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we need a bass player and another guitar

[Feb 9,2006 12:57pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
small sample of one of our songs: www.soulremnants.net. It will sound a lot better with a bass and some harmonizing sickness. Post if you are interested, or email me or whatever. You need to be willing to come down at least 2x a week, we usually practice 3x, and do some homework also. we're black death melodic grind I guess, if your into labeling things. Influences: death, slayer, pantera, decapitated, zappa, morbid angel, dissection, opeth, early cannible corpse, bunch of other stuff. We have 5 original songs, do a couple random covers when we feel like it. Probably get going with shows by the summer, record around then too, as long we get a bass by then.
[Feb 9,2006 10:30pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
bump bitches!! Help em out.
[Feb 10,2006 5:55pm - idont'ownamac  ""]
Age? Location? Etc.
[Feb 10,2006 6:03pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
age 21-26. Jamspace in Littleton MA, about 50m from Boston.
[Feb 13,2006 2:19pm - mangled44  ""]
24, 9 years bass experience, professional equipment, own transportation. I'm very intrested
[Feb 13,2006 2:21pm - Hacksaw Jim Duggan  ""]
I stole a Fender Squire Bass from my high school I like all those bands...I played bass in jazz band. However I'm not really interested, sorry for wasting everyone's time
[Feb 13,2006 3:12pm - SPALDINO  ""]
Hacksaw Jim Duggan said:I stole a Fender Squire Bass from my high school I like all those bands...I played bass in jazz band. However I'm not really interested, sorry for wasting everyone's time

[Feb 13,2006 4:08pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
tree fucker?
[Feb 16,2006 12:10pm - Smeagol  ""]
holy shit, the band is insane.. that little clip sounded like fucking DEATH!
if i was in the area i would join for sure.. good luck

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