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March 4 @ Rox's(Oxford, MA) - Sacreligion, Zircon, Kultur, Circus of Dead Squirrels

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Feb 19,2006 8:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]

21+ : $5 : $1 Drafts : 8PM

Sooooo many shows that night, this will be fun though. :doublehorns:
[Feb 20,2006 2:21pm - mcmahon ""]
ah nice, CODS - 8 bit piece of shit is one of my favorites.
[Feb 20,2006 4:28pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'm particular to zircon's "vastlands"
[Feb 21,2006 5:46pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bumpin it
[Feb 21,2006 11:19pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Somebody from Zircon asked if we could play this, we just might be able to if theres room.
[Feb 22,2006 12:09am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'll call the guy booking it tomorrow and see if it is
[Feb 22,2006 6:48pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
sent you a myspace message with the guy's number...i think you might be able to open
[Feb 22,2006 7:07pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
cool yea, just depends on the other guys
[Feb 25,2006 11:20pm - Aegathis ""]
Coffin birth is now on this, itll be Nick Avila's 1st show with us
[Feb 26,2006 4:02am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fuckin sweet
[Feb 26,2006 12:46pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bumpin it
[Feb 26,2006 11:52pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anyone going to this? you should!
[Feb 27,2006 11:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
only a couple days
[Feb 28,2006 3:38pm - Nash ""]
can't wait!
[Mar 1,2006 12:08am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
alright...i'm not partying alone in here!
[Mar 1,2006 5:20pm - ChuckNorrisNLI  ""]
Don't you forget...


In the eyes of a ranger,
The unsuspecting stranger,
Had better know the truth of wrong from right,
'Cause the eyes of a ranger are upon you,
Any wrong you do, he's gonna see,
When you're in Texas, look behind you,
'Cause that's where the rangers gonna be.
[Mar 4,2006 10:48am - Aegathis ""]
WTF show tonight people! somebody bump this thread already!
[Mar 4,2006 10:50am - dreadkill ""]
ChuckNorrisNLI said:Don't you forget...


In the eyes of a ranger,
The unsuspecting stranger,
Had better know the truth of wrong from right,
'Cause the eyes of a ranger are upon you,
Any wrong you do, he's gonna see,
When you're in Texas, look behind you,
'Cause that's where the rangers gonna be.

my band was supposed to cover that theme song a couple months ago, but noone could ever touch chuck's original rendition.
[Mar 4,2006 12:49pm - Beaver McD  ""]
[Mar 5,2006 2:22am - Tsectpathogen  ""]
Dude everone i saw played great tonight (except us) thanks to zircon for putting us on the show and somone let me use their drumstool, i forgot who, but nonethe less thanks a ton, it was a life saver. Other wise i probably would have had to use a bar stool or something like that.

hehe stool.

[Mar 5,2006 3:01am - Aegathis nli  ""]
Yea but you like the stool!!!!!!
[Mar 5,2006 3:38am - Nash ""]
You both like the stool
[Mar 5,2006 5:55am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
business or personal?
[Mar 5,2006 5:55am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
zircon and coffin birth rock my socks
[Mar 5,2006 3:11pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
my all important review..............

coffin birth - wicked young drummer. good all around DM band some really classic sounding riffs ala old death. vox where a little iffy at times.

circus of dead squirrels - total fucking mushroodhead wannabe gayness. they use programmed drums and alot of keys to the point where it is hard to tell what is synth and what the fuck the guitars and bass where actually doing. not that they where doing all that much. bunch of hot topic weiners bobbed their heads for them.

Zircon - These guys are totally fucking metal. Kick drum was too high for most of the set. I dont think the sound guy does alot of non nu metal but every band sounded good by the time they where 3/4's of the way thru. Chris ex- acephalus bass and current BOE guitars plays bass in this band.

Kulture - from what I heard online they sounded like pantera worship. Live they are just really bad. sloppy. singer sucks. drummer tries to make every beat a mosh part yet they did not know how to use a breakdown.......they had a mosh pit the whole time which says alot about the nu metal jock rock fucktards that where there.

Sacreligion - their drummer is wicked good. too bad i could not hear his kick drum at all. lots of chug riffs, more than I remember. The singer is starting to get some more dynamics to his vox, maybe it will translate to a better recording someday. really tight performance all around. maybe the most on point band of the night.

This club is pretty decent. Too bad it is not near anything accept my house.
[Mar 6,2006 10:49am - Yeti ""]
thanks for the support man. this was a good show. i like CODS despite the weirdness, but they were kind of out of place. they played between Coffin Birth and Zircon both of which are awesome. it went Coffin Birth death, CODS weird nintendo industrial thing, and Zircon ultra uber super duper death/black insanity. not a good place to throw them in.
[Mar 6,2006 12:15pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Josh_hates_you said: vox where a little iffy at times.

Couldnt agree more, i couldnt hear any vocals at all coming from any of the moniters, and it kinda hard to keep a consistant vocal performance when you have to guess how your sounding the whole time, ontop of playing guitar, haha
[Mar 6,2006 12:19pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
other than that it was our best show, good crowd and good response. Just wish it wasnt the same night that the accursed and beyond the flesh were playing!! haha Cant wait to do another show there, and play out with all the bands again
[Mar 6,2006 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
i dont know what the deal with those monitors is. it didnt even sound like they were on at the show. last time we played there it was the same thing.
[Mar 6,2006 3:52pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't think we've ever played a show with good monitors...haha

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