mar 9,2006 2:14pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
I see
[Mar 9,2006 5:13pm - anonymous  ""]
MetalcoreSUCKS said:You forgot to mention Exodus on May 1st.

Yeah, Blackout Frenzy is playing this one. Who needs tickets?
[Mar 13,2006 1:02pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Mar 13,2006 1:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
SacreligionNLI said:May 19th Immolation

June 3rd Cryptopsy

we're also playing there april 9th with mushroomhead, but i'm sure all of you care more about those two :thescream:

How much longer until they throw nu-metal/rock bands on those dates? :spineyes:
[Mar 13,2006 3:28pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
when we decide we want to play em...bahaha

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