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Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung

[Mar 6,2006 9:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
This is by far the best thing they have ever done. I truely believe this album to be a masterpiece. It's a bit of a change for them as well, hardly any blast beats, more symphonic tracks and overtures while sticking to the traditional slavic beats. The most memorable album they've ever done. I scored it from Lost Disciple for $6!!

1. The Path Of Immortals 02:26
2. I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok 08:06
3. Stardust 02:27
4. Weltanschauung 08:32
5. Sorrow Of Native Lands 03:21
6. Hailed Be The Heroes 08:15
7. The Dance Of Fire And Steel 01:47
8. The New Era Of Swords 07:40
9. Endless Vast Swamps 01:29
10. The Knots Upon The Thread Of Fate 10:39
11. Harvesting The Seeds Of Death 01:52
12. The Taste Of Victory 12:24
13. The Way Of Glory 02:51
14. Untitled Track 03:00
Total playing time 01:14:49
[Mar 6,2006 10:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got it from him too.

Great disc.
[Mar 6,2006 10:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 6,2006 10:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
I got lots of cool shit from Rich,

APOTHEOSUS - The Fall and the Triumph
ELITE – Kampen
LUGER - Kill Worship Die
NACHTGEBLUT - Frozen Streams of Forgotten Knowledge
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Weltanschauung
SETH - Era Decay

but this Nokturnal Mortum album takes the cake. I've been spinning it consecutively all week.
[Mar 6,2006 10:07pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
aye I love the album, I ordered the ukranian version mizzovrenie when it was released... if The End hadn't dropped them because of their beliefs I think they'd be getting the reknown they deserve over Averse Sefira and such bands
[Mar 6,2006 10:07pm - maslayer  ""]
thanks guys! Glad you like the cds josh!
[Mar 6,2006 10:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
yer the man Rich! I'm trying to scrape together so more cash!
I've always held a belief that NK is everything that Dimmu Borgir should have been.
[Mar 6,2006 10:14pm - Nash ""]
Such a great band
[Mar 6,2006 10:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I'd buy this right now if I wasn't dirt poor. The album Nechrist was truly amazing.
[Mar 6,2006 10:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!
[Mar 6,2006 10:22pm - davefromthegrave ""]
it's 88 tracks, and yeah, it's incredible. i normally try to keep cool when it comes to music, and keep my album reviews down-to-earth, but the last track on Nechrist, the one with the chanting, seems to call to me on a primal level. it's that good.
[Mar 6,2006 10:23pm - ArilliusBM ""]
It's NOT by far the best thing they've ever done. ¿WTF You on man? The CD is good, but not THAT good. All of their cds are amazing.. but I don't think this one is their best!
Goat Horns blows it away, and there are some 'unforgettable' songs on Lunar Poetry as well. But, Weltanschauung their best? Nope. The production is great, but some of the songs just don't do it for me. Nechrist is a tad bit better if you ask me.
Nokturnal Mortum, all hail thee NS Warriors from the Ukraine! Drudkh, Hate Forest, and Astrofaes (anything with Roman in it ) is pure quality metal from the Ukraine as well... if not better than Nokturnal Mortum.

@Nash - you don't even listen to metal anymore -- right?
[Mar 6,2006 10:23pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
last track on Nechrist, isn't that the reworking of Perun's Celestial Silver?
[Mar 6,2006 10:25pm - davefromthegrave ""]
it's called perun's celestial silver, yeah. what do you mean by reworking?
[Mar 6,2006 10:27pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Yeah, it's originally from Lunar Poetry, the '96 demo.

Notice on WELTANSCHAUUNG how you can hear Tom Hanks yelling from Saving Private Ryan! That's fucking black metal right there.
[Mar 6,2006 10:27pm - Nash/too lazy to log in  ""]
To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire is sweet.
[Mar 6,2006 10:28pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
its on Lunar Poetry originally kind of cool to hear the two versions
[Mar 6,2006 10:28pm - Nash/too lazy to log in  ""]
and yes I listen to metal, i'm just no longer an elitist
[Mar 6,2006 10:30pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Nash/too lazy to log in said:and yes I listen to metal, i'm just no longer an elitist

¿You were an elitist?
[Mar 6,2006 10:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
ArilliusBM said:It's NOT by far the best thing they've ever done. ¿WTF You on man? The CD is good, but not THAT good. All of their cds are amazing.. but I don't think this one is their best!
Goat Horns blows it away, and there are some 'unforgettable' songs on Lunar Poetry as well. But, Weltanschauung their best? Nope. The production is great, but some of the songs just don't do it for me. Nechrist is a tad bit better if you ask me.
Nokturnal Mortum, all hail thee NS Warriors from the Ukraine! Drudkh, Hate Forest, and Astrofaes (anything with Roman in it ) is pure quality metal from the Ukraine as well... if not better than Nokturnal Mortum.

