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looking for an EMG (preferably HZ)

[Feb 17,2006 2:19pm - niccolai ""]
If anyone has an EMG HZ (specifically H4) laying around I'd be glad to take it off your hands.

I'm also willing to buy one off you if the price is right.

I also have an H1 I can trade towards it.
[Feb 17,2006 2:23pm - kessaris ""]
my friend Chris just got an 81/85 set to replace his HZ's. I don't know if they're H4, but they came with his woody woo zakk wylde guitar. I told him to come on talk to you
[Feb 17,2006 2:24pm - niccolai ""]
I don't need the quick conenct cables.

I just got a new LTD horizon and don't like the pickups on it so I want to put HZs in it, but I only have one h4.

If some one has an H4, I'll give them my h1 and like 20 bucks for it.
[Feb 17,2006 3:27pm - Cecchini ""]
Yea I am gonna swap out my HZs for 81/85 set in my woody woo guitar, if you feel like waiting like 2-3 weeks I'll sell them to you, I believe they are the h4 and h4a set.

I have to ask though, what is it that you like about the HZs anyway?
[Feb 17,2006 3:51pm - niccolai ""]
It's not that I like them alot, but I need to switch the pickups out of this guitar because they suck, and I don't have the money for an active 81/81 combo, so I figure if I just pick up another HZ4 it will carry me over for a while. I already have one HZ 4 and the wires.

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