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[Feb 27,2006 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
anyone know what happened to these guys? are they still doing music? i brushed the dust off of my copy of Verwustung the other day and remembered how awesome it is. the funniest thing is in the song "Kingdom of Darkness" in the intro where the music begins, the singer is making some kvlt speech and he says "where you can hear, agony screams" and this chorus follows suit with "agony screams". its funny as hell
[Feb 27,2006 8:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ABIGOR ruled!

I have everything they ever did, they are truely missed.

:satancross: :newhorns: :satancross:
[Feb 28,2006 2:56am - BornSoVile ""]
yeah one of the dudes is in Summoning and the singer is in Graveworm now.
[Feb 28,2006 10:36am - Yeti ""]
oooh. Graveworm is ok, they write decent music but nothing spectacular
[Feb 28,2006 10:45am - BornSoVile ""]
graveworm does a pretty cool cover of "losing my religion".
[Feb 28,2006 10:57am - dreadkill ""]
weird, i was just wondering what a metal cover of "losing my religion" would sound like a couple days ago. looks like you've provided the answer.
[May 26,2011 2:35pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
love this band. they actually have a couple albums since this thread was made that i haven't heard yet...

[May 26,2011 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
Trendiest band in 1997.
[May 26,2011 2:43pm - Alx_Casket ""]
This reminds me to check out "Time Is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint." I'm interested to see how they've progressed since Fractal Possession.
[May 26,2011 2:58pm - haupty  ""]
as I recall its not a huge progression per se... Still insanely sick though.
[May 26,2011 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
ha. my copy of this has since been destroyed from age and overuse.
[May 26,2011 3:20pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
maybe you should DOWNLOAD it.
[May 26,2011 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
i would, but my currier pigeon doesn't move at fiber optic speeds.
[May 26,2011 3:56pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
ITT: pudgeon neads moar curry
[May 27,2011 4:00am - ala  ""]

arilliusbm said:Trendiest band in 1997.

regardless. best 90s BM
[May 27,2011 7:17am - arilliusbm ""]
[May 28,2011 10:00am - JackGrants ""]
Their comeback cd from 2007 "Fractal possession" is excellent, more modern but still kickass
[Jul 3,2012 1:04am - chernobyl ""]
Been listening to Abigor recently. Great band.
[Mar 3,2017 2:02pm - susurrate ""]
the latest album was pretty good too.
[Mar 4,2017 7:30pm - Burnsy ""]
Their contribution to the split with Nightbringer/thy darkened shade/Mortuus was fucking killer.
[Mar 6,2017 2:41pm - susurrate ""]

Burnsy said:Their contribution to the split with Nightbringer/thy darkened shade/Mortuus was fucking killer.

Hadn't realized that had been released. The drum production on the Abigor tune is great. Loving that kick drum tone.

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