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Iced Earth- Something wicked part Duex

[Feb 27,2006 4:21pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
ANyone know of any info about their newest album? It has been a while and so far all I know is it is called something wicked part 2.
[Feb 27,2006 4:24pm - pam ""]
Please tell me you're joking. No Barlow=No Something Wicked.
[Feb 27,2006 5:09pm - DreamingInExile ""]
pam said:Please tell me you're joking. No Barlow=No Something Wicked.

[Feb 27,2006 5:17pm - brian_dc ""]
DreamingInExile said:pam said:Please tell me you're joking. No Barlow=No Something Wicked.


I third that.
[Feb 27,2006 5:29pm - pam ""]
I'm going to 4th my own point because it is THAT correct.
[Feb 27,2006 6:00pm - Cecchini at work  ""]
even though i really liked barlow, jon schaffer IS Iced Earth and thats all that matters.
[Feb 27,2006 6:02pm - brian_dc ""]
I know he writes everything...but he isn't all that matters. The albums with Barlow just sound better.
[Feb 27,2006 6:02pm - dreadkill ""]
barlow made them stand out. they sound generic without him.
[Feb 27,2006 7:14pm - pam ""]
plus Ripper Owens is terrible. boooowwwwwing

there's a reason he's always the replacement and never the replaced.
[Feb 27,2006 7:44pm - kessaris ""]
brian_dc said:DreamingInExile said:pam said:Please tell me you're joking. No Barlow=No Something Wicked.


I third that.

Barlow 1999 = :satancross:
Barlow 2006 = :wiggam:

Fact is, he butchered all his hair off and became a cop. Owens is the man, end of story. They sound like Pain-Killer era Priest now...except they sound 100X better!!!

Glorious Burden/Gettysburg was awesome, this will be no different. End of story, those who disagree...go listen to Dark Saga or something and cry about it.
[Feb 27,2006 7:47pm - brian_dc ""]
Iced Earth always has teetered on the edge of becoming boring...but man...Dark Saga was the most formulaic crap Jon has come up with, I don't care how much people hock it.
[Feb 27,2006 7:48pm - pam ""]
Something Wicked was always my favorite. Not into the dark saga so much.
[Feb 27,2006 7:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i look at iced earth as the worlds worst Iron Maiden cover band.
[Feb 27,2006 8:02pm - Cecchini ""]
The 2 best Iced Earth albums don't even have Barlow on them... Night of the Stormrider and Glorious Burden

Despite the heavy maiden influence, they still don't sound like every other power metal band. Think of the big power metal bands that people are likely to find, Blind Guardian, Jag Panzer, Rhapsody, Labyrynth, Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce, they sound nothing like any of those bands. They only band they rip off on every album is themselves.

Finally, Iced Earth > Maiden in my opinion.

[Feb 27,2006 8:05pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats it... youve been cursed to nothing but self pleasuration for the next 2 years.
[Feb 27,2006 8:12pm - brian_dc ""]
I love Stormrider for songs...but good god, some of those vocals.
[Feb 27,2006 8:51pm - kessaris ""]
Iron Maiden > all bands that formed after them with a listed influence being Iron Maiden...end of story
[Feb 27,2006 8:53pm - kessaris ""]
you only say Iced Earth > Maiden because you've only heard Dance of Death. So die with your boots on bitch
[Feb 28,2006 1:15pm - Todd NLI  ""]
kessaris said:you only say Iced Earth > Maiden because you've only heard Dance of Death. So die with your boots on bitch

you forgot to say "End of story"
[Feb 28,2006 1:28pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I liked a few album, mainly Horror Show, but I dont' think Owens can hold a candle to Barlow. I thought the Glorious Burden had a few good songs, but I don't think that Ripper is all that great, I never have even when he replaced Halford in Priest.
[Feb 28,2006 2:43pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Im not an IE fan
[Feb 28,2006 2:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
Something Wicked is my favorite Iced Earth album.
[Feb 28,2006 3:54pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I respect them both, because they'r eboth better singers then I am, but Barlow's voice was soooooooo much more powerful and emotional

and I agree with RA, Something Wicked is my favorite as well, followed by a tie between Dark Saga and Burnt Offerings
[Feb 28,2006 4:02pm - SeedBassist ""]
DreamingInExile said:and I agree with RA,

