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shroud of bereavement new mp3

[Sep 6,2003 1:24am - dyingmuse ""]
the link was fucked up but it should work now http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/455/shroud_of_bereavement.html
[Sep 6,2003 2:38am - thegreatspaldino ""]
downloading now... this BETTER be good ;)

whoa... the quality is terrible... did you record this on your comp from a cd using the comps mic? its skipping a lot too... the mp3 is damaged :(
[Sep 6,2003 3:17am - dyingmuse ""]
no its a track of the demo. I recorded that song like 5 years ago in my basement. figured id let people hear the old old shit. it skips here too...i thought it was my computer, well i got fucked!
[Sep 6,2003 3:20am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yeah, it was skipping all over the place for me too. Good song though, the recording is just fucked like a fat girl in the army.
[Sep 6,2003 3:26am - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha...i guess if thats the only kind of woman when youre at sea...as they say,any port in the storm!
[Sep 6,2003 3:29am - dyingmuse ""]
you know what sucks i have the rough mix of our newest song but its on fucking tape!!!!!! the engineer at the studio wont let me have a cd untill i pay!!!!! im pissed i wont even bother listening to it till i have the master!:bartmoon:
[Sep 6,2003 3:36am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That bites rectum. I try to never do anything that can't be paid for immediately, creating debts is just asking for trouble in my book. Took me forever to pay off my share of the last demo we did, but there were plenty of circumstances involved.
[Sep 6,2003 4:19am - 13winters ""]
That's why I went out and used the money I would have for a studio and built this high end pc with a mix board built into the chasis. It's great cause we can spend weeks mixing our shit, take our time and not be rushed.
[Sep 6,2003 12:12pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah but thats a whole different can of wormn...you saw my home studio i have a digital 18 track and a pc....nothing beats a quarter of a million dollar neve board with tubes and 2 inch tape and the best engineer around!!! but i do get youre point roy,hey you get any shows...i havent called anyone at all. been too buisy. i may have a hall for joshes benifit show though

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