@Nash - you don't even listen to metal anymore -- right?

I'm smoking pot. I bought Goat Horns last summer, I like it, but nothing on that album sticks in my head or hits me like this one. Honestly, I'd take Return of the Vampire Lord/Marble Moon over Goat Horns at this point.
[Mar 6,2006 10:31pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Another good release!
[Mar 6,2006 10:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
ArilliusBM said:Yeah, it's originally from Lunar Poetry, the '96 demo.

Notice on WELTANSCHAUUNG how you can hear Tom Hanks yelling from Saving Private Ryan! That's fucking black metal right there.

track 11?
[Mar 6,2006 10:35pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Track 12!
[Mar 6,2006 10:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
listening now, i'm assuming this is during the warfare, right?
[Mar 6,2006 10:37pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Yes. At about 18 seconds in.
[Mar 6,2006 10:39pm - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!

The 88 tracks is a reference to Nazism.
[Mar 6,2006 10:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
i didn't hear him yell, but isn't that the part when he's killed? havn't seen that film for awhile.
[Mar 6,2006 10:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!

The 88 tracks is a reference to Nazism.

are you sure about that mr. giallo? or do you really think a liberal like me is too ignorant to not have a nsbm collection?
[Mar 6,2006 10:40pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Put some headphones on. You can hear him in the back. I'm not sure what part of the film it is, although I believe it's from DDAY
[Mar 6,2006 10:41pm - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!

The 88 tracks is a reference to Nazism.

are you sure about that mr. giallo? or do you really think a liberal like me is too ignorant to not have a nsbm collection?

Haha no no no, I didn't mean it like that in anyway. I'm currently doing a report for my history class on hate rock and that's one of the things I found out while doing my research. Just thought it was an interesting fact.
[Mar 6,2006 10:42pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
I can't hear it, I don't think its on the russian version... theres differences in the 2 versions
[Mar 6,2006 10:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!

The 88 tracks is a reference to Nazism.

are you sure about that mr. giallo? or do you really think a liberal like me is too ignorant to not have a nsbm collection?

Haha no no no, I didn't mean it like that in anyway. I'm currently doing a report for my history class on hate rock and that's one of the things I found out while doing my research. Just thought it was an interesting fact.

Well then, I hope to hell your studying it up with some Skrewdriver!
[Mar 6,2006 10:54pm - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Nechrist slayed, I thought they would have a hard time topping it, but this album destroys it. I love the 99 tracks featuring birds and rivers, oh the harmony!

The 88 tracks is a reference to Nazism.

are you sure about that mr. giallo? or do you really think a liberal like me is too ignorant to not have a nsbm collection?

Haha no no no, I didn't mean it like that in anyway. I'm currently doing a report for my history class on hate rock and that's one of the things I found out while doing my research. Just thought it was an interesting fact.

Well then, I hope to hell your studying it up with some Skrewdriver!

Skrewdriver? Never heard of 'em...

::this is where you need a sarcasticly laughing smiley::
[Mar 6,2006 10:57pm - ArilliusBM ""]
[Mar 6,2006 10:57pm - Dissector ""]
haha fuck post editting hahaha.
[Mar 7,2006 10:13am - cdan nli  ""]

shizzle, i need to get this. I was just listening to Gates of Blasphemous Fire last night. amazing band.
[Mar 7,2006 10:37am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I disagree completely that it's the best thing they've ever done. Nowhere near as good as 'To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire'.
[Mar 7,2006 10:45am - BornSoVile ""]
ahhh hah, everyone loves a different album!
[Mar 7,2006 10:52am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I like most of their albums, but for me 'To the Gates...' has the perfect blend of brutality and the symphonic elements are toned down a bit more than 'Goat Horns', plus I enjoyed the subtle folk touches on the later tracks. After that one I'd say 'NeChrist' and 'Weltanschauung' are the best, then 'Goat Horns'.
[Mar 7,2006 12:17pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I need to get the rest of their albums
[Mar 7,2006 12:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
http://www.lostdisciple.com/ has a bunch for $6.00 each.
[Mar 7,2006 12:24pm - davefromthegrave ""]
sweet, thanks
[Mar 7,2006 4:32pm - cdan nli  ""]
yeah, i need their whole back catalogue...them and Finntroll.
[Mar 7,2006 6:38pm - maslayer  ""]
I gotta say kudos to Oriana for getting these versions over to the States...the US versions are pale in comparison. The packaging on these imports are amazing and these versions have cover songs by Wasp, Motorhead and Slayer

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