I glanced at this really quick and I thought you were talking about the band RA for a second....then I was going to call you a homo. But you werent....

you're still a feagabeefy though
[Feb 28,2006 4:22pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I loved the newest album, but I must say so far at the moment Barlow has proved the better vocalist, but I am sure with another album owen's might bring it up a notch, he is quite the singer on Glorious Burden.
[Feb 28,2006 7:16pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Cecchini said:
Finally, Iced Earth > Maiden in my opinion.


hahahahahaha that's hilarious. Steve Harris could shit out a song better than anything Iced Earth have ever done.

On a side note, I think IE peaked with Horror Show. That is a great record.

I used to love IE alot but have really grown apart from them. Jon Schaffer is actually an extremely unimaginative songwriter at this point. In my opinion, the best of his formulaic approach to music was on Horror Show.
[Mar 1,2006 1:30am - pam nli  ""]
Saying The Glorious Burden is a good album is like saying you love getting fucking in the ass by gorillas...makes no logical sense. That album was a shit tsunami and I think the only people that claim otherwise are just doing so to irritate me, or simply are not real. Same goes for people who like the new In Flames, and St. Anger. You are not real.
[Mar 1,2006 11:26am - Cecchini UML edition  ""]
I firmly believe that GB was awesome. Great riffs, great new style Iced Earth songs, for some of the tracks a really good lead guitar player. The only songs on there that sucked were Hollow Man and When the Eagle Cries, everything else was quite good.

I do wish that the songs were more in the style of the older stuff, but for the newer sound they have now, this along with Horror Show is the pinnacle of the new style.

Besides, Me and Kessaris are two of the biggest Iced Earth marks around, hell 3HM covers about half of IE's catalog of songs, if we say it's good... IT IS GOOD!!!!

[Mar 1,2006 11:51am - kessaris ""]
pam nli said:Saying The Glorious Burden is a good album is like saying you love getting fucking in the ass by gorillas...makes no logical sense. That album was a shit tsunami and I think the only people that claim otherwise are just doing so to irritate me, or simply are not real. Same goes for people who like the new In Flames, and St. Anger. You are not real.

I hate new In Flames and Stanger. But I do love Glorious Burden. Look who is in the band!!! Megadeth, Deicide, Death, and Judas Priest. And the whole Gettysburg thing is awesome. Although the DVD of it is a complete waste. I only got it because for a short time over the summer I was making bank!

Also, are you aware that Gorilla's have the smallest penis (in terms of the penis to body size) of all mammals on earth? So Getting fucked in the ass by a Gorilla would kinda be like getting fucked in the ass by a tall guy with a small penis. Still doesn't make sense, just throwing that out there.
[Mar 1,2006 11:54am - kessaris ""]
not to mention songs like Declaration Day, The Reckoning, Greenface, Atilla, RED BARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN (blue maxx), Waterloo, and of course, the greatest single IE song ever, Valley Forge.
[Mar 1,2006 11:54am - kessaris ""]
3HM had a band practice one day where we learned just about everything off those 2 albums. it was hilarious
[Mar 1,2006 1:01pm - Cecchini in class  ""]
Now there are three things Kessaris knows well...

1. Iced Earth
2. Penis sizes of animals
3. Getting banged in the ass by a tall dude with small wood.

In other words... case closed
[Mar 1,2006 2:01pm - kessaris ""]
dammit! you got me, you got the tater

...actually Mincolla told me about the gorilla thing, I was just passing along the message. So really I only know 1 thing well...Iced Earth. Thats still sad...and somewhat gay

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