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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_reverend.
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[QUOTE="the_reverend:381856"][band=run_like_hell]: they weren’t really what I like in music. It reminded me of the music that you hear when playing one of those new-fangled video games. You know, the kind with a music sound track and you get to catch wicked sick aim. They played well and the crowd packed up front to see them. [band=end_it_all]: I had seen the CD release party post for them and I was intrigued cause of the bands they were playing with, mostly metal doods. Live, they were a bit more hardcore than the track russ played for me in his store. They sort of reminded me of a more metal burn in silence mixed with frozen. I kept thinking that this is how hardcore kids pay metal. The guitarist said that they were double endorsed. I’m not sure how a band that I don’t know, who I’ve not seen on many concert listings with them on it, can have an endorsement deal let alone with 2 companies. The beasts they were playing looked pretty sweet. [band=cut_throat]: the show should have be over right here. The bouncers had been stopping people from doing anything in the crowd and on stage and you can’t see CT with out all the bodies flying through the air and pile ups for the sing alongs. There were a few “beefs” between some people and the security, but for the most part it was all chill. The crowd got a little wild, but there wasn’t anything bad. There were 2 songs they played at the beginning and if you can get through those, you are set. [band=colin_of_arabia]: ok, so this set shouldn’t have happened. COA is probably just as surprised that the show didn’t end with CT as everyone else. Heck, I was surprised when nick started carrying his drums in. Same deal with CT, but when Colin tells you to respect a place, even if he’s on fire jumping through the windows, you respect the place. The crowd down there was ½ the normal Brockton crowd of faces and ½ kids from the taunton area. Their set was fun and just as charged as Brockton, but not as violent. They played a song from the 4-way 7”, I need to get myself a copy of that for WUNH.[/QUOTE]
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