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my shot at photography

[Mar 3,2006 8:09am - NECTrepresent  ""]
yeah i got on the bandwagon. taken at like 7AM this morn. not using anything fancy for a cam
[Mar 3,2006 7:52pm - wade nli  ""]
bandwagon, huh? so i can expect you to get in my way at shows with your not fancy camera?
[Mar 3,2006 8:17pm - NECTrepresent  ""]
[Mar 3,2006 8:17pm - NECTrepresent  ""]
ill just get in the way
[Mar 3,2006 10:06pm - wade nli  ""]
i'm actually not too worried about it.
[Mar 3,2006 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't see it on my phone.
people who get in my way get retarded pictures of themselves posted on the internerd.
[Mar 4,2006 3:32pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I've been there
[Mar 4,2006 6:36pm - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
maybe you can be a soldier for reverend with that kind of work.

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